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National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence

The National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence was established by the Attorney General to maximize the value of forensic DNA evidence in the criminal justice system.

After reading Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science: Case Studies in the Use of DNA Evidence to Establish Innocence After Trial, the Attorney General directed the National Institute of Justice to establish and administer a commission. The purpose of the National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence was to provide the Attorney General with recommendations on the use of current and future DNA methods, applications and technologies in the operation of the criminal justice system, from the crime scene to the courtroom. The Commission held its first meeting on March 18, 1998.

Over the course of its charter, the Commission reviewed critical policy issues regarding DNA evidence and provided recommended courses of action to improve its use as a tool of investigation and adjudication in criminal cases.

The Commission addressed issues in five specific areas: (1) the use of DNA in post-conviction relief cases- view published report, (2) legal concerns including Daubert challenges and the scope of discovery in DNA cases, (3) criteria for training and technical assistance for criminal justice professionals involved in the identification, collection and preservation of DNA evidence at the crime scene- view published pamphlet, (4) essential laboratory capabilities in the face of emerging technologies, and (5) the impact of future technological developments on the use of DNA in the criminal justice system - view published report. Each topic was the focus of in-depth analysis by separate working groups comprised of prominent professionals who reported back to the Commission.

Date Entered: November 13, 2007