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Freedom Of Information Act


Under the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), all federal agencies are required to make available on the Internet, any records that have been disclosed in response to a FOIA request and which the agency determines have become or are likely to become the subject of subsequent requests. OSHA is providing information listed below in compliance with the law.
FOIA Responses:

  • 12,500 High Rate Workplaces Receiving OSHA Letters

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has identified and sent letters to 12,500 workplaces with the highest occupational injury and illness rates and is urging the employers to take action to remove hazards causing the high rates.

    The employers are those whose establishments reported the highest "lost workday injury and illness" rates to OSHA in a survey of 1997 injury and illness data covering 80,000 workplaces. For every 100 full-time workers, the 12,500 employers had eight or more injuries or illnesses which resulted in lost work days. The national average is 3.3.

    The letter encourages employers to consider hiring an outside safety and health consultant, talking with their insurance carrier, or contacting the workers' compensation agency in their state for advice. An excellent way for employers with 250 or fewer workers to address safety and health is to ask for assistance from OSHA's on-site consultation program. The consultation program is administered by state agencies and operated separately from OSHA's inspection program. The service is free, and there are no fines even if problems are found.

    The letter tells the employer where the OSHA consultation program in that state may be contacted.

Data Base

The file inside the archive is a dBASE (.dbf) database file.
File Type File Name/Size Special Notes - PLEASE READ
dBASE Format
Recommended - Original Data Format

In order to open the .ZIP Archive, you must have a ZIP Utility, such as PKZip® or WINZip®. If you do not have one of these programs, please download the self-extracting (.exe) version.
Click RIGHT Mouse Button to 426K ZIP Archive
highrate.exe 456K Self-Extracting ZIP
The Uncompressed DBF = 1,789K

Right-Click (Use The Right Mouse Button) On This Link:
Netscape users: Save Link As
Microsoft users: Save Target As

Save the file to any local drive with sufficient space and with any name you desire, as long as you give it the ".dbf" file extension.
You may use virtually any spreadsheet or database program to load this file. Simply select "dBASE" or ".dbf" as the file type when loading it into your application.
Here are a few examples of the more common applications you can use:

Lotus 1-2-3 or Approach
Microsoft Access, Excel or Works
WordPerfect Paradox or Quattro Pro
dBASE III or any other compatible application which can import "dBASE" files
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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210