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Freedom Of Information Act


Under the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), all federal agencies are required to make available on the Internet, any records that have been disclosed in response to a FOIA request and which the agency determines have become or are likely to become the subject of subsequent requests. OSHA is providing information listed below in compliance with the law.

FOIA Responses:

  • Cooperative Compliance Program Data Base

    On December 5, 1997, OSHA invited approximately 12,000 employers to join the Cooperative Compliance Program, a voluntary partnership designed to help those with the highest injury and illness rates reduce the hazards in their workplaces. The program in now on hold pending a legal challenge. This is the list of employers invited to join. It has been requested several times under the Freedom of Information Act and is likely to be the subject of additional requests. No effort has been made to further verify, correct, update or in any way change the information contained on the original list.

Source File = IBM dBASE III

This file cannot be viewed directly inside your web browser...
File Type File Name/Size Special Notes - PLEASE READ
dBASE Format
Recommended - Original Data Format

In order to open the .ZIP Archive, you must have a ZIP Utility, such as PKZip® or WINZip®. If you do not have one of these programs, please download the self-extracting (.exe) version.
Click RIGHT Mouse Button to 405K Zip Archive
coopcomp.exe 435K Self-Extracting ZIP
The Uncompressed DBF = 1,845K

Right-Click (Use The Right Mouse Button) On This Link:
Netscape users: Save Link As
Microsoft users: Save Target As

Save the file to any local drive with sufficient space and with any name you desire, as long as you give it the ".dbf" file extension.
You may use virtually any spreadsheet or database program to load this file. Simply select "dBASE" or ".dbf" as the type when loading the file into your application.

NOTE: Depending upon your application, you may need to install an additional .dbf file import filter - check with the software vendor if you have any questions.

Here are a few examples of the more common applications you can use:

Lotus Approach Database or 1-2-3 Spreadsheet
Microsoft Access Database or Excel Spreadsheet
WordPerfect Paradox or Quattro Pro Databases
IBM dBASE III or any other compatible RDBMS application which can import "dBASE" files, such as Informix, Oracle, Unify, etc.
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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210