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29 April 2008

Former Soccer Star Henderson Discusses Positive Effects of Sports

Ask America webchat transcript, April 29


Eddie Henderson, retired U.S. soccer player and current state technical director of coaching education and player development for Nevada Youth Soccer, answered questions about soccer and his work with underprivileged communities in an April 29 Ask America webchat.

Following is the transcript:

(begin transcript)

Bureau of International Information Programs
Ask America Webchat Transcript

Guest:     Eddie Henderson
Date:      April 29, 2008
Time:      10:00 a.m. EDT (1400 GMT)

Moderator: Welcome to our webchat! The live webchat will take place today beginning at 10:00 EDT/14:00 GMT. You may begin submitting your questions now.

Moderator: Hello everyone! We'll be getting started in just a few minutes.

Eddie Henderson: Hello, everyone! Good Morning! I am happy to be able to chat to everyone today! My back ground in the game is very extensive! I played professionally for 11 years, and played for the US U-17, U-18 and U-20 National team! Currently, I am the Nevada Youth Soccer State Technical Director of Coaching Education and Player Development.

We work with players from all levels, from competitive to recreational to players that are socially economically disadvantaged, to players with physical and mental disabilities! I look forward to our chat today and hope you all enjoy it!

Question [baloch]: How do you work in underprivileged communities to raise awareness against negative conducts? How are sports and healthy activities meaningful and how do they promote hard work?

Answer [Eddie Henderson]: Basically, we target areas that socially and economically are underprivileged. We go into those areas and usually offer some sort of soccer experience through educational classes and soccer clinics.

We show the children that through soccer they can have a positive impact in their communities and that the game of soccer can prepare them for many of life's challenges that they will face. We believe that the game teaches more than just the sport, it can teach life lessons that will help these kids further down the road in life.

Q [Chat Participant]: Hello. Tell me please what work you do for youth in football?

A [Eddie Henderson]: My area concentrates on three main areas! 1.) Player development 2.) Player Education and 3.) Coaching Education. Number three is very important because the more coaches we affect, the greater number of players we can affect!

Q [Chat Participant]: Sir, football is a beautiful game around entire world. Why doesn't football rise as a popular sport in USA?

A [Eddie Henderson]: This is a very good question and I think there are a few answers to that question! First, the game of football is still very new to this country! Our very first professional league only happened less than 50 years ago!

Since then, our country has experienced the rise and fall of many different leagues! I myself played in three different leagues during my career! The other reason is that football is and was new to many Americans! Because most Americans did not grow up with the game, many did not understand and thus take to the sport!

Finally, the third and main reason is that there are other major sports in this country that our "American Past Times" including American Football, Base Ball, and Basketball! However, the new league, MLS I think will take the sport of football to another level in our country! We are getting better!

Q [Josip]: Hi Mr. Henderson. How was your trip to Peru? Was it your first time? Where else have you traveled?

A [Eddie Henderson]: My trip to Peru was very good! This was my first time to Peru, but I had previously been to South America, including Chile, Argentina and Brazil! Outside of those countries I have also traveled to France, England, Italy, Trinidad, Mexico and a few other countries!

Q [Chat Participant]: How can you affect children using sports?

A [Eddie Henderson]: Life sometimes involves competition! We compete for jobs, work, and a better life! Through sports, children can learn about setting goals and accomplishing goals! They will many times deal with adversity!

Sports offer many challenges and put the children through many types of adversity! They learn about team work and contributing in an environment where 11 players on the field must work together to reach a common goal! Football can teach these things, as well as other sports!

Q [YRS]: Sir, what is the future for women football players in Asia and particularly in Pakistan? Is FIFA doing any thing about it?

A [Eddie Henderson]: I am not too familiar with Football in Pakistan, but I do know that in Parts of Asia the game is doing very well, especially in China and Japan! The women's game has definitely come into its own existence and I think will continue to grow!

I think one thing that needs to be understood is the dynamic of women's sports in some countries, especially Football! In some countries it will take more time to grow as countries and communities began to accept the thought of women playing a sport that has been until recently, dominated by men!

Moderator: features a new e-journal on Olympic sports. To view it please visit:

Q [Chat Participant]: How many football programs do you help run in the USA?

A [Eddie Henderson]: Currently, I am the Technical Director for the State of Nevada! I oversee the development of over 14,000 players and 5,000 coaches! In additional to that, I also do work for the Region, Region IV.

Because of the size of the United States, the country is divided into 4 Regions! Region, I, II, III and IV. Region IV is the West Coast Region that includes all of the States in that Region including Hawaii and Alaska. In Region IV, I work with the Olympic Development program to identify the top players in Our Region to go and compete with the other three Regions in the hopes of moving onto the US National or Olympic teams!

Lastly, I am on the National Instructional Staff the US Youth Soccer in which I mainly help teach Educational Courses on Football through out the country!

Moderator: If you are just joining us welcome. If you would like to introduce yourself to our global audience please select "comment". Tell us who you are and where you are joining us from.

Q [Chat Participant]: I'm interested to learn about soccer for children with physical or mental disability. How do you help these children to play?

A [Eddie Henderson]: We have a program called "Top Soccer". All of the children suffer from some form of either mental or physical handicap. What we do in our state and what is done in many of the other states with Top soccer programs is we have a buddy system. We get players, usually 16 years of age and older to assist each player on the field!

Second we modify the rules so all children can participate. For example, for the children in wheel chairs sometimes we allow them to hold the ball with them in the chair to "dribble" or move with the ball!

Sometime we use an over sized ball, that can 5 times bigger than a normal size ball! This allows the players the play the ball much easier with a larger ball than a larger one! Probably the most significant is the fact we play with smaller numbers; 5 versus 5 or 6 versus 6. We basically modify the rules that fit the participants and the handicap they may have!

Comment [GG]: Hi, I am GG from Belgium.

Q [Chat Participant]: You mentioned the rise of women in the sport. It is true that the US women's team is dominant in international play? Does the US public know this? Do you work with girls to play?

A [Eddie Henderson]: I would say that the US women are still in the top 5 countries in the World, but are not as dominant as they once were 10 years ago! I think the last Women's World Cup proved that many countries have gotten better, especially the Brazilians and the Germans!

The US public is well aware of women's dominance every since the 1999 Women's World Cup, in which the USA won on American Soil. We saw a 40% rise in the number of young female players after that world cup!

I do work with female players, and our goal is to raise the level of our female players as it is apparent that the rest of the world is catching up!

Q [GG]: You played professionally? With what teams?

A [Eddie Henderson]: Seattle Storm (now the Seattle Sounders) of the A.P.S.L, San Diego Sockers, M.I.S.L, Milwaukee Wave N.P.S.L and the Wichita Wings of the M.S.L.

Moderator: also features a sports webpage. To view it please visit:

Q [YRS]: Outdoor sports activities for women are not very encouraging in our part of the world. What measures should we adopt to improve this situation for football?

A [Eddie Henderson]: I believe it has to do with awareness and education; awareness in the fact that all children should be involved in some type of "play" or "sports"! It is healthy for them and should not just be for boys.

Education in the fact that we have to educate those who do not believe that females should not compete in sports competition. There are many studies that show that "sport" or some type of physical activity is important for all young people, both boys and girls! And the women have a right to play too!

Q [GG]: Why don't you contact David Beckham, and use him as a recruiter to the game? After all he's in your region!

Comment [Chat Participant]: I am Menahil, 14 years old and I play football for a club known as "Young Rising Stars" football club in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. My interest in the game and your unique experience brought me to this chat room. Thank you.

Comment [GG]: Many American investors are buying up English football clubs and there are trans-atlantic leagues starting.

A [Eddie Henderson]: The game is growing in popularity in the United States! Many American investors are investing in football teams around the world as well as the United States! Games are now televised on a regular basis and this bringing the game to the American public.

As for David, he will do much for promoting the game here in the US! He does public appearances all the time, and his presence has help bring more interest and awareness to the game in the United States.

Q [YRS]: Sir, are there any suggestions for the new-comers in this game through your life time experience?

A [Eddie Henderson]: Embrace the game! It is great teacher on and off the field. Many who come into contact with football become very passionate about the game! I love the game of football and it has done a lot for me in life! I grew up with 18 kids in my family and I was the smallest and the youngest of 12 boys! Football was the great equalizer for me!

Even though I was small, I was a giant on the field! I was the only one of the boys who went onto play professionally! That is what football did for me! It made me realize that you can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it, even against great odds!

Q [Chat Participant]: How do you know that kids are staying out of crime?

A [Eddie Henderson]: The areas that we target are areas known for crime and violence! Many of the kids are at risk for gangs and violence! We don't know for sure, because no one has any hard data or tracks these kids, but I do know one thing for sure, every afternoon and evening when I see these kids, I know they are with me playing the beautiful game and are not getting into any trouble! The longer I can keep them involved, and then I know that eventually they realize there are other alternatives to the trouble they might get into!

Comment [GG]: The reason I mentioned David is that he heads-up the Camp for English youth football for the National Team! And he continued doing it in Spain with Real Madrid.

Q [GG]: Rodinio is leaving Barcelona! Do you see him heading to the states?

A [Eddie Henderson]: There has been some talk about that! Because of his high profile as a player, I could see something like that happening! As for now, he would cost a lot of money, money that some clubs are not ready pay.....yet! But for now, I think he will stay in Europe!

Eddie Henderson: David Beckham has started a camp here as well! They run in summer! Thus far they have done very well!


Comment [GG]: The Africa Cup was great to bad for Seraleno, as I support Dragba.

Comment [GG]: Locally I support RC Genk!

Q [YRS]: Sir at what position did you play and at which position would you suggest to a player with slower foot work play?

A [Eddie Henderson]: I played in the mid-field on the outside! I was a very fast as a player and players who play in the wide position need to have speed! For a new player, much of it depends on system of play! But in general, I would suggest somewhere that does not require the player to cover a lot of ground or area.

Now, if you mean "slower foot work play" as in, they are less technical, then I would suggest somewhere in defense. We have a saying in Football, "It is much easier to destroy then create" If a player is less technical, the defense might be better suited for them, as playing as an attacker takes technique, skill and creativity!

Eddie Henderson: In closing I want to thank all of the participants for taking time out of your day to join this chat! I enjoyed it very much! I hope that was able to answer all of your questions and I hope you all enjoyed the chat as much as I did!

I hope you all continue to enjoy the "Beautiful Game" as much as I do and will! If you have any other questions or comments, visit our website at and you can find contact information for me!

Thank You!

Eddie Henderson
Nevada Youth Soccer
State Technical Director
Region IV ODP
National Instructional Staff

Moderator: We wish to thank Eddie Henderson for joining us today. The webchat is now closed. We hope you will understand that there were many questions coming in. He may not have been able to answer your direct question, but please check the transcript for similar questions. A full transcript of today's webchat will be published (usually within one business day) to our Ask America homepage.

(Speakers are chosen for their expertise and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of State.)

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(Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site:

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