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CIA Unveils New Web Site

On Monday, May 14, 2007, the CIA unveiled its newly designed public Web site: The new site is an extension of the CIA’s social contract with the American people.

“The new site reaffirms the CIA’s commitment to share as much information as we can with the American people,” said Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Gen. Michael V. Hayden. “From its improved appearance to more user friendly features, I am confident that visitors to the updated Web site will like what they see.”

In addition to a new look and feel, the redesigned introduces a variety of interactive features – including videos and virtual tours – and revamped, updated and improved content.

Key changes include: 

  • Updated look and feel
  • Consistent navigation throughout the site
  • A movie on the homepage that easily and quickly details who we are and what we do
  • Virtual tours of CIA Headquarters and the CIA Museum
  • Additional interactive presentations, including a piece on the enigmatic Kryptos sculpture and pieces on the Careers page
  • A Quick Links section on the homepage to ensure visitors easy access to the most popular areas of
  • A Featured Story on the homepage that will showcase various aspects of the Agency, as well as historical articles (A Look Back …), press releases, and interesting stories
  • Revamped, reviewed and updated content

The new site is divided into seven distinct categories: About CIA, Careers, Offices of CIA, News & Information, Library, Kids’ Page and Contact CIA.

  • About CIA – Provides information on today’s CIA, the history of the CIA, the leadership of the CIA, virtual tours of CIA Headquarters and the CIA Museum, our “Strategic Intent” plan, site policies, and the Agency’s Vision, Mission and Values
  • Careers  – Provides information on careers, life at the CIA, diversity, student opportunities and military transition
  • Offices of CIA – Highlights each of the directorates and many of the Agency’s independent offices, including the offices of the General Council, Public Affairs and Equal Employment Opportunity
  • News & Information – Provides press releases and statements, speeches and testimony, CIA & The War on Terrorism, What’s New on and the Featured Story archive
  • Library – Provides our key publications, including The World Factbook and World Leaders (Chiefs of State), as well as the Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, Center for the Study of Intelligence (which includes the popular Studies in Intelligence, Books and Monographs, and the Index of Declassified Articles), Kent Center Occasional Papers, and Reports
  • Kids’ Page – An educational resource for parents, teachers and children; provides a simple overview on intelligence and the CIA, lesson plans for teachers, resources for parents, and games
  • Contact CIA – Provides details on how to contact the Central Intelligence Agency

The CIA plans to continuously enhance As new features are added, the CIA Web team will post articles in the Featured Story section describing the changes. - New Web Site:

New homepage

Take an unprecedented look inside the CIA through our Headquarters Virtual Tour:

headquarters tour


The CIA Museum is not open to the public, but through our CIA Museum Tour, you can learn about some of the most intriguing artifacts from CIA’s history:
 museum virtual tour - Former Web Site:

Former homepage



Historical Document
Posted: May 10, 2007 11:00 PM
Last Updated: Jun 20, 2008 09:05 AM
Last Reviewed: May 10, 2007 11:00 PM

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