USDA Forest Service

Logo of the FERA research teamFire and Environmental Research Applications Team


Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team
Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory

400 N 34th Street, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98103

(206) 732-7800

Logo of the Pacific Northwest Research Station

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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The Fuel Characteristic Classification System

Picture of the FCCS opening screen

The ongoing development of more sophisticated fire behavior and fire effects software along with the implementation of wildland fire emission inventory and large landscape fuel and carbon assessments has demonstrated the need for a comprehensive software system to build, characterize, and classify fuelbeds to accurately capture the structural complexity and geographical diversity of fuel components across landscapes and provide the ability to assess elements of human (e.g. logging slash) and natural (e.g. insect and disease) change.

The Fire and Environmental Research Applications team (FERA) of the Pacific Northwest Research Station Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory, U.S Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, has developed a National System of Fuel Characteristic Classification (FCCS) to accommodate this need.

The system offers consistently organized fuels data along with numerical inputs to fire behavior, fire effects, and dynamic vegetation models.

  • Users can access a fuelbed from the national fuelbed database within the FCCS that was compiled from published, unpublished literature, fuels photo series, fuels data sets and expert opinion or modify existing descriptions with enhanced information to create a set of fuelbeds to represent a particular scale of interest.
  • When the user has completed editing the fuelbed data, FCCS reports the assigned and calculated fuel characteristics for each existing fuelbed component including the trees, shrubs, grasses, woody fuels, litter, and duff.
  • The system also calculates a surface fire behavior, crown fire, and available fuel potential index between 0- 9 for each FCCS National or customized fuelbed. These FCCS fire potentials facilitate communication among users and provide an index representation of the intrinsic capacity of each fuelbed for surface fire behavior, crown fire and available consumption of fuels.

FCCS v 1.1 contains the following modifications:

  1. The program now reports predicted surface fire behavior, including reaction intensity (BTU ft-2 min-1), flame length(ft), and rate of spread (ft min-1), under benchmark environmental conditions. Benchmark environmental conditions are:
    • 0% slope
    • 4 mph windspeed
    • Dry fuel conditions (D2L2 moisture scenario after Andrews et al. 2005).
  2. Using a dry fuel moisture scenario (D2L2), FCCS suggests crosswalks
    from reported fuelbeds to the original 13 surface fire behavior fuel models
    and the 40 standard fuel models (Scott and Burgan 2005).
  3. The FCCS webpage now includes references in. pdf format for each of the
    FCCS fuelbeds.

FCCS v. 2.0 is expected to be released by September 30, 2008 and will allow users to enter environmental variables such as moisture, in addtion to other enhancements.

Team Lead: Roger Ottmar


U.S. Forest Service - PNW- FERA
Last Modified: Monday, 11 August 2008 at 12:16:08 EDT

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