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Who has served the longest term of service in the House? Who currently holds this distinction?

The Honorable Jamie Whitten of Mississippi served 53 years, 2 months starting November 4, 1941 and ending January 3, 1995. Representative John Dingell of Michigan is the dean of the House, having served 52 years beginning his service on December 13, 1955 and serving to the present day.

Who are the Representatives who are retiring or leaving?

Charlie Norwood, R-GA02/13/2007
Juanita Millender-McDonald, D-CA 04/22/2007
Paul Gillmor, R-OH09/05/2007
Jo Ann Davis, R-VA10/06/2007
Julia Carson, D-IN12/15/2007
Tom Lantos, D-CA02/11/2008

Martin Meehan, D-MA

Dennis Hastert, R-IL11/26/2007
Roger Wicker, R-MS12/31/2007
Bobby Jindal, R-LA01/14/2008
Richard Baker, R-LA02/02/2008
Albert Wynn, D-MD
Running for Senate
Tom Allen, D-METom Udall, D-NM
Mark Udall, D-CO
Steve Pearce, R-NM
Chris Cannon, R-UTJim McCrery, R-LA
Bud Cramer, D-ALMike McNulty, D-NY
Barbara Cubin, R-WYJohn Peterson, R-PA
David Davis, R-TN
Chip Pickering, R-MS
Tom Davis, R-VA
Deborah Pryce, R-OH
John Doolittle, R-CA
Jim Ramstad, R-MN
Terry Everett, R-AL
Ralph Regula, R-OH
Mike Ferguson, R-NJ
Rick Renzi, R-AZ
Vito Fossella, R-NY
Tom Reynolds, R-NY
Wayne Gichrest, R-MD
Jim Saxton, R-NJ
David Hobson, R-OH
Tom Tancredo,R-NY
Darlene Hooley, D-OR
Jim Walsh, R-NY
Duncan Hunter, R-CA
Dave Weldon, R-FL
Ray LaHood, R-IL
Jerry Weller, R-IL
Ron Lewis, R-KY

What are the previous occupations of Representatives of the 110th Congress?

Public Service/Politics is the predominate occupation in the 110th Congress followed by business and law.

110th Member Occupations DRTotal
Public Service 166 154 320
Law 94 65 159
Business 6088 148
Military 42 62 104
Education 572885
Medicine 4 8 12
Law Enforcement62 8
Clergy 3 2 5

Notes: Some members have had more than one occupation. These totals are subject to the interpretation of compiler.

What is the average educational background of Representatives?

At least, the Members of the 110th Congress hold the following degrees:

Bachelor’s Degree: 399
Law Degree: 179
Master’s Degree: 124
No Secondary Degree: 31
Doctoral Degree: 22
Medical Degree: 12
Military Academies: 3

Who are the youngest and the oldest Representatives of the 110th Congress?

Patrick T. McHenry, R-NC 10/22/1975
Adam Putnam, R-FL 07/31/1974
Devin Nunes, R-CA 10/01/1973
Christopher Murphy, D-CT 08/03/1973
Dan Boren, D-OK 08/03/1973
Tim Ryan, D-OH 07/16/1973
Heath Shuler, D-NC 12/31/1971
Bobby Jindal, R-LA 06/10/1971
Adrian Smith, R-NE 12/19/1970
 Ralph Hall, R-TX  05/03/1923
 Ralph Regula, R-OH  12/03/1924
 Roscoe Bartlett, R-MD  06/03/1926
 John Dingell, D-MI  06/03/1926
 John Conyers, D-MI  02/01/1928
 Louise Slaughter, D-NY  08/14/1929
 Dale Kildee, D-MI  09/16/1929
 Charles Rangel, D-NY  06/11/1930
 Sam Johnson, R-TX  10/11/1930

How many Representatives have received nationally prestigious scholarships?

Three Representatives are Rhodes Scholars; 2 Representatives are Fullbright Scholars; and 1 is a Marshall Scholar.

Rhodes Scholars  Fullbright Scholars
Rep. Tom Allen, D-ME Rep. Tom Cole, R-OK
Rep. Jim Cooper, D-TN Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-AZ
Rep. Heather Wilson, R-NM  
  Marshall Scholar

Rep. John Spratt, R-SC


How many Representatives are veterans of military service?

One hundred and six Representatives have served or are currently serving in the military.

How many current Members of Congress have received the Purple Heart? Who are the Representatives that have been awarded the Purple Heart?

Eleven Members currently serving in the 110th Congress have received the Purple Heart. Six Representatives are recipients of the Purple Heart.

Rep. John Murtha, D-PA Rep. Sam Johnson, R-TX
Rep. Charles Rangel, D-NY Rep. Wayne Gilchrest, R-MD
Rep. Jim Marshall, D-GA Rep. Mike Thompson, D-CA

Which Representatives have children who have served in the Iraq War?

Rep. Todd Akin, R- MO Perry Akin US Marine Corps
Rep. JoAnn Emerson, R-MO Jessica Gladney US Army
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA Duncan Duane Hunter US Marine Corps
Rep. John Kline, R-MN John Daniel Kline US Army
Rep. Joe Wilson, R-SC Alan Wilson S.C. National Guard
Rep. Ilena Ros-Lehtinen, R-FL L. Nelson Lehtinen US Marine Corps
Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, D-CA Guy Mark Allard US Army

Who are the freshman House Members serving in the 110th Congress?

1. Harry Mitchell (5) AZ18. John Yarmuth (3) KY35. Chris Carney (10) PA
2. Gabrielle Giffords (8) AZ19. John Sarbanes (3) MD36. Steve Cohen (9) TN
3. Jerry McNerny (11) CA20. Tim Walz (1) MN37. Nick Lampson (22) TX
4. Ed Perlmutter (7) CO21. Keith Ellison (5) MN38. Peter Welch (At Large) VT
5. Chris Murphy (5) CT22. Carol Shea-Porter (1) NH39. Steve Kagen (8) WI
6. Kathy Castor (11) FL23. Paul Hodes (2) NH40. Patrick Murphy (8) PA
7. Tim Mahoney (16) FL24. Albio Sires (13) NJ41. Joe Courtney (2) CT
8. Ron Klein (22) FL25. Yvette D. Clarke (11) NY42. Ciro Rodriguez (23) TX
9. Hank Johnson (4) GA26. John Hall (19) NY43. Laura Richardson (37)CA
10. Mazie Hirono (2) HI27. Kristin Gillibrand (20) NY44. Niki Tsongas (5) MA
11. Phil Hare (17) IL28. Mike Arcuri (24) NY45. Bill Foster (14) IL
12. Joe Donnelly (2) IN29. Heath Shuler (11) NC46. Andre Carson (7) IN
13. Brad Ellsworth (8) IN30. Charlie Wilson (6) OH47. Jackie Speier (12)CA
14. Baron Hill (9) IN31. Betty Sutton (13) OH48. Don Cazayoux (6) LA
15. Bruce Braley (1) IA32. Zack Space (18) OH49. Travis Childers (1) MS
16. Dave Leobsack (2) IA33. Jason Altmire (4) PA50. Dona Edwards (4) MD
17. Nancy Boyda (2) KS34. Joe Sestak (7) PA

1. Kevin McCarthy (22) CA7. Tim Walberg (7) MI13. David Davis (1) TN
2. Doug Lamborn (5) CO8. Michele Bachmann (6) MN14. Paul Broun (10) GA
3. Gus Bilirakis (9) FL9. Adrian Smith (3) NE15. Robert Wittman (1) VA
4. Vern Buchanan (13) FL10. Dean Heller (2) NV16. Robert Latta (5) OH
5. Bill Sali (1) ND11. Jim Jordan (4) OH17. Steve Scalise (1) LA
6. Peter Roskam (6) IL12. Mary Fallin (5) OK

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