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Glossary - HHS Grants Forecast

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Agency Forecast ID No. - A number assigned to an HHS agency grant on this site which is used only for administrative purposes.

Agency/Sub-Agency - HHS is comprised of Operating Divisions or OPDIVs and the Office of the Secretary which has several Staff Divisions or STAFFDIVs. The HHS OPDIVs are as follows:

  • Administration on Aging (AoA)
  • Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
  • Indian Health Service (IHS)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

The Office of the Secretary STAFFDIVs that offers grants are:

  • Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of Public Health and Science (OS/ASH/OPHS)
  • Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (OS/ASPR), whose grants are administered by OPHS

Announcement No. – The number assigned by the HHS awarding agency to identify a specific program announcement.

Beneficiaries – The targeted populations or types of people that the will benefit from the proposed activities of the grant program.

CFDA – Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.  Available at, the CFDA is an online database of all federal programs. The CFDA number refers to a unique identifier for a grant program that enables you to locate the program in and the HHS Grants Forecast.  Every federal funding opportunity announcement must include a CFDA number.  The CFDA Web site is searchable by functional areas and subcategories.  The HHS Grants Forecast has modeled its search criteria based on the CFDA functional areas, also known as categories and up to three respective subcategories, to assist prospective applicants in locating programs that fit their interests and needs.  

Competition Type – Types are: New Competition (N), Competing Continuation (CC), or Mandatory Program (M).  A competition is the process in which applications undergo an objective review; the applications are evaluated against established review criteria and scored and rated accordingly.  The type of competition will inform a prospective applicant as to whether the competition is open to new applicants, such as a New Competition.  Competing Continuation competitions are only open to existing grantees.  Mandatory grant programs are those that a federal agency is required by statute to award if the recipients meet the eligibility and compliance requirements of the statute and regulations. The amount of the award is usually determined by multiplying a fixed amount of money with a mathematical index. The index is usually a measure of need based on such factors as population, per capita income, and various program-specific factors. Mandatory grants are typically awarded to state governments and sometimes other entities. 

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Eligible Entities – Details the types of organizations that are eligible to apply for a specific program announcement.  Types of organizations include state, local and tribal governments and educational organizations, non- and for-profit organizations, small businesses, and, in come cases, individuals. Only applicants that are eligible for a grant program will be considered during the grant review process.

Estimated Annual Maximum Award – The highest estimated amount to be funded annually.

Estimated Annual Minimum Award – The lowest estimated amount to be funded annually. 

Estimated Application Deadline – The projected application deadline date.

Estimated Award Date - The date the government expects to make award(s).

Estimated Number of Awards – The number of awards the awarding agency anticipates funding.

Estimated Posting Date – The date HHS expects to post the announcement on

Estimated Start Date – Estimated start date of the award(s).

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Keyword – Each grant record has been coded with up to three words or phrases that describe the forecasted opportunity in an effort to assist in the search process.  See Keyword list for a complete summary of the codes used throughout the Forecast. 

New Funding Opportunity – A designation of Y (yes) or N (no) to inform the user on whether or not this is a brand new funding opportunity or a newly funded program.  This may be the first time this program has been offered by HHS. 

OPDIV– HHS is comprised of 11 agencies (called Operating Divisions or OPDIVs) and the Office of the Secretary (OS), which is comprised of many Staff Divisions (STAFFDIVs).  You may find this terminology in grant announcements or while working with an HHS agency.

Program Contact – Program Contact information includes the Name of the official contact person in the funding opportunity announcement and that person’s phone Number and Email address.  Questions about the program announcement’s purpose or proposed activities should be directed to the Program Contact.

Program Title – Anticipated title of the funding opportunity announcement.  The title associated with the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance description may be used.

Single Source/Limited Competition – Competition is SS for Single Source, LC for Limited Competition, or N/A for not applicable. Although HHS encourages open grant competitions, Congress or an agency may determine that a single organization – or type of organization – is the best resource for the public service activity, a grant may be awarded as without competition.

Subdivision – An administration, bureau, office or division within an OPDIV.

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