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Renewable Energy

  • Biomass
    Biomass consists of growing plants or the remains of growing things. Examples include trees, grasses, algae, ocean plants, agricultural and food processing wastes, manure, and even garbage.
  • Geothermal
    Geothermal energy is the natural heat of the earth, found near areas where volcanic activity has taken place.
  • Hydropower
    Water flowing in streams or through pipes can be used to produce electricity.
  • Ocean Thermal Energy
    Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) uses the difference in temperature between the warm surface of the ocean and the cold ocean depths.
  • Solar
    Energy from the sun is commonly used to heat water (this is called a "solar thermal" system) and to produce electricity (this is called a "photovoltaic" system).
  • Wave
    Energy from ocean waves, tides, or currents can be used to produce electricity.
  • Wind
    Energy from the wind can be used to produce electricity.
  • A Catalog of Potential Sites for Renewable Energy in Hawaii
    December 2006. Report by Global Energy Concepts. Prepared for the State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources and Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, in response to Act 95, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004.
  • How is electricity produced?
    Magnet plus wire plus motion equals electricity.