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Energy from ocean waves, tides, or currents can be used to produce electricity.

Use of Wave Energy in Hawaii

Hawaii's ocean energy potential is significant.  Inventors and researchers worldwide are developing devices to convert the energy found in waves and ocean currents into electricity.

The testing and development of one type of wave energy device (Ocean Power Technologies) has been taking place in waters off Oahu's windward coast, near Kaneohe Marine Base, since 2004.  

A 2.6 Megawatt Oceanlinx wave energy project has been announced for Maui.  Articles:

Other wave energy developers are also interested in projects in Hawaii. 


Complete list of on-line publications
Current; includes reports on renewables in general, and renewable portfolio standards, which include wave.

Presentation, "The Hawaii Wave Energy Opportunity," from the 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2007), by M.H. Kaya, M. Anderson, and A.T. Gill.  

Draft Summary of Permits & Permitting Processes (October 2006):

Three documents describe Hawaii's resource and assess feasibility of wave energy projects:

Links to Federal Information

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) website:

Last modified 02-29-2008 08:36 AM