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DBEDT Online Library Catalog

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  • Enter search terms to locate records in which ALL terms occur; e.g. health children welfare  .
  • Enter OR between terms to locate records in which ANY of the terms occur; e.g. elderly OR aged OR senior* .
  • Enter NOT between search terms to locate records with one term but not the other; e.g. tax* NOT excise  .
  • Enter stem words with truncation symbol,*; e.g. legis* will locate legislate and legislature and legislation, etc.
  • Enter phrases and adjacent words within quotations, " "; e.g. "School to work" or "insanity defense"   .
  • Individual fields can be searched together with a date or keywords; e.g. 1996 and (title.flat), or (correction* or prison*) and (author.claveria).
  • Words may be entered in upper or lower case
Last modified 11-21-2005 03:43 PM