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Environmental Documents 

Final Environmental Impact Statement
city of Albuquerque Drinking Water Project

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Albuquerque Area Office (Reclamation) and the City of Albuquerque (City) have jointly prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the City of Albuquerque Drinking Water Project. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is a cooperating agency. The Drinking Water Project is the main component of the Albuquerque Water Resources Management Strategy, adopted by the City Council, which aims to efficiently use existing water resources and develop a safe and sustainable water supply for City residents to the year 2060. The City proposes to construct and operate a surface water diversion on the Rio Grande, with associated water treatment and transmission facilities, to fully consumptively use its San Juan Chama water to provide a sustainable drinking water supply for its citizens. The FEIS presents environmental effects of No Action and three action alternatives. The preferred diversion method has been identified as a new inflatable surface diversion dam.

Final Environmental Impact Statement (Complete) (18.7MB)
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Final Executive Summary (8.2MB)
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SHPO Letter (8.4MB)
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Appendix Spine (481KB)
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Appendix Table Of Contents (51KB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix Table Of Contents (54KB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-A: Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Permits (108KB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-B: Albuquerque Public Meeting, September 23, 1999 Summary Memorandum (6.2MB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-C: Socorro Public Meeting, September 28, 1999 Summary Memorandum (245KB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-D: EspaƱola Public Meeting, September 30, 1999 Summary Memorandum (108KB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-E: Distribution of the EIS (92KB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-F: Correspondence with Tribal Governments (8.3MB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-G: Cultural Resources Coordination (8.4MB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-H: Consultation Letter - Endangered Species Act, Section 7 (5.3MB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-I: Biological Opinion (353KB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-J: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report (85KB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-K: Preliminary Design Additional Transmission Line Alternatives (8.5MB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-L: CH2M Hill Hydrology Report (11.9MB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-M: Comments/Responses to Comments (18.7MB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-N: Other Consultation (1.2MB) Download file Download file View 0n-line
Final Appendix-O: Proposed Mitigation Measures (2.8MB) Download file Download file View 0n-line

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For more information, contact:
Marsha Carra
Bureau of Reclamation
555 Broadway NE, Ste. 100
Albuquerque, NM 87102-2352
E-mail: Marsha Carra


Last updated: January 19, 2007