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Office of Regulation Policy and Management (02REG)
Regulations Management -- 02REG -- Internet

     The Secretary established Regulations Management, 02REG, as a permanent office to remedy long-standing deficiencies in VA's rulemaking process.  02REG provides centralized supervision and coordination of regulation development, tracking, control, policy integration, and economic impact analyses for proposed VA regulations.  It implements strategic focus and direction for VA's decentralized regulation development process.  02REG tracks and eliminates unnecessary delays, proactively coordinates with all parties, eliminates inconsistencies in the regulations themselves and the development process, and ensures early integration of regulatory policies into VA's overall policy plan.  

VA's Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions   as of December 10, 2007

VA's Statement of Regulatory Priorities   as of December 10, 2007

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Reviewed/Updated Date: August 29, 2008