Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Evaluation of the Bird Conservation Area Concept in the Northern Tallgrass Prairie Annual Report: 2000

Appendix 1

Appendix 1a: Avian density/100 ha on study plots in Minnesota State Parks in 2000.
Buffalo River State Park west (large hostile)
Clay-colored Sparrow 131.2
Savannah Sparrow 68.7
Sedge Wren 50.0
Common Yellowthroat 43.7
Le Conte's Sparrow 25.0
Song Sparrow 25.0
Tree Swallow 18.7
Bobolink 18.7
American Kestrel 6.2
Northern Harrier 6.2
Western Meadowlark 6.2
Buffalo River State Park east (small hostile)
Tree Swallow 66.7
Clay-colored Sparrow 66.7
American Goldfinch 66.7
Eastern Kingbird 33.3
House Wren 33.3
Yellow Warbler 33.3
Song Sparrow 33.3
Brown-headed Cowbird 33.3
Appendix 1b: Avian density/100 ha on study plots on properties of The Nature Conservancy in 2000.
Blazing Star (large neutral)
Le Conte's Sparrow 118.7
Savannah Sparrow 93.7
Tree Swallow 56.2
Clay-colored Sparrow 37.5
Grasshopper Sparrow 37.5
Bobolink 37.5
Common Yellowthroat 25.0
Marbled Godwit 6.2
Upland Sandpiper 6.2
Northern Harrier 6.2
Short-eared Owl 6.2
Barn Swallow 6.2
Western Meadowlark 6.2
Brown-headed Cowbird 6.2
Red-winged Blackbird 6.2
American Goldfinch 6.2
Bluestem LN (large neutral)
Clay-colored Sparrow 80.0
Savannah Sparrow 53.3
Le Conte's Sparrow 46.7
Bobolink 46.7
Common Yellowthroat 40.0
Grasshopper Sparrow 40.0
Yellow Warbler 26.7
Brown-headed Cowbird 20.0
American Goldfinch 13.3
Eastern Kingbird 6.7
Alder Flycatcher 6.7
Barn Swallow 6.7
Gray Catbird 6.7
Sedge Wren 6.7
Song Sparrow 6.7
Western Meadowlark 6.7
Bluestem LH (large hostile)
Clay-colored Sparrow 59.0
Savannah Sparrow 32.8
Le Conte's Sparrow 19.7
Song Sparrow 13.1
Brown-headed Cowbird 13.1
Northern Harrier 6.6
Gray Catbird 6.6
Common Yellowthroat 6.6
Margherita (large neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 191.7
Le Conte's Sparrow 141.7
Bobolink 50.0
Tree Swallow 25.0
Sedge Wren 25.0
Red-winged Blackbird 25.0
Western Meadowlark 16.7
Mallard 8.3
Marbled Godwit 8.3
Northern Harrier 8.3
Greater Prairie-Chicken 8.3
Grasshopper Sparrow 8.3
Brown-headed Cowbird 8.3
Pankratz LH (large hostile)
Le Conte's Sparrow 113.3
Savannah Sparrow 80.0
Sedge Wren 53.3
Clay-colored Sparrow 46.7
Bobolink 33.3
Common Yellowthroat 13.3
Common Snipe 6.7
Upland Sandpiper 6.7
Eastern Kingbird 6.7
Gray Catbird 6.7
Brown-headed Cowbird 6.7
Pankratz N (large neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 187.5
Le Conte's Sparrow 143.7
Bobolink 68.7
Sedge Wren 50.0
Red-winged Blackbird 12.5
Common Snipe 6.2
Upland Sandpiper 6.2
Short-eared Owl 6.2
Barn Swallow 6.2
Western Meadowlark 6.2
Pankratz S (large neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 168.7
Le Conte's Sparrow 168.7
Sedge Wren 137.5
Bobolink 50.0
Clay-colored Sparrow 25.0
Red-winged Blackbird 25.0
Mallard 6.2
Common Snipe 6.2
Greater Prairie-Chicken 6.2
Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow 6.2
Western Meadowlark 6.2
Pembina Trail (large neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 162.5
Le Conte's Sparrow 75.0
Clay-colored Sparrow 43.7
Bobolink 37.5
Greater Prairie-Chicken 31.2
Sedge Wren 18.7
Western Meadowlark 18.7
Brown-headed Cowbird 18.7
Common Yellowthroat 12.5
Brewer's Blackbird 12.5
Killdeer 6.2
Common Snipe 6.2
Eastern Kingbird 6.2
Grasshopper Sparrow 6.2
Red-winged Blackbird 6.2
Rice-Elliott (large neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 181.2
Le Conte's Sparrow 68.7
Red-winged Blackbird 50.0
Bobolink 31.2
Sedge Wren 25.0
Mallard 6.2
Common Snipe 6.2
Greater Prairie-Chicken 6.2
Northern Harrier 6.2
American Kestrel 6.2
Short-eared Owl 6.2
Grasshopper Sparrow 6.2
Western Meadowlark 6.2
Zimmerman (small neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 185.7
Red-winged Blackbird 114.3
Bobolink 100.0
Le Conte's Sparrow 57.1
Clay-colored Sparrow 57.1
Marsh Wren 42.9
Common Grackle 42.9
Eastern Kingbird 28.6
Sora 14.3
Tree Swallow 14.3
Yellow Warbler 14.3
Swamp Sparrow 14.3
Brown-headed Cowbird 14.3
Appendix 1c: Avian density/100 ha on study plots in Scientific and Natural Areas in 2000.
Bicentennial (large neutral)
Grasshopper Sparrow 93.7
Clay-colored Sparrow 75.0
Bobolink 37.5
Common Yellowthroat 18.7
Tree Swallow 12.5
Yellow Warbler 12.5
Western Meadowlark 12.5
Marbled Godwit 6.2
Upland Sandpiper 6.2
Eastern Kingbird 6.2
Barn Swallow 6.2
American Robin 6.2
Le Conte's Sparrow 6.2
Brown-headed Cowbird 6.2
Foxboro (small neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 266.7
Le Conte's Sparrow 66.7
Clay-colored Sparrow 33.3
Marbled Godwit 16.7
Common Snipe 16.7
Eastern Kingbird 16.7
Common Yellowthroat 16.7
Red-winged Blackbird 16.7
Appendix 1d: Avian density/100 ha on study plots in Wildlife Management Areas in 2000.
Burnham (large hostile)
Le Conte's Sparrow 125.0
Savannah Sparrow 108.3
Bobolink 25.0
Sedge Wren 16.7
Yellow Warbler 16.7
Eastern Kingbird 8.3
Common Yellowthroat 8.3
Clay-colored Sparrow 8.3
Chicog LH (small hostile)
Clay-colored Sparrow 120.0
Savannah Sparrow 72.0
Bobolink 24.0
Marsh Wren 16.0
Red-winged Blackbird 16.0
Eastern Kingbird 8.0
Sedge Wren 8.0
Common Yellowthroat 8.0
Vesper Sparrow 8.0
Chicog SH (small hostile)
Savannah Sparrow 53.3
Common Snipe 26.7
Common Yellowthroat 26.7
Le Conte's Sparrow 26.7
Clay-colored Sparrow 26.7
American Goldfinch 26.7
Dugdale (small neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 133.3
Bobolink 66.7
Brewer's Blackbird 50.0
Red-winged Blackbird 33.3
Northern Harrier 16.7
Shypoke (small neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 116.7
Sedge Wren 66.7
Le Conte's Sparrow 33.3
Swamp Sparrow 33.3
Northern Flicker 16.7
Common Yellowthroat 16.7
Clay-colored Sparrow 16.7
Western Meadowlark 16.7
Mentor NW (small hostile)
Savannah Sparrow 100.0
Le Conte's Sparrow 100.0
Clay-colored Sparrow 66.7
Red-tailed Hawk 33.3
Mentor SE (small hostile)
Le Conte's Sparrow 137.1
Savannah Sparrow 80.0
Clay-colored Sparrow 45.7
Sedge Wren 34.3
Willow Flycatcher 11.4
Mentor SN (small neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 133.3
Le Conte's Sparrow 122.2
Sedge Wren 55.6
Clay-colored Sparrow 33.3
Bobolink 22.2
Brown-headed Cowbird 22.2
Common Snipe 11.1
Upland Sandpiper 11.1
Western Meadowlark 11.1
Red-winged Blackbird 11.1
Ulen (small hostile)
Le Conte's Sparrow 90.9
Savannah Sparrow 72.7
Clay-colored Sparrow 72.7
Bobolink 72.7
Barn Swallow 18.2
Tree Swallow 18.2
Common Yellowthroat 18.2
Yellow Warbler 18.2
Song Sparrow 18.2
Tilden (small hostile)
Clay-colored Sparrow 72.7
Grasshopper Sparrow 60.6
Savannah Sparrow 60.6
American Goldfinch 24.2
Barn Swallow 12.1
Bobolink 12.1
Western Meadowlark 12.1
Tympanuchus (large neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 175.0
Clay-colored Sparrow 68.7
Bobolink 50.0
Le Conte's Sparrow 43.7
Sedge Wren 18.7
Common Yellowthroat 18.7
Common Snipe 12.5
Western Meadowlark 12.5
Marbled Godwit 6.2
Upland Sandpiper 6.2
Grasshopper Sparrow 6.2
Appendix 1e: Avian density/100 ha on study plots in Waterfowl Production Areas in 2000.
Eide (small neutral)
Mallard 100.0
Bobolink 100.0
Common Yellowthroat 50.0
Savannah Sparrow 50.0
Clay-colored Sparrow 50.0
Red-winged Blackbird 50.0
Flickertail (large hostile)
Clay-colored Sparrow 108.3
Le Conte's Sparrow 33.3
Common Yellowthroat 25.0
Savannah Sparrow 16.7
Song Sparrow 16.7
Bobolink 16.7
Barn Swallow 8.3
Eastern Kingbird 8.3
House Wren 8.3
Yellow Warbler 8.3
Hoykens (small neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 121.7
Clay-colored Sparrow 121.7
Red-winged Blackbird 121.7
Bobolink 69.6
Common Yellowthroat 52.2
Song Sparrow 34.8
Wood Duck 17.4
Killdeer 17.4
Common Snipe 17.4
Tree Swallow 17.4
Marsh Wren 17.4
Yellow Warbler 17.4
Le Conte's Sparrow 17.4
Swamp Sparrow 17.4
Brown-headed Cowbird 17.4
Fuglie (large hostile)
Bobolink 68.7
Bank Swallow 31.2
Sedge Wren 18.7
Savannah Sparrow 18.7
Eastern Kingbird 6.2
Clay-colored Sparrow 6.2
Private (small hostile)
Clay-colored Sparrow 88.9
Le Conte's Sparrow 66.7
Savannah Sparrow 66.7
Sedge Wren 44.4
Bobolink 44.4
Eastern Kingbird 22.2
Common Yellowthroat 22.2
American Goldfinch 22.2
Sagebraaten (small neutral)
Red-winged Blackbird 133.3
Bobolink 100.0
Common Yellowthroat 33.3
Marsh Wren 33.3
Song Sparrow 33.3
Swamp Sparrow 33.3
American Goldfinch 33.3
Spring Creek (small neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 94.1
Bobolink 58.8
Red-winged Blackbird 58.8
Clay-colored Sparrow 47.0
Common Yellowthroat 23.5
Sedge Wren 23.5
Le Conte's Sparrow 23.5
Barn Swallow 11.8
Marsh Wren 11.8
Western Meadowlark 11.8
Appendix 1f: Avian density/100 ha on study plots in State Game Refuges in 2000.
Refuge (small neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 95.2
Grasshopper Sparrow 66.7
Clay-colored Sparrow 47.6
Le Conte's Sparrow 19.0
Mallard 9.5
Northern Harrier 9.5
Short-eared Owl 9.5
Sedge Wren 9.5
Song Sparrow 9.5
Bobolink 9.5
Western Meadowlark 9.5
Red-winged Blackbird 9.5
Brown-headed Cowbird 9.5
American Goldfinch 9.5
Appendix 1g: Avian density/100 ha on study plots in Sheyenne National Grassland in 2000.
Camp (small hostile)
Grasshopper Sparrow 124.1
Clay-colored Sparrow 96.6
Bobolink 55.2
Eastern Kingbird 27.6
Common Yellowthroat 27.6
Field Sparrow 27.6
Vesper Sparrow 13.8
Western Meadowlark 13.8
Pileated (small hostile)
Clay-colored Sparrow 142.8
Grasshopper Sparrow 71.4
Vesper Sparrow 57.1
American Crow 28.6
American Goldfinch 28.6
Eastern Kingbird 14.3
Field Sparrow 14.3
Western Meadowlark 14.3
Surprise (small hostile)
Bobolink 133.3
Highway (large neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 150.0
Grasshopper Sparrow 62.5
Le Conte's Sparrow 37.5
Western Meadowlark 31.2
Brown-headed Cowbird 31.2
Yellow-headed Blackbird 25.0
Blue-winged Teal 18.7
Marbled Godwit 12.5
Eastern Kingbird 12.5
Bobolink 12.5
Red-winged Blackbird 12.5
Wilson's Phalarope 6.2
Killdeer 6.2
Common Snipe 6.2
Morning Dove 6.2
Marsh Wren 6.2
North (large neutral)
Bobolink 118.7
Grasshopper Sparrow 87.5
Savannah Sparrow 81.2
Western Meadowlark 43.7
Barn Swallow 37.5
Red-winged Blackbird 31.2
Le Conte's Sparrow 18.7
Mallard 6.2
Marbled Godwit 6.2
Upland Sandpiper 6.2
Plum (large neutral)
Savannah Sparrow 137.5
Grasshopper Sparrow 131.2
Western Meadowlark 31.2
Le Conte's Sparrow 25.0
Brown-headed Cowbird 18.7
Marbled Godwit 6.2
Barn Swallow 6.2
Eastern Kingbird 6.2
Bobolink 6.2
Southeast (large neutral)
Red-winged Blackbird 100.0
Savannah Sparrow 81.2
Le Conte's Sparrow 62.5
Bobolink 56.2
Clay-colored Sparrow 43.7
Wilson's Phalarope 31.2
Western Meadowlark 31.2
Sedge Wren 25.0
Barn Swallow 12.5
Common Yellowthroat 12.5
Northern Shoveler 6.2
Greater Prairie-Chicken 6.2
Common Grackle 6.2
Shrike (small hostile)
Clay-colored Sparrow 109.1
Barn Swallow 72.7
Eastern Kingbird 36.4
Warbling Vireo 36.4
Western Meadowlark 36.4
Brown-headed Cowbird 36.4
American Goldfinch 36.4
Eagle (large hostile)
Savannah Sparrow 100.0
Clay-colored Sparrow 85.7
Red-winged Blackbird 78.6
Bobolink 71.4
Grasshopper Sparrow 64.3
Le Conte's Sparrow 35.7
Common Grackle 35.7
Western Meadowlark 35.7
Brown-headed Cowbird 35.7
Common Yellowthroat 21.4
American Goldfinch 21.4
Common Snipe 14.3
Eastern Kingbird 14.3
Mallard 7.1
Northern Shoveler 7.1
Killdeer 7.1
Barn Swallow 7.1
Gray Catbird 7.1
Warbling Vireo 7.1
Yellow Warbler 7.1
Northern Oriole 7.1
Song Sparrow 7.1
Vesper Sparrow 7.1
Hammock (large hostile)
Bobolink 68.9
Grasshopper Sparrow 55.2
Savannah Sparrow 27.6
Red-winged Blackbird 27.6
Tree Swallow 20.7
Upland Sandpiper 13.8
Common Snipe 13.8
Sedge Wren 13.8
Le Conte's Sparrow 13.8
Western Meadowlark 13.8
Greater Prairie-Chicken 6.9
Eastern Kingbird 6.9
Clay-colored Sparrow 6.9
Brown-headed Cowbird 6.9
Savannah (large hostile)
Bobolink 106.2
Red-winged Blackbird 62.5
Savannah Sparrow 56.2
Grasshopper Sparrow 56.2
Brown-headed Cowbird 31.2
Blue-winged Teal 25.0
Wilson's Phalarope 18.7
Western Meadowlark 18.7
Green-winged Teal 12.5
Le Conte's Sparrow 12.5
Mallard 6.2
Northern Pintail 6.2
Killdeer 6.2
Barn Swallow 6.2
Clay-colored Sparrow 6.2
Common Grackle 6.2
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