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John Lennon 1980: John Lennon shot dead

Former Beatle John Lennon is shot dead by an unknown gunman who opened fire outside the musician's New York apartment.

Empire Windrush 1965: New UK race law 'not tough enough'
The new Race Relations Act comes into force today making racial discrimination unlawful in public places.

President Reagan's hand signs INF treaty 1987: Superpowers to reverse arms race
Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev sign an historic agreement to reduce the size of their nuclear arsenals.

Brigadier Stephen Saunders 2003: Greek terrorists convicted
The trial of 19 members of a left-wing group that killed British Brigadier Stephen Saunders three years ago comes to an end.

Headmaster Philip Lawrence is stabbed to death trying to break-up a fight outside his school 1995: Youth gang stabs head teacher to death
A head teacher dies after being stabbed outside his west London school.

1983: Television cameras allowed into Lords
Cameras will be allowed into the House of Lords after its members vote in favour of allowing live broadcasts from its chamber.
 This Week
Top Story 1977: Egypt severs ties with Arab hardliners
Top Story 1975: Couple under siege in Balcombe Street
Top Story 1941: Japanese planes bomb Pearl Harbor
Top Story 1973: Sunningdale Agreement signed
Top Story 1988: Death toll rises in Armenian earthquake
Top Story 1941: Germany and Italy declare war on US
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