PROJECT STATUS REPORT This report should be completed for each construction, expansion, or renovation project that has been funded in full or in part with Violent Offender Incarceration and Truth-in-Sentencing (VOI/TIS) Formula Grant Program funds. Please provide the following information for each project. If any of the requested information has been previously compiled, you may simply attach the existing document and cross reference in your response the location of the requested information within the attachment. Return the completed form to the state grantee agency. State Implementing Agency Contact Person Phone # 1. Name and Location of Project: 2. Project Description: Describe the major components of the project to include whether it is a new facility, or expansion or renovation of an existing facility, new site or part of an existing prison/jail complex, number and size of structures involved, ancillary structures such as security fences and parking lots, and design capacities. Also, include a discussion of (a) any training, vocational and other activities planned for the inmates that may impact the environment and (b) related projects such as the necessary extension or expansion of a water or sewer system or access road. A "project" for NEPA review purposes is defined as the construction and long-term operation of the prison facilities and related components such as all off-site projects to accommodate the needs of the prison project (e.g., road and utility construction or expansion, projects offered to the affected community as an incentive to accept the prison construction or expansion, and other reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency or third party undertakes such action). Reasonably foreseeable actions include future prison construction phases especially when either current acreage requirements or design capacities for utilities are based on needs stemming from future phases. 3. When did/will construction start? What is the projected completion date? What percent of the project has been completed? What is the estimated cost of the project? What is the federal grant amount in the project? 4. Construction Status: Describe the construction status of each major component of the project. Identify those components that have been completed and the construction schedule for the remaining components. 5. Site Description: Describe the previous use of the site and the current surrounding land uses to include the distances and directions involved. Attach a U.S. Geological Survey "15 minute" (7« minute", if available) topographic map which clearly delineates the project site and the location of related project elements, such as new water and sewer lines or new access roads. 6. Environmental Impact Analysis: Was a federal, state, or local environmental impact statement, assessment, or other analysis prepared for this project? Federal No Yes Copy Attached as Exhibit___ State No Yes Copy Attached as Exhibit___ Local No Yes Copy Attached as Exhibit___ 7. Affected Environment: Are any of the following land uses or environmental resources located within the project site or adjacent to the project site? Be sure to include the location of any related project(s) in developing your responses. For any item checked "Yes", please provide an explanation by (a) including in an attached exhibit entitled, Affected Environ-ment, a description of the land use or resource and the project's impact upon it or (b) cross referencing the location of this type of information in the environmental impact report provided in response to question number two above. a. Wetlands No Yes See page of Exhibit b. Floodplains No Yes See page of Exhibit (As mapped by FEMA) c. Historic or No Yes See page of Exhibit Archeological Site (Listed on the National Register of Historic Places or eligible for listing) d. Endangered/Threatened No Yes See page of Exhibit Species (Listed or proposed under the Endangered Species Act) e. Critical Habitat No Yes See page of Exhibit (Designated or proposed under the Endangered Species Act) f. Coastal Barrier No Yes See page of Exhibit Resources System (Designated by Coastal Barrier Resources Act) g. Sole Source Aquifer No Yes See page of Exhibit Recharge Area (Designated by U.S. EPA) h. Important Farmlands No Yes See page of Exhibit (Designated by Natural Resources Conservation Service) i. Wilderness No Yes See page of Exhibit (Designated or proposed under The Wilderness Act) j. Wild or Scenic River No Yes See page of Exhibit (Designated or proposed under The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act) k. State Approved Coastal No Yes See page of Exhibit Zone Management Area l. Natural Landmark No Yes See page of Exhibit (Listed on NPS' National Registry of Natural Landmarks) m. State or Locally No Yes See page of Exhibit Important Environmental Resource or Area 8. Reaction to Project: a. Public Agencies: Were any negative comments of an environmental nature raised about the project by a federal, state, regional, or local governmental agency? If the answer is yes, summarize the comment(s) or, if more convenient, attach related correspondence and explain any steps taken to resolve the matter(s). No Yes b. Organizations and Citizens: Describe any actions that were taken to inform the public about the project prior to initiation of construction. Indicate whether a public information meeting(s) or hearing(s) was held. Were any objections of an environmental nature raised by the public? If the answer is yes to either of these questions, summarize the objection(s), who made them (number of individuals or names/types of groups), and any steps taken to resolve the matter(s). No Yes c. Litigation: Was or is the project the subject of threatened or filed litigation? If yes, identify the litigant(s), describe the allegation(s), and provide the current status of the litigation. No Yes Authorized Official (Name) Title Signature Date