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Leaders in Remote Administration

Pythian provides fractional IT infrastructure teams on a linear cost-to-effort basis to over 100 customers all over the world.

We focus on the enterprise database tier, especially on Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL. Our services also extend one layer down from the database, to the operating systems, SANs and networks that support those databases, and also one layer up with outsourced support for SAP, Oracle E-Business Suite 11i, OAS, Peoplesoft and several other major application servers and ERP applications.

Our model is unique in that it allows our larger customers to outsource some or all of the management of entire environments while still allowing our smaller customers to tap the subject matter expertise and 24x7 access to resources normally only available in very large enterprise infrastructure teams.

For our customers that already have a DBA or even a team of DBAs, and for clients in search of special expertise in areas such as RAC, Streams, RMAN, Dataguard, performance tuning, security auditing, recovery planning and execution, clustering, MySQL scaleout, database sharding architecture and more, we provide a flexible, scalable, and reliable alternative to supplementing the in-house resources with contractors or short-term consultants. Unlike consultants and contractors, when the project is over our team can stay, and in fact remain on-call to support the initiative as long as is necessary.

Our model is also unique in that our services are not in any way limited by a scope of work. As a result, we can easily and seamlessly be blended in with your existing team to substantially increase its overall horsepower, flexibility and capabilities, while maintaining all the advantages and continuity of your existing personnel.

We pride ourselves on our expertise and you can evaluate that for yourself by browsing our technical blog. You might also check out our careers page for a sense of why many of the world's leading engineers currently work with us, or aspire to work with us, on your behalf. Learn more.

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Why Outsource to Pythian?

The Pythian Factor

Our customers turn to Pythian for improved overall quality of service, cost containment and savings, security and project risk management, and assistance in regulatory compliance initiatives for HIPAA, PCI, FDA, SOX, European Data Privacy and other standards of care for data.

Pythian’s team of international database experts can provide substantial quality-of-service advantages over the fully-insourced approach while reducing risk and containing costs. Find out how.

We track and bill our efforts based on the time we spend supporting you, and we document all of our work from the business rationale and authority level all the way down to the SQL and operating systems commands we use the outputs we see and the decisions we make as a result. This unparalleled level of transparency in our work is the foundation of our excellence. Learn more.

Pythian's Management Reports enable you to track Pythian's efforts by business application, by profit center, by server, or by technical category. Learn more.

A great way to evaluate us is to read our customer experiences, which Pythian customers can post directly to our web site. Visit our testimonials webpage or subscribe to our customer experiences feed:

Pythian Remote DBA: Client testimonials

Recent Pythian Experiences: Client Experiences

William Lincoln — GotVMail Communications 4 hours ago

Elijah Wright — Ideeli yesterday

Marvin McNevin — INCO Limited - SQL 5 days ago

Laine Campbell — PalominoDB 2 weeks ago

Pythian Articles

Required reading for understanding Pythian

The Seven Deadly Habits of the DBA

Recent Blog Posts

How to Tie OS-level PIDs to Oracle Database Sessions (for Apps too!) yesterday

So, You Want to be an Oracle ACE? Oracle OpenWorld 2008 Presentation yesterday

SHOW STATUS WHERE.... 4 days ago

Log Buffer #114: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs 5 days ago

No Official Word Yet on Monty and Sun.... 5 days ago

Creative SQL: How to Easily SHOW GRANTS for Many Users 5 days ago

MySQL Camp, April 2009 6 days ago

Oracle RAC SIG Web Seminar -- RAC Connection Management 6 days ago

Critical security vulnerability in SQL Server 2005 announced 1 week ago

Log Buffer #113: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs 2 weeks ago

Monty Widenius, One of MySQL's Founding Fathers, Leaves Sun/MySQL 2 weeks ago

How to Find Objects Creating nologging Changes 2 weeks ago

MySQL Magazine, Fall Issue: Call for Articles 2 weeks ago

Ubiquity and Tahiti: Together At Last! 3 weeks ago

Pythian Penal Colony: Inmate #8777984426 3 weeks ago