About the Fire Safety Directory

The U.S. Fire Administration, working for a fire-safe America, is committed to saving lives and property across the United States. That commitment is embodied in its efforts to assist in the development of comprehensive, sound, educational programs that help men, women, and children learn more about fire safety and prevention.

By creating and conducting effective public education programs, all Americans can work together to reduce the likelihood of destructive fires in homes, businesses, and wildland areas throughout the country.

In sharing this commitment to public education, the information complied in this Fire Safety Directory is a compendium of materials that may be useful in building and supplementing public education programs for fire safety. It lists a wide range of programs, videotapes, booklets, manuals, pamphlets, brochures, program kits, and Web sites that are available from numerous and diverse sources.

The directory is designed to provide a glimpse of what can be obtained from a variety of organizations, or what may be learned from colleagues who have developed fire safety programs. It is not intended to be a definitive list of every publication that can be ordered from every organization.

Most entries contain the name of an item, a brief summary of its contents, the item number, its suggested audience, and a contact person or organization with whom to follow-up for more information.