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Dept. of Human Services Children and Teens

Health Relationships and Sexuality

AmeriCorps HOPE (Healthy Options through Prevention and Education)

group of young people




What is AmeriCorps?

AmeriCorps is a national service program established in 1993, modeled after the Peace Corps. Instead of serving in foreign countries, AmeriCorps enlists citizens of different ages and backgrounds to serve in communities all over the United States in the focus areas of education, public health and safety, other human needs, environment, and homeland security. Each AmeriCorps program must have missions and measurable grant objectives which fit under one of these focus areas. There are approximately 600 AmeriCorps programs located throughout the United States, and AmeriCorps is expecting to enroll 75,000 members in the fall of 2008.

AmeriCorps members are basically contracted volunteers who receive a small living allowance and earn an education award while serving in AmeriCorps. Each member is part of a team (program). AmeriCorps members commit to serve a minimum number of hours during a certain term, according to the program’s grant. (Full time members must serve at least 1,700 hours during a 11-month term. Some programs also have part time positions.)

Learn more from the AmeriCorps Web site about AmeriCorps and national service.

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What is AmeriCorps HOPE?

AmeriCorps HOPE is one of the approximate 600 AmeriCorps programs in the United States. “HOPE” is the acronym for Oregon’s statewide “Healthy Options through Prevention and Education”.

Its mission is to teach youth & families about healthy relations & sexuality, and provide direct support.


Each AmeriCorps HOPE member is placed with a “host site” (such as a school, health department, non-profit organization, small community based organization, or faith based organization). Each year, interested organizations submit applications to become (or continue to be) a host site for placement of an AmeriCorps HOPE Member.

Each host site is considered a partner in the statewide AmeriCorps HOPE program, which is administered through the Oregon Department of Human Services. Host sites are expected to work collaboratively with other organizations in their respective counties who are interested in preventing teen pregnancies and other youth risky behaviors. The host site provides a Site Supervisor for the AmeriCorps member who is placed with their organization, and provides office space, supplies and training for the AmeriCorps member.

As part of their application, each host site must develop a Service Plan outlining the local activities which the AmeriCorps HOPE Member will do during their term of service. Local Service Plan activities are designed to comply with the AmeriCorps HOPE grant objectives, called Performance Measures.

DHS Contacts

Tina McCollum, Program Manager
Oregon DHS AmeriCorps HOPE
500 Summer St. NE, 2nd Floor, E48
Salem, OR 97301-1067
Phone: (503) 945-6906
e-mail: tina.mccollum@state.or.us

Cheryll Grear, Team Leader

Phone: 503-945-6096

e-mail: cheryll.grear@state.or.us

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