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  Uniform Crime Reports  

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Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Program Initiative 2007 Crime in Illinois
June 30, 2009 Update
Due to the recent multitude of first-time inquiries regarding the federal initiative, the ISP requested from the FBI and was granted an extension to the previous June 29, 2009, deadline to submit legacy (2006 and 2007) converted index crime statistics. The deadline has been extended to July 6, 2009. The I-UCR Program will forward the legacy data to the Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Program in one submission containing all records submitted by Illinois law enforcement agencies meeting the deadline. The federal program will not accept submissions direct from an agency.
June 22, 2009 Update
The June 22, 2009 deadline to submit legacy (2006 and 2007) converted index crime statistics to the I-UCR Program has been extended to June 29, 2009. The I-UCR Program will forward the legacy data to the Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Program in one submission containing all records submitted by Illinois law enforcement agencies meeting the deadline. The federal program will not accept submissions direct from an agency.
June 3, 2009 Update
The Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Monthly Crime Index Form has been posted below. The form is to be utilized by agencies unable to access the electronic reporting tool due to technical issues. This form will not be accepted from an agency until it has been determined the electronic tool is inaccessible.
May 29, 2009 Update
The Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (I-UCR) Program has been contacted by the Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Program regarding inquiries they have received directly from Illinois agencies inquiring on the appropriate procedure to forward converted legacy index crime statistics to the federal program. The federal program will not accept submissions independently from Illinois agencies. Legacy statistics MUST be entered into the I-UCR Program’s federal initiative on-line reporting tool, compiled, and submitted to the federal program by the Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Questions concerning the federal initiative may be directed to the I-UCR Program at 217/557-6482.
May 4, 2009 Update
The FBI has determined legacy UCR statistics (2006 through 2007) must be received by July 1, 2009. To successfully meet this deadline, Illinois agencies who have opted to voluntarily submit federally compliant UCR data must have statistics submitted to the I-UCR Program by close of business June 22, 2009. Though the Edward Byrne/JAG grant application requires three years of federally compliant UCR statistics as reported to the FBI, this is only one requirement in the process. Violent crime rates (Murder, Criminal Sexual Assault, Robbery, and Aggravated Battery/Aggravated Assault) play a significant part in the allocation of JAG monies, and agencies should review their statistics in these categories to determine if they could legitimately compete for JAG funding prior to undertaking the conversion of legacy data.
April 8, 2009 Update
The Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Program guidelines to be used in converting 2005 through 2009 crime statistics as initially reported to the I-UCR Program have been posted below.
April 6, 2009 Update
The electronic reporting tool developed by the ISP to assist Illinois law enforcement agencies who elect to report Federal Uniform Crime Reporting statistics is now operational. The User Application form posted below must be completed and forwarded to the ISP for processing prior to an agency being awarded access to the reporting tool. Users will be e-mailed their user ID and password following processing, allowing for immediate access and entry capabilities.
The ISP is working closely with the FBI, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to ensure Illinois agencies are eligible for future funding initiatives. This strategy has yet to be finalized, however, and effort expended to analyze and convert historical data may or may not result in your agency’s eligibility to apply for future grant funds.
Agencies choosing to submit federally compliant statistics will be required to convert 2005 through 2008 statistics as reported to the Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting (I-UCR) Program by applying hierarchy rule, multi-county agency, and arrest data reporting guidelines specifically outlined in the reporting tool. Additionally, agencies electing to submit 2009 statistics will be required to convert year-to-date statistics and continue the conversion of data for the remainder of 2009. Reporting guidelines provided in the reporting tool will be posted in the near future.
Participation in the Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Program Initiative is voluntary for Illinois law enforcement agencies, and does not eliminate the need to continue to report statistics to the I-UCR Program under the program guidelines. Converted statistics will be forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for consideration in determining agency eligibility for future grant funding opportunities.
March 26, 2009 Update
The Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Guidelines are in the final stages of development. The Illinois State Police is committed to providing accurate and complete reporting requirements from the onset. The Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting Program staff have been working diligently with their Federal counterpart to ensure the quality of the guidelines. It is anticipated Federal guidelines will be posted to the website by April 3, 2009.
The Federal Uniform Crime reporting Program User Application form and directions have been posted.
March 20, 2009
Illinois State Police Director Larry G. Trent announced to Illinois law enforcement agencies an enhancement to crime reporting. This will be accomplished with the creation of an electronic reporting tool to assist agencies in voluntarily submitting crime statistics to the Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Program. The reporting tool will be operational on April 6, 2009. In order to have access to the new reporting system, agencies will need to complete and submit the user application form.
There are several significant differences in the federal and state program reporting guidelines. The federal guidelines will be posted by March 27, 2009, to afford agencies the opportunity to review guidelines and compile crime statistics in accordance to the federal criteria.
The Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Program Initiative was created to assist agencies in reporting crime statistics to the federal program and is not replacing the Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Agencies are still mandated by state law to continue reporting to the state program however, it is the ISP’s intent to combine the reporting procedures in 2010 to allow for one reporting mechanism that will satisfy both state and federal requirements
Updates to the program initiative will be posted and agencies are encouraged to review this site periodically for important information.

  Previous Uniform Crime Reports  

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Crime in Illinois is published annually by the Illinois State Police, documenting reported crimes in Illinois cities and counties. The report also covers special jurisdictions such as universities and park district police agencies.
Annual Reports and Databases
Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting Program Forms and Information
I-UCR Hate Crime Form and Guidelines
I-UCR Index Crime Instructions
I-UCR Monthly Crime Index Form
I-UCR Monthly Crime Index Multi County Form
I-UCR Offense Codes
I-UCR Supplemental Data Form


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