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Office of Facilities Management: Consulting

Facility Condition Assessment History

In the fall of 1997, the VISN 6 leadership contacted the Chief Facilities Management Officer inquiring whether Office of Facilities Management (FM) could provide the professional technical staff to assist them in performing a Facility Condition Assessment (FCA). Consulting Support Service (183A) representatives met with VISN staff and jointly researched, evaluated, and discussed various methodologies and reporting mechanisms being used by both private and public entities in performing facility wide capital plant evaluations and assessments of their various systems and equipment. This effort resulted in a FCA approach that utilized a multi-disciplinary team of architects and engineers, working in close conjunction with, and receiving valuable input and assistance from facility engineering staffs, that visited every Medical Center in the VISN to perform the survey.

The voluminous information gathered was then input into a FCA database for that VISN, identified by building, system and system condition. Each system has an associated cost for repair or replacement where needed. The VISN needed this critical information in a uniform and comparable form to plan, manage and direct VISN wide capital plant resources against identified needs in an intentional and consistently managed approach across their individual system. The FCA has enhanced capabilities for management to compare capital facility needs across the VISN and has proven an invaluable planning tool.

A FCA tool provides the VISN and VAMC with a professional assessment of their capital assets that facilitates and enables their uniform and fair planning and expenditure of resources across their VISN and/or VAMC. The FCA tool enables and ensures a uniform basis for system wide planning decisions and facilitates the identification of emergent needs.

To date FM has completed the FCA for nineteen VISNs, covering 2340 buildings and over one hundred and nine million square feet of space. FM is currently proceeding to complete the remaining five FCAs in support of the VHA CARES initiative.