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Livestock, Meat and Poultry

Industry Research Archive

A broad study of marketing practices in the entire livestock and red meat industries from farmers to retailers, food service firms, and exporters. (2005)

A forum to discuss issues related to captive supplies in the livestock industry, including limiting packer use of forward contracting and packer feeding. (2000)

Data from leading steer and heifer slaughtering packers on the portion of cattle they slaughtered that were obtained through forward contracts, marketing agreements and their own feeding operations between 1988 and 1997. (1999)

An investigation of cattle procurement in the Texas Panhandle region. (1999)

Western Organization of Resource Councils Petition for Rulemaking. (1996)

A forum on the impacts and implications of change and public policies relating to marketing America?s livestock and grain in a global market. (2000)

A study of concentration in the red meat packing industry. (1996)

Evaluations to enhance GIPSA's investigative and research capabilities and to obtain constructive suggestions to further improve its programs.


Last updated 10/11/2007

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