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Employment Department
This baker is now on the rise thanks to WorkSource
Ruslan Murza
Ruslan Murza
Ruslan Murza had a goal.  He wanted to become a baker.  “One day I received a letter from WorkSource Oregon about a job at Clackamas Bakery. When I heard about it,” Ruslan said, “I thought this is it!  This is the one.”
Ruslan was even more enthusiastic after he attended an in-house recruitment at WorkSource Oregon Employment Department at the Clackamas County One Stop in Oregon City.  He interviewed with Kandis Allison, the Human Resource Manager.  The interview went well and Ruslan went to work for Clackamas Bakery!
When Ruslan left Estonia for America six years ago, he spoke no English.  Now he has earned his high school diploma (with nearly a 4.0) and he knows five languages, including English.  Because the culture is so different here, Ruslan depended on WorkSource Oregon for advice.
“People there helped me a lot”, he said.  “They helped me work on a resume.  They answered all of my questions. How do I make a resume?  How do I find a job?  They taught me how to dress; what to say in an interview; what not to say.  How to be a good employee.  I got a job through you guys and I’m very happy.  If not for you guys, I don’t know what kind of job I would have.”
Ruslan said he has worked for other bakeries, but Clackamas Bakery is by far the best.   He likes the way the work is organized, the way he is treated so well, the good salary and the excellent benefits for his wife and two children.
“I clearly see my future there, going up and up and up.”
The bakery job is very active, and Ruslan say he enjoys the challenge.  In his first three and a half months on the job, he has lost 45 pounds.
“I’m having fun there, and I’m really working hard. I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I am having a nice life now.  Everything is perfect.”
Find out how WorkSource Oregon can save you time and help you land your next job.  Click here to find a WorkSource center near you or click here to use iMatchSkills.

Page updated: March 22, 2007

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