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OYCP Core Components
All cadets are required to pass the following core components
Academic Excellence
1 Improve Academic Acheivement
a. GED
b. HSD
Physical Fitness
1 Demonstrate a general knowledge of physical fitness concepts
2 Participate in Physical Fitness Training and Testing
Job Skills
1 Complete the ASVAB and participate in a vocational interpretation.
2 Demonstrate knowledge and skills required to seek and obtain employment.
a.  Acquire Job Search Skills
b.  Complete a Job Application
c.  Complete a Resume
d.  Demostrate an understanding of the importance of work ethics
e. Complete a mock job interview
3 Explore knowledge and skills required to pursue future educational opportunities, to include educational alternatives, institutions and financial aid
Service Learning / Community Service
1 Describe the importance and value of a community service/conservation project
2 Complete a minimum of 40 hours of community service/conservation projects
Health and Hygiene
1 Maintain personal hygiene by employing appropriate methods and practices
2 Recall the adverse effects of the abuse and available treatment resources for ATOD (alcohol, tobacco and other drugs)
3 Recall healthy sexual practices, human sexuality, family planning and related responsibilities
4 Recall the methods and practices used by individuals to prevent the spread of communicable diseases including STDs, HIV/AIDS and other bloodborne pathogens
5 Recall the importance of nutrition in the daily diet for personal well-being
Responsible Citizenship
1 Recall the rights, privileges and obligations of citizenship.
2 Register for Selective Service, if eligible
3 Register to vote, if eligible
4 Communicate a basic understanding of the U.S. Constitution, government and citizenship
5 Participate in the Democratic Process
6 Communicate an understanding of voting and the election process
1 Willingly comply with established rules, regulations and procedures
2 Perform basic military customs and courtesies
3 Perform basic military facing and marching movements
4 Define and recognize leadership skills, traits, dimensions and components
5 Employ leadership skills in accordance with FM 22-100 while performing in a leadership position
6 Maintain personal living area
7 Function as an effective team member
Life Coping Skills
1 Understand personal finance
a. Demonstrate basic banking (savings and checking account management)
b. Identify methods of obtaining and managing good credit
c. Demonstrate how to prepare and manage a personal budget
2 Recognize various emotions and stressors,  and identify coping strategies
3 Recognize conflict resolution strategies
4 Set and achieve goals

Page updated: May 31, 2007

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