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Ocean Wave Energy Development

Wave Energy Development
-An Opportunity for Oregon-
Background Oregon’s demand for energy continues to increase and the need to develop renewable energy projects remains a high priority for the state.  Although most renewable energy technologies have been proven at a commercial scale and are imported into Oregon for development, the alternative still remains for Oregon to develop its own renewables that are manufactured, maintained, and utilized in Oregon.
The opportunity exists for Oregon to establish itself as the leader in wave energy and become the national center for wave energy research and commercial demonstration.  There are multiple devices in various stages of development that convert the power of the waves into electricity. While some research and development is still required for wave energy to be economically competitive with traditional technologies, the state that leads this development stands to receive multi-layered benefits.  For Oregon, these benefits include economic development in coastal communities, increased manufacturing opportunity for the state’s high quality metal fabricators and further recognition for Oregon’s varied and emerging renewable energy industry.
Oregon has been identified as an ideal location for wave energy conversion based primarily on its tremendous wave resource and coastline transmission capacity. This combination of factors, along with Oregon State University’s research facilities and the state’s long term commitment to renewable energy, positions Oregon to lead the U.S. in wave energy development. 
Oregon has been coordinating its efforts for developing a wave energy project through a group of electricity stakeholders named the ‘Power’ group (People of Oregon for Wave Energy Resources) for more than a year. The mission of this public/private partnership is to share expertise and knowledge and to develop a plan to site a wave energy project on the Oregon Coast.  As a result of these combined efforts, commercial wave energy developers have been attracted to Oregon and are exploring in more detail the potential to start a project.
Critical Messages
  • Oregon has the opportunity to lead the nation in ocean renewable energy development.
  • Oregon has a range of incentives to encourage development of renewable energy.
  • Oregon has a tremendous wave resource and the coastal transmission infrastructure to deliver renewable energy to all Oregonians.
  • There is great opportunity to create new economic opportunity for a broad base of Oregon businesses, including in coastal communities.
Benefits of a Public/Private Partnership for Oregon
  • Provide reliable, stable and fixed cost power to Oregon with lower costs in the long term.
  • Orderly development of the ocean resource and alignment with current policies.
  • Accelerate economic development opportunities for Oregon industries and communities.
  • Shared expertise and replication of development plans.
  • Respect for environmental stewardship responsibilities.
Federal Ocean Energy Permitting (FERC) 
Oregon State University's Ocean Wave Energy Research Program
EPRI Oregon Wave Energy Potential Assessment

Page updated: August 01, 2007

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