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NOAA's Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Collection
Catalog of Images

1000 thumbnail picture
Wiredrag operations
Southeast Alaska 1920
1001 thumbnail picture
Hydrographic survey launch underway. Boat off of PATHFINDER.
1002 thumbnail picture
Sounding operations from small boat
1003 thumbnail picture
Sounding from small boat - note splash of lead to the right
1004 thumbnail picture
Survey boat in Philippine lagoon
Philippines 1913?
1005 thumbnail picture
Launch getting underway. Transportation for aerial photography field inspection crew.
Gareloi Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1950
1006 thumbnail picture
Sounding operations in Taku Inlet. Boat off of WESTDAHL.
Taku Inlet, Southeast Alaska 1936
1007 thumbnail picture
Sounding from rowed skiff inside the breaker line
Alaska 1924
1008 thumbnail picture
Launch DELTA churning and burning. On line doing hydrography.
1009 thumbnail picture
Survey launch off Hawaii. Launch off of PATTERSON.
Hawaiian Islands 1913
1010 thumbnail picture
Launch EQUATOR. Used for wiredrag work in Alaska in 1915.
Southeast Alaska 1915
1011 thumbnail picture
The beach at Nome
Nome, Alaska 1969
1012 thumbnail picture
Old Coast and Geodetic Survey Office Building
Washington, D. C.
1013 thumbnail picture
Elsa DeWind, long-time resident of Lovango Cay. Mrs. DeWind came from New York City in the 1930's. Married a native fisherman and lived happily ever after
Lovango Cay, U. S. Virgin Islands 1975
1014 thumbnail picture
Building party from NOAA Ship WHITING
Picara Point, St. Thomas, U. S. Virgin Islands 1975
1015 thumbnail picture
Icefishing and tanning on the NOAA Ship SURVEYOR. Helo pilots relaxing in the Bering Sea.
Bering Sea 1977
1016 thumbnail picture
A more reasonable individual than helicopter pilots
Bering Sea 1977
1017 thumbnail picture
Survey launch off of PEIRCE. Late spring in Penobscot Bay.
Penobscot Bay, Maine 1985
1018 thumbnail picture
Philippine hydrographic survey crew off Ship FATHOMER
1019 thumbnail picture
Boston whaler outfitted for inshore hydrography. Doing bar check to calibrate sounding instrument. Off NOAA Ship PEIRCE
Penobscot Bay, Maine 1985
1020 thumbnail picture
Makeshift skiff built for plane table mapping. Project from Brunswick, GA, to Jacksonville, FL. Combined Operations party of Hubert A. Paton
Georgia-Florida coast 1934
1021 thumbnail picture
Unloading Shoran equipment. Work crew off PATHFINDER.
Cape Wrangell, Alaska 1948
1022 thumbnail picture
Boat used to transport level crew on Lake Meade
Lake Meade, Nevada 1941
1023 thumbnail picture
Frontispiece for season's report on hydrographic survey
Lahaina Roads, Maui, Hawaii 1923
1024 thumbnail picture
Arctic Field party launch with Shoran antenna
Beaufort Sea, Alaska 1951?
1025 thumbnail picture
Resurvey of Taku Inlet
Taku Inlet, Southeast Alaska 1936?
1026 thumbnail picture
Launch Hydrographic Party. 1931 Hydrographic Manual Figure 38.
1027 thumbnail picture
Passage to Alligator Bay, Everglades - looks like Pirates of the Caribbean. Party off of HYDROGRAPHER.
Everglades, Florida 1928
1028 thumbnail picture
Rubber boat used for crossing stream. Working on control surveys for the Alcan Highway. Triangulation party of John Bowie.
Yukon Territory and eastern Alaska 1943
1029 thumbnail picture
Running Snow Hole Rapids on Salmon River. Transportation for level party. Level party of Ira Rubottom.
Salmon River, Idaho 1945
1030 thumbnail picture
Barge with out-board motor on Salmon River. Level party of Ira Rubottom.
Salmon River, Idaho 1945
1031 thumbnail picture
Salmon River - summer transportation for leveling unit. Level party of Ira Rubottom.
Salmon River, Idaho 1945
1032 thumbnail picture
Working among breakers sounding. Survey party off SURVEYOR.
1033 thumbnail picture
Early use of an outboard motor
Prince William Sound area, Alaska Ca. 1908
1034 thumbnail picture
Pier erected by camping party at Mist Harbor. Used to offload fuel for launches. Party off of C&GS Ship PATTERSON
Mist Harbor, Alaska 1915
1035 thumbnail picture
Wading ashore off the ELSIE III
Lake Okeechobee, Florida 1924
1036 thumbnail picture
Motor sailer off the HYDROGRAPHER
Eastern Gulf of Mexico 1925
1037 thumbnail picture
Motor sailer operating in Alaska
1038 thumbnail picture
A diversion - a sailing party on the ship motor sailer
Southeast Alaska 1927
1039 thumbnail picture
Skiff in icy conditions
Jackpot Bay, Alaska 1965
1040 thumbnail picture
Launch departing the PIONEER for a day of hydrography
Amlia Island, Aleutians 1941
1041 thumbnail picture
PIONEER boats at Amlia Island
Amlia Island, Aleutians, Alaska 1941
1042 thumbnail picture
Skiff off HODGSON in Jackpot Bay operating in ice conditions
Jackpot Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska 1965
1043 thumbnail picture
Shorty Fuentes leaving St. Catherine's Island, Georgia coast. WHITING Boston Whaler.
St. Catherine's Island, Georgia coast 1974
1044 thumbnail picture
Lt. Ken Perrin catching a few winks after a hard day installing a tide gauge. Boston Whaler off WHITING.
Pillsbury Sound, U.S. Virgin Islands 1975
1045 thumbnail picture
PEIRCE launch tied up at Sand Key Light. Supporting range-azimuth navigation operations.
Sand Key Lighthouse, Florida February 1975
1046 thumbnail picture
Boston whaler returning to ship from liberty party. Boston whaler off of PEIRCE.
San Salvador Island, Bahamas August 1984
1047 thumbnail picture
Boston whaler returning to ship from liberty party. Boston whaler off of PEIRCE.
Eleuthera Island, Bahamas Islands July 1984
1048 thumbnail picture
Ferdinand Hassler' s carriage on road at base of cliff. Sketch by John Farley - mid 1830's.
1049 thumbnail picture
Ferdinand Hassler directing the movement of the great theodolite to the station. Working on Fire Island, about 1837. Sketch by John Farley.
Fire Island, New York 1836?

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007