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Employee Pay and Benefits
Pay Package
ODF Office
Paycheck: Permanent employees generally receive their paycheck on the first of each month. Seasonal employees will be paid twice a month (generally on the first of the month and mid-month).
Automatic Deposit is available through most bank and credit unions.
Salary Increases: Salaries for each classification are determined through the collective bargaining process or Department of Administrative Service compensation plan. Generally, an employee will start at the first step of the particular classification range.
Merit increases are given at annual periods after the initial date of hire until the top step of the salary range is reached; or, at six months after promotions and then at annual periods thereafter, until reaching the top step.
Seasonal employees must complete 1040 hours of initial trial service before receiving an increase at the beginning of the next season until the top step is reached.
Social Security: Federal Social Security taxes are withheld regularly, starting with your first paycheck.
Deferred Compensation Plan: A Deferred Compensation Plan is also available, which allows the employee to set aside part of their income in an investment plan and not pay taxes on it until the money is withdrawn. Deferring income reduces the amount withheld for taxes from your monthly paycheck.
Savings Bonds: U.S. Savings Bonds are available to purchase through payroll deductions.

Types of Leave Available
Holidays: There are nine paid holidays each year.
Vacations: The employee after completing six (6) full calendar months will be credited with six (6) days of vacation leave. Seasonal employees must complete 1040 hours of initial trial service in one or more seasons before being credited the vacation days. Leave accruals increase on 5 year intervals.
Personal Business Leave: Sixteen (16) hours of personal business leave will be credited to full-time employees each year. Part-time or seasonal employees receive pro-rated hours depending on hours worked.

Other Benefits
Health/Dental/Life Insurance Plans: There are a number of health and dental plans available for employees to choose coverage from. Also available are life, disability and accidental death and dismemberment options.
Uniforms:   The employee will be provided a uniform or reimbursed for expense if the employee’s position requires a uniform to be worn.
Retirement: You become a PERS member after working six full calendar months for a PERS-covered employer in a qualifying position requiring at least 600 hours per 12-month period. That six-month "waiting period" cannot be interrupted by more than 30 consecutive working days. Your effective date of membership is the first day of the month after you have met this requirement.
Employer and member contributions will be made for wages attributable to services performed during the first full pay period on or after your effective date of membership.
EAP (Employee Assistance Program): This is a counseling program available to all employees and their families. This program is to help employees and their families deal with difficult personal problems. The EAP is designed to provide short-term effective professional help in solving problems or finding someone who can help.
Car Insurance: Discounts for car insurance are given by Nationwide Insurance for employees of the State of Oregon.
Free Parking: Employees of the Oregon Department of Forestry have free parking at all of the Department’s locations throughout the state.

Page updated: November 27, 2007

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