********************************************************************* Boolean Canned URL-Based Experience (BooleanCUBE) Version 1.2 README File October 2006 ********************************************************************* SUMMARY The present document provides information about Boolean Canned URL-Based Experience (BooleanCUBE). This is an HTML form for searching an Endeavor Voyager OPAC system. It was originally developed by the National Agricultural Library (NAL) for the AGRICOLA database to provide a tool for researchers, designers, and librarians who needed to conduct complex searches against the database. The tool provides permanent URLs for these searches. The most current information on NAL's BooleanCUBE, including updates, can be found on the NAL Web site at http://www.nal.usda.gov/audience/booleancube.shtml. *************************************************************************** CONTENTS 1. System Requirements 2. Disclaimer 3. Model Description 4. Setup Instructions 5. Bug Reporting 6. Version History *************************************************************************** ----------------------------- 1. System Requirements ----------------------------- BooleanCUBE uses HTML 4.01 Transitional, while also drawing upon a cascading style sheet (CSS) and JavaScript. Only knowledge of HTML is required to manage the basic functionality of the tool, although a familiarity with CSS and JavaScript is also helpful. BooleanCUBE version 1.2 works with AGRICOLA's implementation of Endeavor Voyager, currently using version 5.0. ----------------------------- 2. Disclaimer ----------------------------- This software and any associated documentation are provided "as is," and the National Agricultural Library (NAL), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Beltsville, MD, makes no representations or warranties, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, including those of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or that use of the software, modifications, or associated documentation will not infringe any patents, copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights of a third party. NAL, ARS, USDA shall not be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages with respect to any claim by the user of this software or any third party on account of or arising from the use, or inability to use, this software or its associated documentation. Changes in the Voyager system may necessitate corresponding changes in BooleanCUBE; NAL makes no representation or warranty in respect to such changes. BooleanCUBE software was developed by Rachel Maderik, with assistance from Stuart Gagnon, both of NAL's Water Quality Information Center. The terms "Voyager" and "WebVoyage" are the property of Endeavor Information Systems, Inc. which in no way endorses this product. ----------------------------- 3. Model Description ----------------------------- Files included in booleancube.zip: 1. booleancube.html 2. booleancube.css 3. help.html 4. instruc.jpg 5. readme.txt BooleanCUBE allows a user to create a complex search strategy to build a URL that runs a search on an Endeavor Voyager OPAC system. The URL produced by the model is a permanent link to a search performed against the OPAC. BooleanCUBE is an implementation of an Endeavor Voyager search without timeout restrictions. Below is the list of all implemented features. - Full Boolean search capabilities; - Javascript-enabled buttons for adding field parameters, producing or undoing tidy code, and resetting form elements; - Marking search string remaining characters; - Limiting to date, language, media, content type, and location. The syntax of the URL begins with a server name, a path (cgi-bin), and a file name (Pwebrecon.cgi). The Pwebrecon.cgi file (a server-side adaptor to the Voyager search facilities) calls the client, WebVoyage (Endeavor's online public access catalog software). The URL ends with a series of field designations that match a search strategy based upon the contents of the user-edited text box, entered into the form. BooleanCUBEassembles a user-supplied search strategy into a readable format for WebVoyage. ----------------------------- 4. Setup Instructions ----------------------------- Because this tool is simply an HTML form, no changes to your system/OPAC are necessary. It does not require installation, and it does not need to reside in any particular place on your server; it will work from anywhere. All that is required is a knowledge of HTML (a basic knowledge of JavaScript is helpful, but not necessary). To set up BooleanCUBE for your Voyager system, you will need to change a few lines of HTML code in the file: 1.) In the opening FORM tag, the ACTION attribute must be changed from “http://agricola.nal.usda.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?” to your OPAC's URL (which will most likely still end in "Pwebrecon.cgi?"). The URL must end in a question mark. 2.) Some of the limits may be library-specific (such as the location limit), so these will need to be changed according to whatever limits your library has available. One way to determine the limit codes is to view the HTML code of your OPAC’s limits page. The three letter code and pipe symbol inside the option tag is what you’ll need to use (the number after it is not necessary): 3.) You will most likely need to remove the entire “Select a Database” section, unless your library has more than one OPAC. To do this, remove the following code: If your library does have more than one OPAC, replace the value of the option tags with the codes for your individual databases. 4.) Finally, you can make changes to the layout to match your libarary's "look and feel". Feel free to alter the color scheme, fonts, and layout in the attached style sheet (booleancube.css), although please leave the reference and link to BooleanCUBE at the bottom of the page. 5.) A sample help file for BooleanCUBE is included in this zip file. You can modify the layout and content to meet your library's needs. ----------------------------- 5. Bug Reporting ----------------------------- If you are experiencing problems, or if you have any comments regarding this product, you can send an e-mail to the address below. Please be as specific as possible when describing the problem, and include any error messages you may be receiving. Questions will be routed to appropriate NAL staff members. Contact: AgRef: agref@nal.usda.gov ----------------------------- 6. Version History ----------------------------- 1.0 (Jan 2006): First release. 1.1 (Jun 2006): Changed character limit from 564 to 383. Added stylesheet class for "characters remaining" box. 1.2 (Oct 2006): Changed font in textbox from Courier New to Arial. Added script to check user's search strategy for matching quotation marks, matching parentheses, and invalid characters. Added validation for date search radio buttons.
Select a Database: