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A woodland scene
Elliott State Forest
Public Meetings Scientific Peer Review
Forest Management Plan
Implementation Plan
Habitat Conservation Plan
Environmental Impact Statement
Elliott Watershed Analysis
Public Meetings
2005 Public Meetings

Public Meetings Held September 20th and 21st, 2005
The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) held two meetings and a comment period to gain public input on the final draft of a forest management plan for the Elliott State Forest.
One was held Sept. 20th, 2005, in North Bend (at the public library at 1800 Sherman) and the other was held Sept. 21st, 2005, in Roseburg (at the Douglas Forest Protective Association at 1758 NE Airport Road). The comment period continued through October 21st, 2005.
Comments were shared with the policy-setting Oregon Board of Forestry and the State Land Board, owners of most of the land within the Elliott State Forest.  Each will consider approval of the plan.
Public Comments Received and Department Responses to the Comments
Public comments that were received by the Department during the public comment period were categorized by topic and reviewed by Coos District and State Forest staff. Click on the links below to view the public comments and Department responses:
Narrative Report
General Planning Topics
Economic Topics
Adaptive Management and Monitoring Topics
Aquatic-Riparian Topics
Forest Health Topics
Social / Recreation Topics
Wildlife Topics
Disturbance Topics
Timber and Stand Management Topics
Herbicide and Fertilizer Topics
Other Topics
Information Insert for Newspapers
Click here to view an information insert that appeared the week of Sept. 12 in the Coos Bay World and the Roseburg News-Review.

Forest Management Plan
Final 2006 Elliott State Forest Management Plan (FMP)
The final 2006 Elliott State Forest Management Plan was reviewed by the Board of Forestry January 4 and by the State Land Board February 14, 2005. Approval from the two governing boards to proceed with development of an accompanying habitat conservation plan was given. The process for the habitat conservation plan development and issuance of an Incidental Take Permit is expected to continue until August 2008. 
The new forest management plan seeks to provide a sustainable, even-flow harvest of timber and maximize revenue to the Common School Fund, while providing for fish and wildlife habitat. Previous drafts of the plan were reviewed by the public and a group of forest and habitat scientists. Until the habitat conservation plan process is complete, the Coos District will continue to manage the 93,000 acre forest in the Coast Range, northeast of Coos Bay, under the existing plan approved in 1995.
You may view and print this Plan from the links below, or request a copy from the Coos District Office ( 541-267-4136, FAX 541-269-2027) or from the Planning Specialist  in the ODF Salem office( 503-945-7258).
Cover Page and Acronyms
Table of Contents
Map Section
Vicinity Map
Scattered Tracts Map
Elliott State Forest Ownership Map
Major Coos County Fires Map
Management Basin Map
Conservation Areas Map
Executive Summary
Chapter One picture
Chapter One : Purpose, History, and Planning
Chapter Two picture
Chapter Two : Understanding the Forest : Planning and Resources
Chapter Three picture
Chapter Three : Guiding Principles, Vision, and Goals
Chapter Four picture
Chapter Four : Resource Management Concepts
Chapter Five picture
Chapter Five : Resource Management Strategies
Chapter Six picture
Chapter Six : Implementation
Appendix A : Glossary
Appendix B : References
Appendix C : Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management Strategy Information
Appendix D : Legal and Policy Mandates
Appendix E : Wildlife and Fish Species Lists
Appendix F : Wildlife Information
Appendix G : Public Involvement
Appendix H : Decadal Analysis of Management Scenarios

Forest Management Plan revision
The Oregon Department of Forestry has developed details for revising the forest management plan and the habitat conservation plan for the Elliott State Forest.  These details are in the form of strategies for implementing concepts identified earlier as a general direction for the 93,000-acre forest near Coos Bay, and for 5,000 acres of scattered parcels managed by the Department´s Coos District.
The concepts focus on:
1) using stand structure to measure forest development
2) designating conservation areas for wildlife
3) revising special treatment areas along streams
Information about this planning process can be found in our planning newsletter, Expectations Copies of plans are also available from the Coos District (541-267-4136, FAX 541-269-2027), or from the Planning Specialist,in Salem.

Implementation Plan
2005 Public Review Draft Implementation Plan (IP)
The 2005 Public Review Draft of the Elliott State Forest Implementation Plan is now available.  You may view and print this draft from the link below or request a copy from the Coos District Office ( 541-267-4136, FAX 541-269-2027) or from the Planning Specialist  ( 503-945-7258).
Public Review Draft Implementation Plan

Habitat Conservation Plan
2008 Public Review Draft Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)
The 2008 Public Review Draft of the Elliott State Forest Habitat Conservation Plan is now available.  You may view and print this draft from the links below or request a hard copy or a CD with an electronic version from the Coos District Office ( 541-267-4136, FAX 541-269-2027) or from the Planning Specialist  ( 503-945-7258).
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the habitat conservation plan and the issuance of Incidental Take Permits (ITP) is expected to continue into late 2009.
Cover Page, Acronyms and Acknowledgements
Table of Contents
Map Section - Vicinity, Ownership, Major Forest Fires, Management Basins, Conservation Areas
Executive Summary, Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Legal Context, Chapter 3: Regional Conservation Context, Chapter 4: Biological Data
Chapter 5: Habitat Conservation Strategies, Chapter 6: Northern Spotted Owls, Chapter 7: Marbled Murrelets
Chapter 8: Aquatic and Riparian Habitat, Chapter 9: Conservation Strategies for Other Species, Chapter 10: Conservation Alternatives, Chapter 11: Plan Implementation
Appendix A: Glossary, Appendix B: References
Appendix C: Forest Condition, Appendix D: Desired Future of Conditions for Elliott Watersheds, Appendix E: Habitat Conservation Plan Requirements and Guidelines, Appendix F: Northern Spotted Owl Surveys, 2003, Appendix G: Marbled Murrelet Management Areas
Appendix H: Marbled Murrelet Habitat Mapping and Validation, Appendix I: Elliott State Forest Harvest Modeling, Appendix J: Annual HCP Stand Structure Reporting Process
Appendix K: Implementing Agreement
Appendix L: Team Members

Environmental Impact Statement
2005 Scoping Meetings
The Notice of Intent to conduct public scoping meetings and to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement has been filed with the Department of Interior and the Department of Commerce.
Notice of Intent - Original
Notice of Intent Correction
Below you can find a Project Description and the Scoping Meeting Slide Presentation.
Project Description
Scoping Meeting Slide Presentation

2008 Public Review Draft
The National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (collectively the Services), and the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) have released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for proposed issuance of Incidental Take Permits from the Services to ODF for a 50-year Habitat Conservation Plan covering management on the Elliott State Forest.
The deadline for public comment is November 20, 2008.
The DEIS and related incidental take permit applicatipon documents are available on the internet at http://www.fws.gov/oregonfwo/ToolsForLandowners/HabitatConservationPlans/
Written comments should be submitted through mail, fax, or electronic mail to: Lee Folliard, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2600 SE 98th Avenue, Suite 100, Portland, OR 97266, facsimile: (503) 231-6195; or Chuck Wheeler, National Marine Fisheries Service, 2900 NW Stewart Parkway, Roseburg, OR, 97470-1274, facsimile: (541) 957-3386. Comments may also be submitted by e-mail to: ElliottHCP@fws.gov or ElliottStateForest.nwr@noaa.gov. When submitting fax or email comments include the following document identifier in the comment subject line: Elliott State Forest HCP DEIS.

Elliott Watershed Analysis
October 2003 Watershed Analysis
A watershed analysis was completed in 2003 on the Elliott State Forest. Click here to link to the page with the full report, and follow the link on the Watershed Analysis page for the Elliott Watershed Report.

Scientific Peer Review
Scientific Review of the Elliott State Forest Management Strategies
Eight scientists were commissioned in 2003 to review the draft forest management plan, with a focus on resource management strategies.  Responses from the reviewers were compiled by question.  They are presented without revision or any editing.
1994-1995 Plans:  
The 1994 Elliott State Forest Management Plan is available only as a hard copy.  The Elliott State Forest Habitat Conservation Plan  for northern spotted owls and marbled murrelets was approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1995.
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Page updated: September 04, 2008

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