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A woodland scene
Private Forest Management Operations
Regulated Activities & BMPs
Notification of Operations
Enforcement & Civil Penalties
Guidance Manuals
Commercial Forest Operations
This is an introduction to the Forest Practices Rules. It is intended to give forest landowners, loggers, and consulting foresters an overview of Oregon´s legally-mandated best management practices (BMPs) for sound forest management. You need to know these BMPs to meet your objectives while protecting Oregon´s forest environment. Highlighted on this page are some key points you should learn more about in applying good forest stewardship.  

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Regulated Activities & BMPs
Regulated forest management activities include the following general categories:

  • Harvesting or salvaging trees
  • Site preparation and reforestation 
  • Chemical application
  • Slash disposal
  • Clearing forest land for non-forest uses
  • Road construction and improvements
  • Precommercial thinning

Some important practices (BMPs) to know include:

  • Activities near streams, lakes, and wetlands must include water quality protection.
  • Wildlife trees and down logs must be left in most large clear-cut areas.
  • Clear-cut size is usually limited to 120 acres.
  • Sensitive bird nesting, roosting, and watering sites require protection.
  • Activities on slopes must include erosion and landslide control.
  • Replanting or land use changes must be completed within two years after harvesting.
  • Road and skid trail use must prevent erosion into streams, lakes, and wetlands.
  • Harvesting adjacent to designated Scenic Highways requires special practices.
  • Some activities require submitting a written plan.
You´ll need to learn a lot more detail if you are planning an operation. The Oregon State University Forestry Extension Woodland Workbook pamphlet is a good summary of how the rules work. You can order a copy online from OSU´s website.

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Notification of Operations
You must notify the Oregon Department of Forestry of any commercial forest activity at least 15 days before beginning.  There may be special requirements you must meet. If you´re ready for this step, you will need to complete and submit the forms below to notify.
To minimize the number of forms needed for forest operations, the notification of operations form combines the following three forms into one:
  • Notice to the State Forester that a forest operation will be conducted (ORS 527.670)
  • Application for permit to use fire or operate power-driven machinery (ORS 477.625)
  • Notice to the State Forester and the Department of Revenue of the intent to harvest timber (ORS 321.550)

The notification form is available in two formats for printing (legal or letter) as shown below. Applicants may use either version.
Forms are available as Word (doc), Adobe (pdf), or, for the 8.5" x 14" version only, Excel (xls)files. With the appropriate software, you can download the forms, enter information electronically, and print and sign the completed forms, or you can print the blank form and fill it out by hand.
Notification of Operation/Application For Permit
Form 629-2-1-002
Version 1:  (8.5 x 14 - legal size)
  • Notification form (2 pages)
  • Instructions for completing the form
Version 2:  (8.5 x 11 - letter size)
  • Notification form (4 pages)
  • Unit Addendum (2 pages)

Become a Subscriber
Interested citizens can subscribe yearly to receive copies of all notifications of operations submitted to the Department by District/Unit.

The Forest Activity Computerized Tracking System (FACTS) is a database containing information on all notifications of operations submitted to ODF.
FACTS data is provided as zipped archives each covering one month of notifications statewide. The database format can be imported by most databases on Windows® and Macintosh® systems. The files are normally downloaded, unzipped, and the tables imported to the database system of your choice.

Become a Subscriber
Interested citizens can subscribe yearly to receive copies of all notifications of operations submitted to the Department by District/Unit.

Enforcement & Civil Penalties

Guidance Manuals

Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) Guidance Manuals by Division
You can download portions of our administrative rule guidance manual using the links below:
  • Division 600 (pdf) Definitions (rev. 09/06 )
  • Division 605 (pdf) Planning Forest Operations (rev. 08/08)
  • Division 610 (doc) Reforestation Rules
  • Division 611 (doc) Afforestation Rules
  • Division 615 (doc) Treatment of Slash
  • Division 620 (doc) Chemicals and Other Petroleum Products
  • Division 625  (doc) Road Construction and Maintenance
  • Division 630 (doc) Harvesting
  • Division 635 (pdf) Water Protection Rules: Purpose, Goals, Classification and Riparian Management Areas (rev. 11/07
  • Division 640 Water Protection Rules: Vegetation Retention Along Streams
  • Division 645 (doc) Water Protection Rules: Riparian Mgmt Areas & Protection Measures for Significant Wetlands
  • Division 650 (doc) Water Protection Rules: Riparian Mgmt Areas & Protection Measures for Lakes
  • Division 655 (doc) Water Protection Rules: Protection Measures for "Other Wetlands," Seeps, and Springs
  • Division 660 (doc) Water Protection Rules: Specific Rules for Operations Near Waters of the State
  • Division 665 (doc) Specified Resource Sites on Forestlands

Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Interpretive Guidance
  • Chapter 527 Selected Statutes (doc) Harvest Units - Definitions, Wildlife Tree & Downed Log Retention Requirements, Forestland Conversion, Harvest Limitations, Scenic Hwys
  • Chapter 527.620  (doc) Definition Updates, May 2004

Other - Interagency Coordination Guidance

Page updated: August 13, 2008

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