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A woodland scene
Annual Timber Harvest Reports
Harvest History
Harvests by Ownership

Revenue Payments to Counties

*Common School Fund (CSF) Timber Revenue link represents the total annual revenue received by CSF from ODF due to timber harvesting and forestry-related activities.
Individual county revenue from CSF is found under the CSF Total Revenue link, and lists CSF revenue from all sources, not exclusively from timber harvesting. Note: this table lists revenue in Federal fiscal year format, while the CSF Timber Revenue lists revenue in State fiscal year format.
Western Oregon Softwood Log Price Index

The softwood log price index is adjusted for inflation using the Quarterly All Commodity PPI Index with base year 1982. Updated 2/17/06.
Board Feet - Cubic Feet Comparison

Land Base Table - Excel table with the current estimated area of forest land in Oregon by productivity class, reserve status, and owner class. Revised 11/18/04.
Complete Harvest Data 1962-Present - Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and pivot table with harvests broken down by county and ownership from 1962 to 2005 in thousands of board feet (MBF).  Updated 3/16/07.
2006 Data Submission Form - Microsoft Word document

Page updated: July 09, 2008

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