Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
2006_nobelwomen_pdx_conference 2006 NOBEL/Women Conference
Access Oregon Arts Commission - ADA compliance
AccessUserGroup Microsoft Access users
ACP-app_asst [no description available]
ACRL-OR-Board Oregon's Association of College and Research Libraries
AD_performances Audio theater performances for the visually impaired
Admin_Boundaries_FIT Administrative Boundaries Framework Implementation Team
Advisorycommittee Environmental Public Health Tracking program Advisory Committee
ADWG_support For ADWG and the Division of Medical Assistance Program's Quality and Performance Improvement workgroup.
AE Aquatic and Angler Instructor Informational Networking Tool
AfterWords-L [no description available]
aga_oregon Salem Chapter of AGA
AgencyHistory150 [no description available]
agmarketing ODA food and agricultural programs and events
AL-Directors Academic Library Directors in Oregon
Allotment-Analysts Allotment Analysts
Allreppms Labor Relations Unit information for personnel managers.
AlternativeEd Dept. of Education - Alternative Education
AnalyzerUserGroup ShowCase Analyzer - OJD
APRNBoardNews Nursing Board meeting updates
APS APS stafff and supervisors
Aq Agriculture Quarterly online announcement
Ar-mgmt Accounts Receivable Management
Ar_general_info Oregon DMV- Mandatory Reporting
arthritis-cltn Oregon Arthritis Coalition
arthritisnetwrk [no description available]
artsed Oregon Arts Commission Regional Arts Education Network
artseduc Partnership of organizations to support arts education efforts
ASA_AA_EEO_LIST Governor's Office of Affirmative Action
Aspireoregon ASPIRE
Assessment_Advisory_Committee Assessment Advisory Committee
AYPRCUpdates Keeping educators up to date on Assessment, AYP and Report Cards.
BCP Business Continuity Planners
BENHA_Mtg_Agenda OR Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrator's Board
BensonHS Oregon Health Division/Benson High School/Multnomah County Health Dept.
bike_psob Bike commuting
Bizbuzz Oregon state agency Business Managers
boardadmin Governor's Executive Appointments Office
Brand_Oregon Brand Oregon news & announcements
BUG Bibliostat User's Group
busmgrs Oregon school district and ESD Business Managers
Buyer-link Agency communication with DAS Procurement
CAFO_Area1 Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Area1
CAFO_Area2 Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Area 2
CAFO_Area3 Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Area 3
CAFO_Area4 Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Area 4
CAFO_area5 Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Area 5
CAFO_Area6 Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Area 6
CAFR-Contacts-News Agency fiscal personnel working with SARS
CAP_Found Oregon State Capitol Foundation
Capital_Librarians Capital Mall area info professionals who maintain a collection of materials for agency employees and/or OR citizens.
CAREWare_Users CAREWare Users
Caseyteams Casey Family Programs initiative
CBRTechTeam Central Business Registry Technical Team
cc_mvvma Mid-Valley Volunteer Managers Association
CCB_newsletter CCB Quarterly Bulletin Board Newsletter
CCTF Cost & Capacity Task Force
CDBGNews Community Development Block Grant program
changemgmt State Data Center announcements
Childabuseprosecutors Child Abuse Prosecutors
ChronicDiseaseTrainings Training- Awarded chronic disease training contracts
Cluster_Network_Members Cluster Network Member announcements
Clusters2007 Clusters 2007 Conference
CMS_Teamsite Content Management/Teamsite
CNIC_Updates State Data Center-CNIC Project
CNS_OSBN_LTSV Clinical Nurse Specialist - OSBN
collaborative-vr Collaborative virtual reference
Comm-Council State of Oregon Communications Council
CommissionForWomen Oregon Commission for Women
Connections OSL/USCIS networking and information sharing
ConnectOregon-News Oregon Dept of Transportation ConnectOregon news
COPENet COPE-related discussions
CountyLawLibraries [no description available]
CPM Certificate of Public Management (Oregon)
cpm3 Certification of Public Mgmt program/Willamette U.
CPTF Credit for Proficiency Task Force
criminaljusticebulletin Criminal Justice Training Bulletin for Oregon and SW Washington
CtyTobProMgrs Community Tobacco Program Managers
cultural-health Announcements from the Office of Multicultural Health
CulturalAwareness Cultural Awareness Programs
CulturalPlanners Oregon Cultural Trust
Currdir State of Oregon Educational Curriculum issues
cvsd-grants Dept of Justice and Crime Victim's Services Division State and Federal Grants
Das-Diversity-List DAS Diversity
DAS_Centralized_PERS_Services_Team DAS Centralized PERS Services Team subject related information
DAS_PPDB_Group PPDB related information
Data-or [no description available]
Datacollection Department of Education data collection/reporting news and updates for school, district, and ESD employees.
Datamart-News SFMA and OSPA datamart news and questions
DBIReportusers Updates and improvement to the Dept. of Education web site
DCADiscussions Discussion of the Dynamic Classroom Assessment
Demo-list Demonstration List - Used for Training
DHS-CW Oregon DHS Child Welfare Partners
dhs-news News from the Dept. of Human Services
DHS-OIS-ChangeMgmt DHS network/OIS Change Management
DHS-Trainers DHS Department and Community Trainers
DHS_Core_Value_Trainers [no description available]
DHS_Strength_Based_Pract DHS - Strength Based Practice training community
DHSinfosecurity DHS Information Security Office
DirectoryNotice This list provides the cigarette brands that are approved for sale in the State of Oregon
Disparities Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control - Public Awareness
div-cal Diversity Calendar
Diversity-Organizations DAS - Diversity Organizations
DLCD-Rulemaking Rulemaking notices from the Department of Land Conservation and Development
DLCD_GIS [no description available]
DLCD_Newsletter Dept. of Land and Conservation Development newsletter
Docpublicupdates Oregon Department of Corrections public updates
DOGAMI DOGAMI Governing Board
dogami-pubs Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
DOR-Grapevine Property tax in Oregon
DPO-Link Oregon State DPOs
dpsstbulletin Public safety training opportunities
DPSSTFireFormsProject DPSST Fire Forms Automation Project
DuiiProsecutors A List of DUII Prosecutors in Oregon
DVProsecutors Domestic Violence Prosecutors
E-commerceSPOC E-commerce SPOC's notices from E-gov
E-gov_Commerce Oregon E-gov Commerce
E-gov_test_server DAS-E-Gov Test Server
E-gov_web_trends Communication for Web Trend reports
E-governance_board E-gov Board
E-govTemplateUpdates ongoing changes to the E- government templates
EAP-INFO LIEAP or OEAP - Housing and Community Services
eClips [no description available]
ECMC_Schools ECMC Scholars
Egov_eCommerce_SFMA SFMA file confirmation
EgovSPOC EGOV Single Point of Contact
EI-News EI/ECSE Newsletter
EJTF_Annual_Report_Subcommittee EJTF Annual Report Subcommittee
EJTF_Education_And_Outreach EJTF Education And Outreach subcommittee
EJTF_Inter-Agency_Working_Group EJTF Inter-Agency Working Group
Elec-Prod-Stew OECDD committee on Electronic Product Stewardship
ELL_Mailing_List ELL project
ELMS iLearnOregon System Announcements
ELPA Oregon's English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)
emedia-or Discussion for ODLC Board and committee chairs
Environmental_health [no description available]
EPI_Forum Portland Area Epidemiologist's Forum
Erate Communication to ERATE coordinators
ESD-dir ESD Special Education Directors
ESTF Essential Skills
Evac-Net Oregon state agency Site Evacuation Coordinators
Family-to-Family-City Foster Care City discussion
Farmschoolgarden Farm-To-School and School Gardens
FES 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act information relating to energy and Oregon
firebulletin Training opportunities for firefighters
FlagNotifications Flag half-staff notifications from the Governor
Fleet-billing-security-link DAS Fleet customers
Forest_Biomass Forest Biomass energy in Oregon
ForestryEdNet Forestry Educators Network group
Fruitsandveggies Fruits and Veggies - More Matters
Gap [no description available]
Gap-trainers GAP Trainers for Child Welfare
gis_info GIS and spatial data related activities in Oregon
GovCouncilDV Governor's Council on Domestic Violence
Governors-Campus-Safety-Task-Force This is a list for the members of the Governor's Campus Safety Task Force.
gpl_list Geographic Information System Program Leaders
Growthmodel Growth Model Project USDOE
GSBC_quest_2006 Governor's Small Business Council 2006 Questionnaire
GWAC_Agenda-Min Ground Water Advisory Committee Agenda/Minutes
H2O_Strategy_Headwaters_to_Ocean Governor's strategy for a sustainable and quality water supply
HAG Hepatitis Advisory Group
Harney [no description available]
Haz_and_Prep_FIT Hazards and Preparedness Framework Implementation Team
HC-Interpreters Health Care Interpreters
HCSResidentServ Resident Service Coordinators and Oregon affordable housing
Health_Education_Promotion Information sharing and events calendar for OPHA Health Education and Promotion Section Members.
Heritage Oregon's heritage resources
Hist_Pres Oregon Historic Preservation
HistoricCemeteries Historic Cemeteries
hivprevention HIV prevention program staff and supervisors
HKLB-Mental_Health Health Kids Learn Better
HLC HLC management list
HLC-Opps Hatfield Library Consortium Opportunity Sharing
HLO-Update Health Licensing Office updates
HLTHYACTVOREGON Healthy Active Oregon Statewide Plan
hrexec Restricted mailing list for state agency HR Managers responsible for overall HR Management of their agency
hrmgr-net Restricted mailing list for DAS HR Administrator communication
Hrtech-net Restricted mailing list for DAS HR Administrator communications to state HR technicians
I-5Partnership I-5 Portland/Vancouver Partnership
IATF Oregon Diploma Implementation
IES-online CTE instructors in IES career clusters
IIA-Salem_Chapter Salem Chapter of the IIA
iLearnDAdm All iLearnOregon Administrators
IndustrialHemp [no description available]
INT-PER Information about Special Education from ODE
IRMD-PS [no description available]
Irrlist SOS Elections Initiative, Referendum and Referral News --
ISCN Interagency Sustainability Coordinators Network
itaudit ACL software users
IWN_Oregon IWN Oregon project - Oregon State Police/Office of Emergency Management
JAClist Joint Action Coalition
Jog Child and Adolescent Obesity Prevention Group
JointConf2008 [no description available]
KAISEROEBB Kaiser Permanente OEBB members
Kids-lib Oregon children's librarian discussion
L-net [no description available]
L-Net-Advisory L-Net Advisory committee
L2kKnowledge License 2000 support
L2KUser_Group License 2000 State User Group general info
LandUse-News Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development news service
Latina-Prenatal-Care-Taskforce Program for prenatal care for Latinas
LBPPTF Lead Based Paint Program Advisory Group
LCDC_Agenda LCDC meeting agenda
LeadershipGrads Leadership Graduates
LearnVirtual Oregon Virtual School District
LFO_FIS Agency Fiscal Impact Related Information
Libs-Or Information related to the Oregon library community
Libs4Lane Lane County Libraries
Licensing_Line News from the Oregon Health Licensing Agency (OHLA)
LiDAR LiDAR data
LIHTC [no description available]
LinnLib Linn County, Oregon library issues
LivingWell_OR Living Well with Chronic Conditions/Chronic Disease Self Management Program
LO2001 [no description available]
lo2002 Leadership Oregon 2002
loalumni Leadership Oregon alumni
Local-Gov-News Oregon State Treasury communication to local governments
Local-Trends-CO Central Oregon Local Labor Trends
LOregon2006 Leadership Oregon 2006
lstac LSTA Coordinators
MandReporting Oregon DMV - Mandatory Reporting
Mathematics-PDC [no description available]
Medicaid-in-Motion Medicaid information from the Dept. of Education
metro_hiv_prev DHS-Health Services - HIV Prevention communication
Mgaw-or [no description available]
MOA-News-Updates Methods of Administration -Workforce Investment Act
Mortgage_Broker_Companies Mortgage brokers in Oregon
MOVE Making Oregon Vital for Elders
MSP Partnerships Title IIB
Mthscdir Mathematics Scoring directors and ODE Assessment staff and Specialists
Multi_Cultural Multi-Cultural County Health Department's Tobacco mailing list
MVVMA This list is for members of the Mid-Valley Volunteer Managers Association (MVVMA).
MyOEBB MyOEBB system updates
NAEP National Assessment of Educational Progress
nasta National Association of State Textbook Administrators
NaturalHazNews The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) - Natural Hazards Program
NDS-TECH-TALK DHS/NDS Technical discussion
NetLinkIPT LearnLinc Implementaion Project Team members
NetLinkLeaders LearnLinc Early Adopters
Network_of_Care [no description available]
Newlist [no description available]
NonResEnergyCode Oregon Non-Residential energy code information
Nurse_to_Nurse Oregon's Community Based Care Nursing Newsletter
NVDRS Violent Death Surveillance Projects
NWOregon MSM HIV prevention services
oaacommunicator OAA Communicator
OAHOC Office of Administrative Hearings Oversight Committee
OAKS-Online ODE's OAKS Online/OAKS-Online
oblpct Oregon Bd Licensed Profess Counselors & Therapists Information
OBPEeNews OBPE updates
OBPEeRULES Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners
OCB-Announcements Oregon Commission for the Blind
OCTM_PDC OCTM Professional Development Cadre
ODA-Flightlines Dept of Aviation's Flightlines news quarterly
ODAA-List Oregon District Attorney's Association (DOJ)
ODE-Data_Collection [no description available]
ODE-HR_Personnel Department of Education data collection
ODE-IT Oregon Dept. of Education IT projects
ODE_SDFS Title IV-A Safe & Drug Free School Data
ODFW-News Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife News Releases
ODFW_Outdoor_Skills [no description available]
ODOT-Highway-Construction-Opportunities ODOT Highway Construction Opportunities
ODOT_AE_Consultant_Info ODOT Info - A&E Consultants
ODOTGeoManual ODOT GeoTechnical Design Manual
ODS_OEBB ODS Health Plans OEBB members
OEBB Oregon Educators Benefit Board information
OEBB_alltopic OEBB newsletter for education
Oebb_highered for community colleges and universities regarding OEBB benefits.
OEBb_Open_Enrollment OEBB
OEBBBUSMAN Business Managers-OEBB
OEBBNews OEBB Newsletter
oebboutreach Outreach Network members of OEBB
oebbpharmacynews OEBB
OEBBpremiumcontact For educational entitiy personnel responsible for making premium payments to OEBB.
OEBBSUPERINFO OEBB - Superintendents
OECDD_Stat_Rvw Oregon Economic and Community Development Dept.
OED_Emp_News Employment and unemployment data
OED_Hours_Earnings Employment monthly hours and earnings data
OED_hrsearn-news Oregon Employment Dept. employment news
OFRI-Education-Newsletter Oregon Forest Resources Insititute K-12 teachers
OFRI_Newsletter Oregon Forest Resources Institute monthly newsletter
OFWC-Agenda Oregon Fish and Wildlife Agenda
OGWG Oregon Geothermal Working Group
OHCS-E-News Information from Oregon Housing and Community Services
OHLA_environmental_health_registration_board Regulatory news for the environmental health community
OHOP-Updates Oregon Housing Opportunities in Partnership (OHOP) program
OHREC Oregon Health Research and Evaluation Collaborative(OHREC)
OISPH_Wiki OISPH website news and updates
OJD_Newsletter Newsletter for Judicial Dept. employees
OLA-2009 This is the distribution list for the OLA 2009 conference Committee.
OLA-TSRT Oregon Library Association- Technical Services Roundtable
OLA_PLD Oregon Library Association - Public Library Division
OMB-AdminRules Oregon Medical Board
OMB-MeetingNotice Oregon Medical Board
OMB-MonthlyBoardActionsReport OMB Monthly Board Actions Report
OMB-QuarterlyMalpracticeReport OMB Quarterly Malpractice Report
OMDA-OGS [no description available]
OMHAS-PIT Training for Oregon MH & Addiction professionals
OMIP_News Oregon Medical Insurance Pool
OMPHE Oregon Mexico Health Professionals Exchange
OMS_MANAGERS Oregon Main Street program managers
OPCC-All-Members Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control
OPCC-Data-Management Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control - Data Mgmt.
OPCC-Prevention-Wkgrp Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control - Prevention
OPCC-Pub-Policy Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control - Public Policy
OPCC-Treatment-Wkgrp Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control - Treatment and Prevention
OPCC_Breast_Health_Subcommittee OPCC Breast Health Subcommittee
OPCC_Cervical_Subcommittee OPCC Cervical Subcommittee
OPCC_CoC_Contacts Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control
OPCC_Colorectal_Subcommittee OPCC Colorectal group
OPCC_Coordinating_Committee OPCC Coordinating Committee
OPCC_Environmental_Subcommittee OPCC Environmental Subcommittee
Open_Burn_Announce Willamette Valley Open Burning Announcement
OPEUreppms DAS Labor Relations Unit/ personnel in OPEU represented agencies
OPHP_Producer_Referral_Program Office of Private Health Partnerships Producer Referral Program
Oppa-Link Listserv for Oregon Public Purchasing Association Members
OPRD_FriendsGroups Oregon Parks and Recresation Dept.
OPSW_OutreachTm Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds Outreach Team
OR-PLDirectors Oregon Public Library Directors
or-roots or-roots mail list
OR-SIEC-Techcom Oregon's State Interoperability Council's (SIEC) Technical Committee
OR150AgencyReps [no description available]
OR_AFLeaders Arthritis Foundation - Oregon Arthritis Program
OR_Archaeology Oregon Archaeologists
OR_Arts_Teachers Oregon Arts Teachers
OR_Climate_News Oregon Climate Change News
Or_Crisis_Response_Team Crime Victim's Assistance Section
OR_DHS_Self_Sufficiency_Benefits_App Oregon DHS Online Food Benefits Application
OR_EngLA_Teachers Oregon English Language Art Teachers
OR_Health_Teachers Dept of Education Health Teacher Information
OR_Math_Teachers Oregon Dept of Education and the Mathematics community
OR_PE_Teachers Oregon Physical Education Teacher Update
OR_Sci_Teachers [no description available]
OR_Trans_Contributors OR Trans Database
Oral-Health-Adv State of Oregon Oral Health Program (OPHS)
OralHealthList Sustainable oral health solutions for Oregonians
ORBITS-Users ORBITS system updates
Orbits_list Oregon Road Based InformationTeam
OrCAN College access information for OrCAN members
OrCapPRSA Oregon Capital Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America
ORCollabProj Oregon Collaborative Project
orcpplink Issues for particpants in the Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program
ORDiabCoalition Oregon Diabetes Coalition
OrDocs Oregon state government documents discussion
Oregon-Workforce-News Oregon Employment Dept news for employers and employees
Oregon21stCCLC 21st CCLC funded programs/Dept. of Education
Oregon_911_GIS-MSAG [no description available]
Oregon_Bus_News Business news from Oregon (Oregon Economic Development)
Oregon_Coast_Interpreters A mailing list to share heritage interpretive information regarding the Oregon Coast.
Oregon_Conventional_Finance_Companies Oregon conventional lending
Oregon_EPHT_News Environmental Public Health Tracking Program
Oregon_InC [no description available]
Oregon_Loan_Originators Mortgage loan originators in Oregon
Oregon_Reads_2009 Oregon Reads task force
Oregon_Short_Term_Lenders Oregon short term lenders
Oregon_State_Forests Oregon State Forests
OregonAPCoordinators Oregon high school Advanced Placement Coordinators
OregonAPTeachers Oregon Advanced Placement Teachers
OregonArts Oregon Arts Commission activities
OregonBAMTeachers Oregon Business and Management Teachers
OregonHealthyAging Community and statewide interest in healthy aging
Oregonians-at-Work Newsletter from the Oregon Employment Dept.
OregonMarineReserves Oregon Marine Reserves List Serv
Oregonsurplus Oregon State Agency for Surplus Property
OrIndContr Oregon Independent Contractor Issues
Orlsta [no description available]
ORMAP-Tech ORMAP Tech Group
ORMAP_ESRI_Programmers Programming information
Orperc Oregon Arts Commision's 1% for Art program
ORPIN-SUPPLIER-DISTRIBUTION ORPIN supplier community communication.
ORschoolnurse School nurses in Oregon
ORSLTeachers Oregon Second Language Teacher Update
ORSocScTeacher Oregon Social Science teachers
ORTCC Oregon Telecommunications Coordinating Council
ORTCC_Education Oregon Telecommunications Coordinating Council
ORTCC_FCC_PILOT Telehealth Network planning
ORTCC_FCC_TECH Technical/design subcommittee of ORTCC Healthcare-Education Committee
ORTCC_Reimburse Telemedicine Reimbursement Workgroup
Ortcced ORTCC Economic Development Committee
ORTCCHEC [no description available]
ORTCCInfrastructure ORTCC Infrastructure Committee
ORTCCLegislative ORTCC Legislative Committee
ORTCCPublicSafety ORTCC Public Safety Committee
ORTCCTelehealth ORTCC Telehealth Committee
orthoimagery Orthoimagery FIT group
OSBN_BD_MTG_AGENDA Oregon State Board of Nursing - Board Meeting
OSBN_RULE_HEARING_NOTIF OSBN - Rule Hearing Notification
OSFA Oregon State Fiscal Association
OSGP Oregon Savings Growth Plan
OSHEN Oregon State Hispanic Employee Network
OSI Oregon School Improvement (OSI)
OSL-TRAKsmart Oregon State Library customized tracking service
OSLGenVolunteer State Library Genealogy Volunteers
oslist Oregon School Library Information System
OSMB-News News from the Oregon State Marine Board
OSMP-HCP Ocean Shore Managment Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan
OSPICIS Oregon State Police ICIS
OSPS-News Announcements from OSPS to the users of the Oregon State Payroll Application
OSSSA218 IRS, SSA,, Section 218 issues
OSSSA218-All_Political_Subdivisions IRS, SSA and OSSSA issues
OSSSA218-CC Oregon State Social Security Administration Community Colleges
OSSSA218-County OSSSA to Oregon Counties
OSSSA218-edu Oregon State Social Security Administration educational districts
OSSSA218-Fire-All [no description available]
OSSSA218-Interested-Parties Oregon State Social Security Administration interested
OSSSA218-Non_PERS OSSSA local governments not participating in PERS
Ostlead Oregon Science Teacher Leaders
oswapic Oregon and Southern Washington Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc.
OTIA_III_Bridge_Program OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program (ODOT)
OTPTF Oregon Teen Pregnancy Task Force
OutreachWkGp Medically underserved clients
OVERS-Birth Birth users of the Oregon Vital Events Registration System
OVERS-County Oregon Vital Events Registration System
OVERS-Medical Oregon Vital Events Registration System - EDRS Medical Users
OVERS_ME [no description available]
owbfpc Oregon WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling
OWEB-Region1 Watershed Coordinators - OWEB- Region 1
OWEB-Region2 Watershed Coordinators - OWEB
OWEB-Region3 Watershed Coordinators - OWEB - Region 3
OWIIPP_Putting_Data_to_Work OWIIPP
OWIN Oregon Wireless Interoperability Network
OWIN_eNewsletter OWIN Monthly Newsletter
OWRC_Agenda-Min Meeting agendas and minutes - OWRC
OWRD Water Resources Commission staff reports
OWRD-Public-Notice Recent actions from the Oregon Water Resources Dept.
OWRD-Rulemaking Oregon Water Resources Department Rulemaking Notices
Owrd_OAR-Plans OWRD- OARs & Basin Plans
OWSCI Oregon Water Supply and Conservation Initiative
OWWG Oregon Wind Working Group information
OYAN Young adult library issues in Oregon (OLA group)
Parkinfo Announcements from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Dept.
Parking_Payroll_Deduction Oregon Statewide Payroll Services - Parking
Part_A_HIV_Network [no description available]
Paul_Axtell_Group Building skills in communication
Payroll-List OSPS Advisory Council News
Payrolltax-News Payroll tax information (Dept of Revenue)
PCF_Update ODF Private Forests Program Update
PD_Online_Ordering Publishing & Distribution online ordering
Pdxinterop Communications interoperability issues
PEBB_AWC Agency Wellness Coordinators
Percent Public art opportunities
Performance_Measures This list is for Performance Measures announcements from approved senders.
PERS-Payroll PERS-Employer Payroll Officers
PHCOMM Public health communications
PL-Directors Oregon Public Library Directors
plinkit-announce Announcement only list for public libraries in OR using Plinkit
plinkit-chat libraries using Plinkit in Oregon.
plinkit-sc Plinkit Collaborative Steering Committee
plinkitech Plinkit Collaborative Technical
pma Public Management Association
PNW_AFLeaders Arthritis Foundation Programs
POC_CommunityOR DHS Communication to Communities of Color in Oregon
Prepare_OR-ED [no description available]
Preparedness-FIT Preparedness Framework Implementation Team (FIT)
Pres_cmsn Governments and preservation commissions
PREVCO Prevention Coordinators
Preventsuicide Oregon's Youth Suicide Prevention Program
Private_Forests Private Forests News from ODF
Private_investigator_bulletin Private Investigation announcements
private_security_bulletin Private Security notifications
Producer-News News from Office of Private Health Partnerships
Project_yes [no description available]
PROV_OEBB Providence Health Plan OEBB members
PSBus_Teacher Post Secondary Business Teachers
PSK-LINK Personal services updates
Public-Driver Oregon state agency Citizen Complaint Coordinators
PublicHlthAcdmy 2003 Public Health Academy
QRF QRF Council Members
R2R-OR Ready to Read Grant
racarts Regional Arts Council Listserve
RCM-Energy Resource Conservation Managers information.
Reading-For-Healthy-Families Reading for Healthy Families
recrep Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife weekly recreation reports
Reentry-Network News about suppporting formerly incarcerated individuals
Region10 Region 10 trainers
ResEnergyCode Oregon Residential Energy Code updates
Restitution_Network Oregon Restitution Network
Results-Trends Oregon Workforce Investment: Results & Trends
RETCHVAC Info about the OR Dept of Energy Residential Energy Tax Credit program.
Revenews Tax information from the Oregon Dept. of Revenue to tax practitioners
RF-ELL Reading First/ELL group
RFHF_Cohort_1 Reading for Healthy Families Cohort
RFID_LIB Radio Frequency Identifiers in library usage
Risk_Management_Advisory_Council Risk Management Advisory Council
Rocky_Shores The Rocky Shore Tidepool Naturalists (OPRD)
RPS-Oregon Renewable Portfolio Standard - Oregon
rururb Rural/urban arts education
SafetyRisk-Insider Safety and risk information for state agencies
SalemJavaUG Salem Java User Group
Santiam-lib Library issues in North Santiam River area
SATF Standards & Assessment
SB1149-BusMgrs SB1149 Eligible Schools Business Managers.
SB1149-FacMgrs SB1149 Eligible Schools Facility Managers.
SB82_Task_Force Oregon Task Force on Land Use Planning notice list
SCD-Mail SCD General Communications
schoolprograms School Tobacco Coordinators
SDC-Severity-1 [no description available]
SDC_All_Net SDC Network
SDC_Change_Mgt State Data Center
SDLAC Statewide Database Licensing Program Advisory Committee
SE-Dir Special Education Directors
SEDC Special Education Data Collection
Senate_Republican_Office Oregon Senate Republican Office Newsletter
senior-fall-prevention Senior fall-prevention list
SFMA-OSPA_Agy_Security_Officers SMA and OSPA agency security officers
sfmcommed Oregon Office of State Fire Marshal - public fire educators
SFMhazteams Oregon State Fire Marshall/HazMat team members
SFMS-News Statewide Financial Management Section/State Conroller's Division
Shared-Client DAS-SCD and DAS client agencies
SHIBAvols SHIBA volunteers
SICC State Interagency Coordinating Council
SIEC State Interoperability Executive Council
SIP-link Strategic Improvement Project
SitePublisher_Pilot Distribution for the SitePublisher Pilot
SLPA-Forum SLP Assistants
SmallHydro Small hyrdo working group
SMI_Northeast ODF Smoke Management Instructions
SMI_South_Central ODF Smoke Management Instructions
SMI_West ODF Smoke Management Instructions
SOC System of Care grant information
SOSNEWS Oregon Secretary of State
SPAList SLP/Aud Topic List
SPDTechs SPD Technicians
SPDTransmittals DHS, Seniors and People with Diabilities, Transmittals
SpEd-TF Special Education Taskforce and staff (ODE)
SPG Statewide Planning Group Communication and Information
SRIPcomlist State Recruitment Improvement Project
SSD OLA Support Staff Division
SSID Statewide secure student indentification system - Dept. of Education
st-lib State Library discussion
State-Payroll-Administrators Oregon Savings Growth Plan - State Paryool Administrator contact
State_ESRI_UG information regarding GPL and ESRI
State_Forests Oregon's State Forests
State_HelpDesks State of Oregon Help Desk Services
Statelodgingtax Oregon State Lodging Tax
StateofOregon-Recruiters Recruitment Staff in State Government
StateRecruitmentSystem State Recruitment System
StateSPEDFiscal State Special Education Fiscal contacts
statevolcoord State volunteer program coordinators
Statewraparound Statewide Children's Wraparound Initiative
Stay_Connected Gates Staying Connected grant program
STMA-Link State Travel Manager Alliance
Stub_Stewart Stub Stewart State Park
Super ODE Communications
SuperUpdate ODE Communications
SuptIntern Former ODE interns
Survey2009-DAS DAS Customer Satisfaction Survey for 2009
Sustain-Coord Oregon state agency sustainability coordinators.
SWICAP Nationwide Network for Cost Allocation Plan Information
SWTrailsPlan Oregon Statewide Trails Planning
Tag-Contacts School district Talented and Gifted contacts
Tag-Info Talented and Gifted Programs
Taxl_list OGISA and OGEOF Taxlot Subcommittee
TBABS-Or Oregon State Library Talking Book & Braille Services Forum
TDAC TPEP Tobacco Disparities Advisory Council
TeachrAdminDev Teacher Administrator Professional Development
TeamSite E-Government TeamSite information
tec-train Technical training announcements from STEPS (DAS)
Tech-or Oregon library technology support discussion list
Test1000 [no description available]
The_OCBA_Reporter Oregon Commission on Black Affairs communication to Oregon's African American and Black Residents.
TL-Directors Oregon State Library gran announcements
Touring Oregon Arts Commission - touring and presenting arts community
TPL_discussion_group Medicaid third party liability multi state discussions
Traffic-News ODOT-DMV- Communication to law enforcement agencies
Train-Event_Lib [no description available]
Train-Or Training Resource Sharing Group
Training-News DAS Training Events
Training_Consortium Training Consortium
TrainMgrs Training managers in state government
Traksmart-socserv TRAKsmart - customized tracking service
Travel-card_news Travel Card program coordinators
Travel-Link State employees working with state travel
Travel_Policy-News State Controller's Division/DAS travel rules
Treasury-News News from the Office of the Oregon State Treasurer
TROCD Tobacco-Related and other Chronic Diseases
TurkeySandwichClub Tobacco-free lifestyle
Unabridged Unabridged digital audio book initiative
Unabridged-OR Digital Audio Books
Urban_Forestry Oregon Urban Forestry
Vets_cvts Vets and CVTs regarding Veterinary Public Health Issues
Victims-Services DOJ Crime Victim's Services Division staff and Victim Assistance Programs.
Virtual-Merchant-News Virtual Merchant related issues
Volcouncil Oregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife Volunteer Council
WBTCurriculum Learning Leadership Council sub-committee
WC4Surveillance Information about using Workers' Compensation claims data for surveillance
WebBraille WebBraille for TBABS patrons
WebPHD Public Health Division Web Site
Websphere Websphere development
Wellness Oregon Women's Health and Wellness Alliance (OWHWA)
Wellness_Policy Wellness - National School Lunch Program
westco Western Council of State Libraries
WestCoast_CoastalAtlases West Coast coastal atlas developers
WHN Women's Health Network
WICCoordinator Oregon WIC Coordinators and State WIC staff
WICvendor WIC Vendors
Wildfire Wildland Firefighting
willamette-fcst Willamette Valley Ag/Burning Forecast
WILLAMETTE_OEBB Willamette Dental OEBB members
Wisewoman Oregon WISEWOMAN Program
Wolfcreek Updates about Wolf Creek Inn State Heritage Site
WRDTransferProgram WRD transfer program
WSO This list is for WorkSource Oregon staff announcements.
WSO_Managers Manager's only version of WSO ListServe
WTobaccoEval Western States Tobacco Evaluation Consortium
Yaquina_Lights Oregon Parks and Recreation/BLM/Yaquina Lights
Youthcom Oregon Workforce Investment Board Youth Committee
YSPNetwork Youth Suicide Prevention Network

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