SciDAC Outreach Center

Providing information and services that support SciDAC outreach, training, and research objectives.

The SciDAC Outreach Center will provide information and services that support Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) outreach, training, and research objectives. The Center will provide a clearinghouse of SciDAC activities and resources, foster communication within the High Performance Computing (HPC) community, and help disseminate SciDAC accomplishments. Additionally, the Center will gather data to understand the needs of the HPC community to identify workshops, summer schools, institutes and research topics to meet those needs.

Email and Telephone Support

The SciDAC Outreach Center will maintain a first-level support and Q&A line for matters related to SciDAC and DOE high performance computing at 1-866-470-5547 and The Outreach Center will not provide detailed application support, but will instead attempt to put the appropriate parties in contact with each other.

Outreach Public Website:

This website will include a SciDAC software repository, FAQ, contact information, and a calendar of workshops, meetings and events.

Outreach and Training

The SciDAC Outreach Center will organize one or two training sessions per year on topics that address the immediate needs of the HPC community as discerned from the Center’s ongoing communications with that community. For the sake of cost-effectiveness, whenever possible these sessions will be conducted in conjunction with other meetings such as the Supercomputing conference and the annual SciDAC meeting. In addition, the SciDAC Outreach Center will assist SciDAC Centers for Enabling Technologies (CET) and SciDAC Institutes in publicizing their outreach and training events (workshops, symposia, summer schools, etc.).


The Outreach Center will conduct an annual online survey of the user community to collect feedback about the Center itself as well as the general needs of the HPC community. The Center will also track trends in daily communications, questions, and requests from the HPC community.

DOE Program Manager

Barbara Helland
DOE Office of Science -
Advanced Scientific Computing Research


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