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Factsheets (alphabetical, by title)

Pine Cone National Recall: Q & A's

Phytosanitary Certificates and the Import and Export of Plants and Plant Products: Q & A's

Pine Shoot Beetle

APHIS' Plant Inspection Stations

Atlanta Plant Inspection Station Expands Import Services

Plant Protection Act, The

Plant Protection Act, The: Q & A's

Plant Protection and Quarantine Permits, Q & A's

Plant Protection and Quarantine Permits for Widely Prevalent Plant Pests and Pathogens: Q & A About

Plum Pox

Potato Cyst Nematode: Pest Alert

Potato Cyst Nematode and the National Survey Plan: Q & A's

Predeparture Passenger Baggage Inspection Notice for Travelers from Aruba to the U.S.

Predeparture Passenger Baggage Inspection Notice for Travelers From Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland and Guam
Chinese [page 1], Korean [page 2], Japanese [page 3] and Tagalog [page 4]

Predeparture Passenger Baggage Inspection Notice for Travelers From Puerto Rico to the U.S. Mainland

Predeparture Passenger Baggage Inspection Notice for Travelers From the U.S. Virgin Islands to the U.S. Mainland

Preserving Florida's Environment and Agriculture
Aviso para los comerciantes agrÍcolas y los consumidores
(This notice is available in the languages listed below in PDF version only)
Chinese Korean Vietnamese Haitian Creole
Protecting America's Plant Resources and Ecosystems

Transit Permits For Plants And Plant Products Set To Expire

USDA To Issue All Plant And Plant Products Transit Permits in Riverdale, Md

Outreach Materials (alphabetical, by title)

Papaya Mealybug Phytophthora ramorum: Stopping the Spread

Pink Hibiscus Mealybug

Cochinilla rosada del hibisco

Pink Hibiscus Mealybug, Look Out for the

Pink Hibiscus Mealybug, The: Pest Alert

Plant Inspection Stations, APHIS'

Plant Protection and Quarantine—Safeguarding America's Harvest and Environment