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Siegel & Strain Architects

1295 59th Street
Emeryville, CA 94608

Siegel & Strain Architects is a leader in sustainable design and historic preservation. For over two decades we have specialized in designing civic buildings, recreational facilities, schools, and housing. In addition to authoring GreenSpec, the widely used industry guide on green materials, the firm has won numerous national awards for ecological design of buildings that respond to climate and decrease energy use and carbon emissions.

Commercial Market(s) Served: Existing Commercial Buildings  

Commercial Market Sectors Served: Federal Government, Higher Education, Hospitality & Entertainment, K-12 Education, Local Government

Services: Architectural Design & Specification, LEED Documentation

Contact Information:
Henry Siegel
510-547-8092 (phone)
510-547-2604 (fax)
hsiegel@siegelstrain.com (e-mail)