Title 9--Animals and Animal Products



TEXT PDF592.1 Meaning of words.
TEXT PDF592.2 Terms defined.
TEXT PDF592.5 Designation of official certificates, memoranda, marks, other identifications, and devices for purposes of the Agricultural Marketing Act.
TEXT PDF592.10 Authority.
TEXT PDF592.20 Kinds of services available.
TEXT PDF592.22 Where service is offered.
TEXT PDF592.24 Basis of service.
TEXT PDF592.70 Identification.
TEXT PDF592.80 Political activity.
TEXT PDF592.90 Authority and duties of inspection program personnel performing service.
TEXT PDF592.95 Facilities and equipment to be furnished for use of inspection program personnel in performing service.
TEXT PDF592.96 Schedule of operation of official plants.
TEXT PDF592.100 Who may obtain service.
TEXT PDF592.120 Authority of applicant.
TEXT PDF592.130 How application for service may be made.
TEXT PDF592.140 Application for inspection in official plants; approval.
TEXT PDF592.150 When an application may be rejected.
TEXT PDF592.160 When an application may be withdrawn.
TEXT PDF592.170 Order of service.
TEXT PDF592.180 Suspension of plant approval.
TEXT PDF592.200 Debarment.
TEXT PDF592.220 Other applicable regulations.
TEXT PDF592.240 Report of violations.
TEXT PDF592.260 Reuse of containers bearing official identification prohibited.
TEXT PDF592.300 Approval of official identification.
TEXT PDF592.310 Form of official identification symbol and inspection mark.
TEXT PDF592.320 Products that may bear the inspection mark.
TEXT PDF592.330 Unauthorized use or disposition of approved labels.
TEXT PDF592.340 Supervision of marking and packaging.
TEXT PDF592.350 Accessibility of product.
TEXT PDF592.360 Certificates.
TEXT PDF592.370 Certificate issuance.
TEXT PDF592.380 Disposition of certificates.
TEXT PDF592.390 Advance information.
TEXT PDF592.400 Who may request an appeal inspection or review of an inspection program employee's decision.
TEXT PDF592.410 Where to file an appeal.
TEXT PDF592.420 How to file an appeal.
TEXT PDF592.430 When an application for an appeal inspection may be refused.
TEXT PDF592.440 Who shall perform the appeal.
TEXT PDF592.450 Procedures for selecting appeal samples.
TEXT PDF592.460 Appeal certificates.
TEXT PDF592.500 Payment of fees and charges.
TEXT PDF592.510 Base time rate.
TEXT PDF592.520 Overtime rate.
TEXT PDF592.530 Holiday rate.
TEXT PDF592.600 General.
TEXT PDF592.650 Inspection.
