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September 17, 2008
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International Transit

APTA is pleased to announce the latest addition to their team: Jessica Bechir, Program Manager- International Programs. Jessica will be working to coordinate APTA’s international efforts and expand the program, specifically in light of the upcoming 2008 EXPO. She welcomes and encourages all members to be in touch regarding their international needs and interests. Jessica can be reached at (202) 496-4833 or

Business Opportunities

International Business Opportunities (International urban public transportation tender abstracts and contact information; trade missions)

International Focus

International Focus (Articles and news items on international topics published in Passenger Transport, APTA's weekly newspaper, since 1997)

Study Missions

International Transit Study Missions (sponsored by APTA or U.S. Federal Transit Administration Transit Cooperative Research Program)


International Association of Public Transport (UITP) (Brussels, Belgium)

For single-country associations, see International Transportation Web Sites.


UITP organizes theme conferences and seminars during the year as well as a Biennial Congress and Exhibition on world-wide issues concerning Public Transport. All UITP conferences are open to anyone. Conference material is usually published and is available to both members and non-members. Congresses are for UITP members only.

For more information, visit the UITP web site, Registration information is available from the UITP Events Department at

Calendar (from Passenger Transport, APTA's weekly newspaper)  

Web Site Links

International Transportation Web Sites

Other Web Sites (many of these links are for non-U.S. organizations.)


Some of these pages may include links to documents in the Adobe PDF format. Please download the Adobe PDF reader if you have not already done so.