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APHIS Leadership

chester a. gipsonDr. Chester A. Gipson was appointed Acting Deputy Administrator in November 2001, and then Deputy Administrator, of Animal Care in May 2002. He and his staff (which includes headquarters personnel in Riverdale, Maryland, regional personnel in Raleigh, North Carolina, and regional personnel in Fort Collins, Colorado) are responsible for the enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and the Horse Protection Act (HPA).

Dr. Gipson has worked for APHIS for more than 20 years. His first job was as a Veterinary Medical Officer (VMO) on the Sheep, Goat, Equine, Ectoparasite, and Miscellaneous Disease staff within Veterinary Services (VS). After that, he served as a VMO with Policy and Program Development, where he and other staff and line officials developed broad policies and veterinary medical programs for VS. After serving a year as Assistant Director of VS’ Southeastern Regional Office, headquartered in Tampa, Florida, he served as Director of that program, until he became the Director of VS’ Animal Health Programs in Riverdale, Maryland, and, later, the Associate Deputy Administrator of VS.

Dr. Gipson received a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama; a Master’s of Agriculture (specializing in Physiology) from the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida; and a Bachelor of Science (with a major in Animal Science and Biology) from Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida.

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