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Black Rockfish, Sebastes melanops

[Black Rockfish, Sebastes melanops, fishblkrock.jpg=97KB]

The black rockfish, Sebastes melanops, is one of about 60 species of rockfish in the family Scorpaenidae. The black rockfish is wide-ranging recorded from Amchitka I., one of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, to San Miguel Island in southern California. They are a schooling rockfish that often congregates off rocky reefs nearshore to deep banks in open water to 1200 feet. They are a popular sportfish known as black bass. Length to 23 inches (59 cm).

Scientific name: Greek  sebastos (magnificent) and melas (black) and  ops (face).


Digital photo by Jan Haaga. References (a complete list) in the text include: Kessler (1985), Eschmeyer et al. (1983), and Hart (1973).

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