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CEII Designation of Incoming Dam Safety Documents

  CEII Public
» May Be CEII «
Carefully Assess Content to Determine
Inspections     Inspection - response to FERC followup letter
DAM Safety Design Report
Engineering Analysis Exemption from P12d Request Letter  
Engineering Evaluation    
Part 12.10(a) Incident Report    
Part12D Consultant Inspection Report    
Board of Consultants Report    
Instrumentation Report    
Supporting Technical Information    
Part 12D Consultant Resume for Approval    
Emergency Action Plans Annual EAP Update   Licensee response to Exercise followup letter
5-Year EAP Submittal Annual review of conditions for EAP exemption  
EAP Submittal    
  Exemption from EAP Request Letter  
EAP Func. Exercise Critique Report    
Hazard Classification   Hazard Reclassification Request
EAP Dambreak Report
Construction Design Report  
Plans and Specifications   Monthly Construction Progress Report
Cofferdam Report Construction QCIP
As-Built Drawings Decommissioning Study/Report
Foundation Report
Blasting Plan  
Public Safety   Part 12.10(b) Incident Report  
  Public Safety Plan  
Other   Extension of Time Request  
Plan and Schedule

Important Note: Care must be used in determining the CEII classification of D2SI documents, and in marking them accordingly. The category designations above are meant as a guide, not an absolute determination. Generally, the items in red will be CEII, those in green will not be CEII, and those in blue will be mixed. However, it is very important that each document be assessed based on its content. If there is no CEII information in the document, it should not be marked CEII.

  Additional Information


Updated: November 1, 2007