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SCORE is a resource partner
of the U.S. Small Business

• Starting a business?  Talk to a SCORE counselor today.

• Have business problems?  Counselors can advise you.

• Need funding?  SCORE will help you prepare for a loan.

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Upcoming Workshops

Global Trade:
Exporting - Sept. 25th

Importing - Sept. 26th

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Sign up for low-cost workshops to improve your business skills.


 Business Incentive Resource Guide
A complete list of government business incentive programs


SCORE 'Counselors to America's Small Business' is a nonprofit association dedicated to entrepreneur education and the formation, growth and success of small business nationwide.  The Chicago Chapter of SCORE provides business counseling, workshops and other resources (like templates for a business plan) to entrepreneurs and small business through locations in the Chicago area.

SCORE counselors are volunteer executives and business owners who have achieved success in their fields and now, as volunteers, want to help you do the same. These men and women provide business advice on starting a business, forms of organization, refining business plans, reviewing business loan applications, understanding financial statements, developing marketing strategies, finding government resources, in short everything that the Chicago area small business owner, entrepreneur or business startup needs.

SCORE Chicago, 500 W. Madison, Suite 1250, Chicago, IL 60661.
Phone:(312) 353-7724         Email:             Privacy policy
Copyright © SCORE Chicago, 2008