Education and Outreach


CIMSS Education and Public Outreach
Support SSEC earth science projects; conduct formal and informal classes and workshops; provide access to CIMSS satellite imagery and educational software.
CIMSS Satellite Blog
A blog covering interesting meterological events with numerous animations, images and expert analysis.
Office of Space Science Education [OSSE]
Aim to improve the level of literacy for STEM education, OSSE provide K-12 education and public outreach support to SSEC space and earth science projects, facilitate partnerships between scientists and teachers in local and regional schools to develop standards-based programs.
The Suomi Science Museum
The Verner Suomi Science Museum will capture the excitement of over 40 years of breakthroughs in the atmospheric sciences and engage people of all ages in learning more about our wonderful earth.
The Weather Guys
A weekly radio show on interesting things happening with the weather. Hosted by Steven A. Ackerman and Jonathan Martin, professors in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at UW-Madison.

Educational Materials & Tools