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Public Opinion in Pakistan
Public Event

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Date and Time
Monday, January 7, 2008
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

U.S. Institute of Peace
2nd Floor Conference Room
1200 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Panelists present survey results at the event.
Panelists present survey results at the event.

USIP and WorldPublicOpinion.org conducted a briefing of their jointly fielded survey of 907 urban Pakistanis on a wide array of compelling policy questions. The topics considered were:

  • How much support is there among Pakistanis for democracy?
  • How wide and deep is support for Islam gaining a greater role in the governance of Pakistan? How much underlying support is there for Pakistan to become a fundamentalist Islamic state?
  • How does the Pakistani public view the country's plethora of militant fundamentalist groups? How well do they understand what these groups are doing and trying to achieve?
  • How do Pakistanis feel about al-Qaeda and the Taliban operating in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)? Do they want the government to try to assert more control of these areas? Do they approve of the special status for the FATA?
  • How do Pakistanis view the many different roles of the army in the country's public life?

This in-depth survey of public opinion in Pakistan, conducted just before Musharraf's declaration of emergency rule, sheds light on the views of the Pakistani public on issues that will affect the future of Pakistan.


  • Steve Kull
  • Clay Ramsay
  • Christine Fair, Moderator
    RAND Corporation

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