Bureau of Reclamation Banner, Upper Colorado Region
Fontenelle Dam

FONTENELLE - Releases from Fontenelle are currently 1,050 cfs while inflows are averaging 600 cfs. The elevation of Fontenelle Reservoir is 6497.3 feet above sea level, about 2.6 feet from top of pool, or 81% full. As we enter the fall and winter months the reservoir elevation is now slowly declining.

To view the most current reservoir elevation, content, inflow and release, click on: Fontenelle Reservoir Data

Inflows for the month of August were 47,000 af, or 51% of average. Inflows overall for water year 2008 so far have been below average. During the April through July period Fontenelle received 582,000 acre-feet inflow, which is 68% of average. Despite the below average conditions, the reservoir still filled and bypasses were required for 11 days during July. Bypasses are considered normal operations for Fontenelle reservoir.

Based on the latest inflow forecast from the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center, inflows will be slightly below average through the fall and winter months. Current modeling projects that the reservoir elevation low point will be approximately 6468 ft above sea level early next spring.

Open forum discussions on Fontenelle operations take place at the "Fontenelle Reservoir Working Group" meetings. The Working Group is a forum for information exchange between Reclamation and other parties associated with the operation of Fontenelle Reservoir. The public is encouraged to attend and express their concerns and interests with regard to Fontenelle Reservoir operation. The next Working Group meeting is scheduled for April 21, 2009 at 10:00 am at the visitor's center of the Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge below Fontenelle dam. For more information about the Fontenelle Working Group, contact Ed Vidmar at 801-379-1182.

Minutes from the August 2008 Working Group Meeting in Green River, Wyoming can be viewed at: August 2008 Working Group Minutes. To view the hydrology presentation from the meeting, click on: Hydrology Presentation.

Updated September 5, 2008
Katrina Grantz

Email comments/inquires to: ResourceMgr@uc.usbr.gov