Rulemaking Committees

The FAA Administrator approves these committee charters. (This update as of 05/04/2008)

Committee and Staff Officials

Takeoff/Landing Performance Assessment Aviation Rulemaking Committee

Purpose: The Takeoff/Landing Performance Assessment Aviation Rulemaking Committee will provide a forum for U.S. aviation community to discuss the landing performance assessment methods provided in SAFO 06012. Additionally, takeoff performance for contaminated runway operations and issues relevant to part 139, Certification of Airports, will be discussed. These discussions will be focused on turbine powered aircraft including both turbojet and turboprop airplanes operated under parts 121, 135, 125, and 91 subpart K.

Jerry Ostronic, AFS-200

Charter expiration: October 12, 2009
Order 1110.149 (PDF)

Part 129 Aviation Rulemaking Committee

Purpose: The Part 129 ARC will provide a forum for FAA and the foreign air carrier industry to discuss issues surrounding foreign air carriers operations in the United States and the operation of the U.S.-registered aircraft worldwide.

Darcy Reed, AFS-50
(202) 385-8078

Charter expiration: March 05, 2009
Order 1110.146 (PDF)

Aviation Safety and Health Partnership Program Aviation Rulemaking Committee

Purpose: Provides advice and recommendations to FAA concerning the identification and extent of hazards to employees in air carrier operations and to determine how best to resolve the issues through FAA protocols without comprising aviation safety.

Gene Kirkendall, AFS-200
(202) 267-7074

Charter expiration: May 15, 2008
Order 1110.134 (PDF)

National Park Services Overflights Advisory Group Aviation Rulemaking Committee

Purpose: Provide continuing advice and counsel to the Administrator of FAA and the Director of NPS with respect to FAA regulations governing commercial air tour operations over and near national parks.

Barry Brayer, AWP-4
(310) 725-3800

Charter has no expiration.
Order 1110.138 (PDF)

Performance-Based Aviation Rulemaking Committee

Purpose: Provide a forum for the U.S. aviation community to discuss, prioritize, and resolve issues provide direction for U.S. flight operations criteria and produce U.S. consensus positions for global harmonization.

Cindy Nordlie, ARM-108
(202) 267-7627

John McGraw, AFS-400
(202) 385-4586

Charter expiration: March 6, 2010
Order 1110.139B (PDF)

Amateur-Built Aircraft Aviation Rulemaking Committee

Purpose: Provide a forum for FAA and the aviation community to discuss the use of builder or commercial assistance when fabricating and assembling an amateur-built aircraft for certification under 14 CFR 21.191(g).


Charter expiration: July, 2008
Order 1110.143 (PDF)

Certified Design Organization (CDO) Aviation Rulemaking Committee

Purpose:The Certified Design Organization (CDO) committee will enable FAA to respond effectively in developing a CDO program. The committee will make its recommendations, which may include proposals for rulemaking, suggested processes, policies and guidance that will serve as the foundation of the program.

Scott Geddie, AIR-140


Charter expiration: May 22, 2008
Order 1110.145 (PDF)

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Aviation Rulemaking Committee

Purpose: The ADS-B committee will provide a forum for the U.S. aviation community to discuss and review an NPRM for ADS-b, formulate recommendations on presenting and structuring an ADS-b mandate, and consider additional actions that may be necessary to implement those recommendations.

Vincent Capezzuto, AJE-6

Charter expiration: July 15, 2009
Order 1110.147 (PDF)

Small Unmanned Aircraft System Aviation Rulemaking Committee

Purpose: The law enforcement and aerial photography industries, plus others conducting remote sensing activities, have mistakenly interpreted FAA advisory circular (AC) 91-57, Model Aircraft Operating Standards, for permission to operate small UAS for research or compensation or hire purposes. To promote safety while updating and clarifying guidance, FAA will conduct a formal safety analysis of small UAS, and then promulgate federal regulations for their design, operation and registration.

Stephen A. Glowacki, AIR (202-385-4677)
Bruce Tarbert, AIR (202-385-4677)

Charter expiration: April 10, 2010
Order 1110.150 (PDF)

Updated: 9:45 am ET May 6, 2008