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You are here: Home / PLANTS Profile for Zanthoxylum americanum / Profile Genera Results Printer-Friendly Printer-Friendly / Download

Genera for Family = Rutaceae
37 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and web links if available.

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name
ACRON Acronychia J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
AEGLE Aegle Corr. Serr. aegle
AGATH3 Agathosma Willd. agathosma
AMYRI Amyris P. Br. torchwood
ANGOS Angostura Roem. & Schult. angostura
BORON Boronia Sm. boronia
CALOD2 Calodendrum Thunb.
CASIM Casimiroa Llave & Lex. sapote
CHOIS Choisya Kunth Mexican orange
CITRO2 ×Citroncirus J.W. Ingram & H.E. Moore citroncirus
CITRU2 Citrus L. citrus
CLAUS Clausena Burm. f. clausena
CNEOR Cneoridium Hook. f. cneoridium
CORRE Correa Andrews, nom. cons. Australian fuschia
DICTA Dictamnus L. dictamnus
EREMO8 Eremocitrus Swingle eremocitrus
ESENB Esenbeckia Kunth jopoy
FLIND Flindersia R. Br. flindersia
FORTU Fortunella Swingle kumquat
GLYCO Glycosmis Corrêa glycosmis
HELIE Helietta Tul. helietta
LIMON2 Limonia L. limonia
MELIC3 Melicope (J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.) T.G. Hartley & B.C. Stone melicope
MICRO17 Microcitrus Swingle microcitrus
MURRA Murraya J. Koenig ex L. murraya
PHELL Phellodendron Rupr. corktree
PILOC Pilocarpus Vahl pilocarpus
PLATY Platydesma H. Mann platydesma
PONCI Poncirus Raf. poncirus
PTELE Ptelea L. hoptree
RAVEN Ravenia Vell. ravenia
RUTA5 Ruta L. rue
SEVER Severinia Ten. ex Endl. severinia
TETRA25 Tetradium Lour.
THAMN Thamnosma Torr. & Frém. desertrue
TRIPH2 Triphasia Lour. triphasia
ZANTH Zanthoxylum L. pricklyash


Time Generated: 10/19/2008 12:27 AM MDT