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ABI/INFORM Business Periodicals index available (11/95)
ABI/INFORM business periodicals index on the web (7/02)
ABI/INFORM electronic journals (3/00)
About.com mathematics resources (10/00)
abstracts, searching for (2/01)
Academic Press
     article-by-article publishing (7/99)
     ejournal backfiles added (12/04)
     electronic journals added (11/96)
Ackeroyd, Richard, State Librarian visits library (3/04)
ACM Portal for computing literature (8/01)
adjacency searching in the online catalog (10/96)
Aerospace & High Technology database
     available in FlashPoint (8/04)
     via CSA (9/02)
Agricola: National Agricultural Library online (3/00)
AIP conference proceedings available online (4/03)
     5th conference draws top speakers (6/04)
     library staff participation at 2003 conference (10/03)
     for patents (6/94)
     for reports (4/94)
     Google News Alerts (10/03)
     in DIALOG (7/94)
     in Google (9/03)
     in Lexis/Nexis (11/94)
     in library databases (12/99)
     in MELVYL (5/94)
     in SciSearch® at LANL (10/96)
     in SciSearch® Plus (5/03)
     in SciSearch� at LANL (7/97)
     in SearchPlus (11/04)
     in STN (10/94)
     in Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (8/04)
     moving from SciSearch to SciSearch Plus (2/03)
algorithms, top ten (9/00)
Alliance expands membership (1/99)
Alliance Passport program (12/94)
AllTheWeb improves relevance and results presentation (12/01)
Alphasearch.org (4/00)
     BabelFish translation service (4/01)
     new features (12/02)
     Prisma debuts (7/02)
     selects LookSmart directory (8/00)
Aluminium Industry Abstracts via CSA (5/03)
Amazon offers word searching capability (11/03)
America On Line (2/95)
America's Scientific Treasures: a travel companion (8/98)
American Chemical Society
     e-journals available (10/97)
     journal archives online (1/03)
     journal data avail. in Science Server (4/02)
     journals trial access (5/02)
     open access policy (3/05)
     predictions for sci/tech information (8/00)
     publication news (5/99)
American Geophysical Union electronic journals available (4/04)
American Geophysical Union electronic journals policy (1/02)
American Institute of Physics
     announces Open Access initiative (12/04)
     conference proceedings online (4/03)
     ejournals back to volume 1 available (1/05)
     journal article links (9/98)
     lawsuit over Barshall article (1/98)
American Mathematical Society
     electronic books (4/01)
     electronic books web site (9/02)
     electronic journals trial (5/96)
American Meteorological Society e-journal backfiles (10/01)
American Nuclear Society ejournals available (3/04)
American Physical Society
     adds older electronic journals (2/01)
     agreement with LANL on content hosting (11/03)
     APS Bulletin e-mail version (3/94)
     extends PROLA archive and releases virtual journal (6/01)
     lawsuit over Barshall article (1/98)
Andamooka web site for e-books in computer science (9/02)
Angewandte Chemie electronic journal backfiles available (6/04)
annual classification awareness talks on videotape (5/95)
Annual Reviews free electronic trial (11/99)
ANSI standards, effect of societies publishing themselves (4/05)
ANSI Z136.1 laser safety standard available online (9/04)
ANSI Z41 standard on foot protection available online (4/05)
Anthrax Reference Guide to Web Links and News (11/01)
APS Bulletin e-mail version (3/94)
Art of computer programming third ed. (7/99)
article photocopying service begins (12/94)
articles delivered as PDFs (6/03)
articles linked to citations (3/98)
arXiv.org, Quantitative Biology added (2/04)
Asian Technology Information Program database (8/96)
Ask a Librarian links on library web site (4/01)
Ask a Librarian, virtual reference service prototype (10/01)
AskJeeves search engine (11/99)
AskJeeves, personalization added (10/04)
ASM Materials Information Online trial (4/05)
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code available online (12/04)
Association for Computing Machinery
     adds ACM Portal (8/01)
     digital library expansion (4/01)
astronomy conferences abstracts (12/98)
astronomy images on the web (4/01)
Astrophysics Data System (12/98)
Atlas of Breeding Birds of Los Alamos available online (6/95)
atomic bomb history on CD-ROM (7/96)
atomic bomb history on web (1/96)
author search techniques (6/00)
author searching (12/97)
authors' web page (1/98)
     1999 Federal Library/Information Center of the Year Award (4/00)
     Herbert Van de Sompel receives 2003 Tony Kent Strix Award (12/03)
     Herbert Van de Sompel receives Five Star Award (11/04)
     Kilgour Award won by Herbert Van de Sompel (6/03)
     Laboratory's Distinguished Performance Award (11/96)
     Miriam Blake receives Library Journal "Mover and Shaker" award (4/04)
     Quality New Mexico Roadrunner 2000 award (2/01)
     Quality New Mexico Roadrunner Award (3/98)
     SLA marketing award (2/02)
     SLA marketing award (7/98)
     SLA marketing awards party (12/98)
     Special Libraries Association award to Ginsparg (8/98)

Return to Top


BabelFish translation service from AltaVista (4/01)
badge/palm reader at Study Center operational (2/94)
Beilstein Abstracts database (10/99)
Beilstein CrossFire demonstration (4/95)
Benchmarking of electronic journals (12/03)
Berkeley study on information use and growth (2/04)
Berlin Declaration on Open Access, signed (11/03)
bibliographic management software
     Endnote (8/99)
     RefWorks available (3/04)
BibTeX output format available from Research Library databases (6/01)
bioinformatics web page (1/02)
biological threat/warfare information (3/01)
BioOne electronic journals available (9/01)
BioOne electronic journals trial (6/01)
     available (12/97)
     beta testing (8/97)
     expanded to 1969 - present (2/98)
     new interface (10/99)
     patents added (2/02)
BIOSIS� via MELVYL available (1/97)
BIOSIS�, added to SearchPlus (9/04)
birds of Los Alamos atlas available online (6/95)
Blake, Miriam, receives Library Journal "Mover and Shaker" award (4/04)
Blinkx "concept" search tool (8/04)
blogs in Google (7/04)
blogs, use for communication and collaboration (1/05)
Blume, Marty speaking at the Library (4/00)
BNA's Environment and Safety Library on the web (3/02)
Books in Print on the Web (2/00)
Books in Print Online (12/03)
books sought
     Bridgman out-of-print books (12/99)
     old books wanted (10/99)
     replacements for books lost in Cerro Grande Fire (7/00)
     Toth volume (3/99)
     acquisitions cut for FY96 (9/95)
     America's Scientific Treasures: a travel companion (8/98)
     Annual Reviews free electronic trial (11/99)
     book swaps at Library (9/95)
     collection suggestions wanted (5/98)
     Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry (4/99)
     cost of (10/99)
     electronic What's New list planned (7/94)
     Encyclopedia of Applied Physics (5/94)
     espionage books in library (7/99)
     Hispanic reference books in the Library (10/98)
     holds (1/97)
     inventory (6/96)
     inventory 90% complete (7/96)
     inventory done (9/96)
     lost in Cerro Grande Fire (7/00)
     lost in Cerro Grande Fire, followup (12/00)
     new books list e-mail subscription service offered (11/94)
     O'Reilly computer book discounts (11/02)
     purchasing for personal use (6/94)
     reference books for lunch-time explorers! (5/94)
     renewing books online (6/02)
     requesting from Library (6/98)
     reshelving policy revised (8/94)
     shelving changes (4/97)
     shelving changes (7/97)
     shelving expanded (5/99)
     shifting Dewey collection (4/94)
     shifting project begins (6/99)
     shifting project completed (8/99)
     shifting project update (7/99)
     standing order acquisitions review (9/95)
     What's New display section (6/98)
Bridgman, P.W., out-of-print books needed (12/99)
Bring Our Children to Work Day web page (7/96)
Britannica Online
     again available (2/02)
     available (9/96)
     contents and features (3/05)
     eBLAST guide to web resources (9/98)
     new features (12/97)
Browne speaks at Open House (11/98)
     funds added for collection purchases (2/96)
     FY1996 budget (9/95)
     FY2004 mid-year reductions (4/04)
     June 2004 update (6/04)
BuildingGreen online resource (2/03)
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists available online (9/04)
business news on the web (2/96)
Business Periodicals database available (3/96)
Business Periodicals database
     available on CD (6/94)
     offers new journals (7/94)
     on the web (7/02)
     telnet version available (11/95)
business references sources (7/95)
Business Resource Page additions (2/96)

Return to Top


Cambridge Structural Database
     available (1/04)
     available for download (3/04)
     input needed (10/03)
     new visualization and data features (2/05)
CASSI now on CD-ROM (2/97)
CASurveyors database available on CD (7/94)
     Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) (3/96)
     Critical Mass: America's Race to Build the Atomic Bomb (7/96)
     criticality safety CD (11/97)
     databases available (2/94)
     databases targeted for cancellation (8/97)
     desktop access to Library's specialized databases (3/95)
     full-text databases available (3/96)
     Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (3/96)
     MathSci (7/95)
     new databases appearing on LIBNET (11/94)
     new databases under evaluation (7/94)
cell phones left in the library (3/05)
Cell Press
     backfiles of older issues available online (9/04)
     recent backfiles available online free (9/04)
Center for Nonproliferation Studies
     databases available (3/99)
     databases description (4/00)
     electronic publications (9/01)
Ceramic Abstracts via CSA (3/03)
Cerro Grande Fire
     appeal to replace books lost in (7/00)
     book replacements (12/00)
     impact on the Library (6/00)
     SWEIS Yearbook on (12/00)
Chemical & Engineering News Online (9/00)
Chemical Abstracts Services' SciFinder coming (4/95)
Chemical Abstracts Services' SciFinder trial (10/95)
Chemical Abstracts via SciFinder session (12/98)
chemical and biological terrorism resources (2/01)
chemical and biological threat/warfare information (3/01)
chemistry searching seminar (2/97)
chemistry, Knovel searchable online books (8/02)
Chemistry/Materials Science Research Committee formed (11/02)
Chinese technical reports, evaluation by NTIS (2/95)
CIC-1 and CIC-9 recognized for marketing contribution (12/98)
CINDAS materials properties databases available (7/05)
circulation policy change for maximum checkouts (6/05)
Circulation, e-mail address (4/94)
     policy for number of borrowed items (3/01)
     privileges at Alliance libraries (12/94)
Cited Browse in SciSearch® Plus (2/04)
Cited searching in SearchPlus (6/04)
classification awareness talks on videotape (5/95)
classification guides in Report Collection (1/95)
classified reports
     access control using SAS system (2/94)
     need for Sigma authorization (12/96)
     Web page introduced (8/96)
Closing the Circle on the Splitting of the Atom (5/95)
Clusty search engine (1/05)
CNS nonproliferation databases available (3/99)
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) CD and print comparison (1/95)
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) available on CD (3/96)
collaboration tool, web blogs (3/02)
Columbia Earthscape trial (12/01)
Combined Chemical Dictionary online (3/03)
Commerce Business Daily via the Internet (2/95)
compact shelving installation (9/03)
compact shelving project phase 2 (7/05)
comparative data on journal publication (1/05)
Compendex*Web trial access (7/96)
competitive intelligence information on the web (12/98)
competitor/partner research (10/97)
Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry (4/99)
CompuServe end-user accounts being reviewed (11/94)
CompuServe Information Service (12/94)
Computational Intelligence Library available (10/00)
Computer Select database available (3/96)
Computer workstations in the library, access changes (3/04)
computer workstations in the Research Library (9/97)
Computers and God lecture series by Knuth (10/99)
Computing Reviews trial (4/03)
Computing Reviews, available through LinkSeeker (8/04)
conference papers on terrorism in Russia (7/02)
     AIP conference proceedings online (4/03)
     astronomy meetings abstracts (12/98)
     IEEE and IE conferences available online (3/01)
     ISI Proceedings database added to SciSearch® Plus (9/03)
     searching in online catalog (4/94)
     searching in online catalog (9/97)
     SLAC eConf for electronic publishing of high-energy physics conferences (8/01)
Congressional report on Y2K available (5/99)
construction activity in Library planned (8/94)
CONTENTS-Alert physics table of contents service (1/95)
contract competition web page (11/04)
copiers added in library (6/96)
copiers added in library (9/96)
copyright for journals and LA-UR reports (7/96)
copyright legislation (9/98)
Copyright Part I (4/95)
Copyright Part II (6/95)
Cora search engine for computer science (2/02)
Corrosion Abstracts via CSA (11/02)
cost cutting tips for STN searching (4/95)
cost of electronic journals (3/99)
costs of searching on DIALOG (9/95)
Country Studies from LIbrary of COngress available on the web (10/01)
Cox report available (6/99)
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, available online (1/01)
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, new access (1/04)
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, online trial (9/00)
Critical Mass: America's Race to Build the Atomic Bomb (7/96)
criticality safety CD available (11/97)
CrossFire demonstration (4/95)
crystallography e-journal backfiles available (2/02)
CSA databases
     available for materials science and more (8/02)
     Materials Research Database with METADEX (6/04)
     new clusters in engineering and sciences (10/04)
     new interface (2/05)
CSIRO visitors (4/02)
CSIRO visits Library (5/00)
Current Index to Statistics
     available on the web (6/00)
     developments (12/00)
     search capabilities improved (5/01)
Current Protocols available online (12/02)
Custom Pages (10/97)
customer feedback on Report Collection sought (2/95)
customer service assessment (2/96)
customer survey
     library response to first survey (5/96)
     results of first quarterly survey(3/96)
     results of second quarterly survey (6/96)
     results summary (11/98)

Return to Top


daily news stories delivered by e-mail (2/94)
daily news stories delivered by e-mail, free trial (2/95)
database developments
     50 million records loaded (5/00)
     databases coming to desktop (11/95)
     desktop access to CD-ROM databases (3/95)
     electronic articles linked (3/98)
     enhancements (10/00)
     guide to databases from Library (2/96)
     new web page (3/98)
     online catalog web version released (2/97)
     passwords web page (11/96)
     search speed improved (3/96)
     Z39.50 gateway version 2 (9/97)
     Z39.50 gateway version 2.1 (4/98)
databases. See also individual databases by name
     CD databases targeted for cancellation (8/97)
     CD-ROM databases available (2/94)
     CD-ROM databases under evaluation (7/94)
     CD-ROM full-text databases available (3/96)
     CNS nonproliferation databases available (3/99)
     first locally loaded database SciSearch debuts (10/95)
     new databases appearing on LIBNET (11/94)
     new databases available (3/95)
Daypop indexes news sources and weblogs (10/01)
defense conversion, research sources (9/94)
defense/military web page (3/02)
Delphion for intellectual property research (3/03)
DEMO location code added to online catalog (2/95)
Department of Defense reports (10/95)
desktop printing tips (1/99)
development of your future information tools, survey (7/98)
     alerts service (7/94)
     end-user accounts being reviewed (11/94)
     reducing searching costs (9/95)
Digital Library Federation, members visit the Research Library (12/03)
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (5/99)
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (9/98)
DIPPR Chemical Database available (9/03)
DOD reports in the Report Collection (10/95)
DoD's DROLS technical reports database (9/00)
DOE Energy Science and Technology at LANL
     1974-1985 available on CD (7/94)
     beta-test of telnet version (1/96)
     coverage expanded back to 1974 (1/97)
     coverage extended back by NSA database (5/00)
     environmental coverage (3/94)
     new interface (4/00)
     web version available (3/97)
donating to the library (2/01)
donating to the Research Library (2/02)
downloading records, options added to SciSearch® Plus (9/03)
Drawing Requirements Manual available online (11/03)
DROLS database
     access expanded (3/94)
     web version available (9/00)
DTIC web site for Homeland Defense documents (10/01)

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E Science Server, new search engine (6/05)
e-mail address for Circulation desk (4/94)
e-mail daily news service First!
     free trial (2/95)
     sign-up (2/94)
e-mail function in online catalog (12/95)
e-mail overdues (12/97)
e-mail requests for library services (2/94)
e-mail subscription to library newsletter (11/94)
e-mail subscription to new book list (11/94)
e-print archives
     NIH proposal (7/99)
     Universal Preprint Service (11/99)
e-Print arXiv new interface (9/99)
earth sciences resources web page (1/98)
Earth View Eclipse Network (8/97)
eBLAST (9/98)
ECLIPSE current awareness service from Lexis/Nexis (11/94)
Eclipses web site (8/97)
Ecological Engineering journal (7/94)
Economist free newsletters (12/99)
EDGAR via Gopher (10/94)
Effects of Nuclear Weapons by Glasstone made available online (3/03)
electronic books
     ACM Portal for computing literature (8/01)
     Atlas of Breeding Birds of Los Alamos (6/95)
     Center for Nonproliferation Studies e-books (9/01)
     chemical weapons e-books (7/01)
     CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (1/01)
     Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (5/99)
     Drawing Requirements Manual available online (11/03)
     Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics (4/97)
     included on New Books List (2/98)
     Knovel scientific and engineering resources online (8/02)
     Lecture Notes in Computer Science (6/98)
     lunar atlases (5/01)
     mathematics books (5/01)
     monthly column begins (2/01)
     most used (6/05)
     National Academies Press books (4/03)
     National Science Policy Study (10/98)
     NIST conference on (11/00)
     Nuclear Science Series: Monographs on Radiochemistry and Radiochemical Techniques (8/00)
     Numerical Recipes online (2/00)
     Oxford English Dictionary available (3/01)
     Safari Tech Books Online (6/02)
     SpringerLink book series (8/03)
     web sites for math and computer science e-books (9/02)
electronic document viewing and printing (6/98)
electronic documents (Library Without Walls, part 2) (12/94)
Electronic Green Journal (9/94)
electronic journal additions
     ABI/Inform journals available (3/00)
     American Chemical Society in Science Server (4/02)
     American Chemical Society journal archives (1/03)
     American Geophysical Union electronic journals available (4/04)
     American Institute of Physics article links (9/98)
     American Mathematical Society journals trial (5/96)
     American Meteorological Society backfiles (10/01)
     American Nuclear Society ejournals available (3/04)
     American Physical Society older journals (2/01)
     BioOne e-journals (9/01)
     Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists available online (9/04)
     Cell Press older backfiles added (9/04)
     Commerce Business Daily(2/95)
     crystallography backfiles added (2/02)
     Elsevier article links (7/98)
     Elsevier backfiles added (11/03)
     Elsevier chemistry backfiles (2/03)
     IEEE and IEE journals (6/00)
     IEEE backfiles added (6/03)
     Institute of Physics journals (5/96)
     JSTOR Arts and Sciences II collection (8/02)
     JSTOR Business collection (8/02)
     Kluwer e-journals (9/00)
     Kluwer e-journals increased by 300 titles (6/01)
     Kluwer e-journals trial (11/99)
     Kluwer journals (3/01)
     Metallurgical and Materials Transactions (5/03)
     Nature available online (5/99)
     Nature backfiles available (4/04)
     Physical Review coverage expanded (8/98)
     Physical Review Letters (9/95)
     Scientific American (5/03)
     Springer e-journals available (1/03)
     Synthesis backfiles added (8/03)
     University of Chicago Press journals (1/99)
     University of Chicago Press journals trial access (10/00)
     Wiley e-journals available full-text (6/02)
     Wiley e-journals via IP address (10/99)
     Wiley electronic journals (2/99)
electronic journals
     2000+ available (3/99)
     400 available (7/97)
     600 available (1/98)
     American Geophysical Union policies (1/02)
     article statistics (10/98)
     articles linked to database citations (3/98)
     availability in 2003 (2/03)
     back runs available through JSTOR (9/00)
     benchmarking study (12/03)
     browsing for Elsevier e-journals (10/98)
     Business Periodicals full-image journals available (6/94)
     cost for LANL staff (3/99)
     additions, Electronic Green Journal (9/94)
     electronic-only journals in INSPEC database (9/98)
     Elsevier electronic journals update (2/99)
     growth chart (5/99)
     Hyperjournal discussion list (5/95)
     integration in libraries (11/98)
     LIBNET availability (10/94)
     Nature online access cancelled (3/01)
     Nature Online site license policy (10/00)
     new titles (11/96)
     new titles available (10/97 and subsequent months)
     new virtual journals (3/00)
     passwords web page (11/96)
     physics titles (5/96)
     Physics World Electronic News (4/95)
     project underway (2/96)
     Research Library/Elsevier agreement (11/98)
     RSS feeds for tables of contents (5/05)
     web page improved (3/97)
electronic LANL Research Library What's New planned (7/94)
electronic overdues (12/97)
electronic reports
     30, 000 available (5/99)
     5000 now in online catalog (6/96)
     declassified (9/96)
     DOE laboratories reports in online catalog (12/98)
     how to find (10/96)
     LA-LP reports (9/97)
     LA-UR reports (9/97)
     LA-UR reports needed (9/99)
     LANL reports on environment (1/97)
     locating (11/95)
     Los Alamos reports as PDF files (11/95)
     Los Alamos reports, how to locate (10/96)
     Recent Los Alamos Publications web page (11/96)
electronic resources at library
     class (9/97)
     in the online catalog (4/97)
     recent additions (2/99)
     statistics (9/98)
electronic subscriptions to Library publications (11/94)
electronic-only physics journal to be published (5/98)
     300 electronic journals available (7/98)
     agreement with Research Library (11/98)
     chemistry ebooks (11/04)
     current awareness service CONTENTS-Alert (1/95)
     current awareness service in electrochemistry or synthetic metals (7/95)
     ebooks and reference works available (10/04)
     ejournal backfiles for physics, chemistry and more (11/03)
     electronic journal backfiles in chemistry (2/03)
     electronic journal browsing (10/98)
     electronic journals under consideration (2/96)
     electronic journals update (2/99)
     partnership with Library Without Walls (1/99)
     will allow author self-archiving of papers (6/04)
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online (2/02)
Encyclopedia of Applied Physics (5/94)
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences published by Nature (1/03)
end-user accounts on Dialog, STN and Compuserve being reviewed (11/94)
Endnote bibliographic software (8/99)
EndNote, downloading from SciSearch® Plus (6/03)
Energy Daily and Inside Energy free trials (12/02)
Engineering Index, added to SearchPlus back to 1884 (12/04)
Engineering Index� at LANL
     available (11/98)
     new interface (11/99)
Engineering Materials Abstracts via CSA (4/03)
engineering web products trial access (7/96)
Environment and Safety Library on the web (3/02)
Environmental Chemistry journal free trial (8/04)
environmental information in DOE Energy database (3/94)
environmental journals, new titles (7/94)
environmental reports online (1/97)
Environmental Research Institute of Michigan meetings (5/00)
environmental resources on the web (1/97)
eprints, e-Print arXiv new interface (9/99)
ERIM/Infrared Information Analysis Center tickets (5/00)
espionage books in library (7/99)
Essential Science Indicators (10/03)
Essential Science Indicators, using comparative data in Division reviews (1/05)
European patent information (5/98)
European patents, databases available (4/99)
expansion (4/99)
Extend Search option in online catalog (11/97)
External Advisory Board
     members and purpose (1/05)
     praises Research Library (3/05)

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facility update on lower level access and construction impacts (11/03)
Faculty of 1000 available (7/05)
Faculty of 1000 for literature in the biological sciences, trial (2/05)
FaganFinder search tools (9/04)
Family Day at the Library (5/02)
Family Day at the Research Library (4/02)
Family Day rescheduled (10/01)
FAST search engine (1/00)
favorite web servers (9/94)
FBIS (Foreign Broadcast Information Service) database available (10/96)
Federal Library/Information Center of the Year Award (4/00)
FEDIX Funding Alerting Service (5/97)
FedWorld web server (9/94)
Feedster, search engine for weblogs (3/04)
FindArticles.com (8/00)
FindSame search engine (11/00)
First! e-mail news delivery service
     free trial (2/95)
     sign-up (2/94)
FirstGov search engine (10/00)
FirstGov search portal revamped (3/02)
FirstSearch databases trial access (4/96)
FIZ Karlsruhe visitors to the LIbrary (5/05)
     add Aerospace database (8/04)
     adds GeoRef (7/04)
     adds library catalog (2/01)
     adds PubMed database (9/02)
     debuts for multi-database searching (4/00)
     subject approach and LANL filter added (12/02)
     version 1.1 offers Advanced Search (7/00)
     version 1.2 (9/00)
     version 2.0 covers MathSciNet (12/01)
floor plan (7/97)
Foot protection standard ANSI Z41 available online (4/05)
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) (10/96)
Foundations of Physics Letters (10/97)
Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics (electronic version) (4/97)
free photocopy service begins (12/94)
full-text links via LinkSeeker (5/02)
funding information for geosciences (9/98)
funding information on the Web (5/97)
Funding Opportunities database (5/97)
Funding Opportunities database on the Web (3/98)
future of sci/tech information (8/00)

Return to Top


GaleNet database trial access (2/97)
     contract changes (8/01)
     expanded (8/99)
     available (6/97)
     changes (8/97)
gazetteer for places names online (10/01)
Genome Biology free trial (2/05)
geographical dictionary/gazetteer online (10/01)
geography references sources (7/95)
     added to FlashPoint (7/04)
     available through CSA interface (9/02)
     CD version available (6/95)
     funding opportunities section (9/98)
     web version available (1/98)
     web version trial access (7/97)
geosciences, funding information (9/98)
Ginsparg receives award from Special Libraries Association (8/98)
Glasstone book available online (3/03)
Google Scholar
     coverage update (1/05)
     coverage, features and caveats (12/04)
     LANL journal access in beta test (4/05)
     adds phrase searching (10/99)
     alerts (9/03)
     blogs (7/04)
     books search feature (5/05)
     Google deskbar (12/03)
     Google Labs email alerts and Froogle via cell phone (6/04)
     Google News debuts (10/02)
     Google News improvements (8/03)
     Google-whacking game (2/02)
     indexing non-HTML file types (12/01)
     maps feature (2/05)
     new Google tools to try (6/02)
     new services (1/02)
     News Alerts and Search by Location (10/03)
     number searching (11/04)
     personalized home page (6/05)
     satellite images made available (4/05)
     search tips (2/04)
     to be used by Yahoo (7/00)
     weather and movie features (3/05)
gopher access to SEC EDGAR (10/94)
gopher favorites
     energy statistics (6/94)
     LANL gopher (2/94)
     Oklahoma Geological Society Observatory (3/94)
     weather gophers (4/94)
gopher for Research Library initiated (12/94)
gopher shut down (1/96)
Gordon and Breach journals under evaluation (1/95)
Gordon and Breach, lawsuit by Barshall et al. (1/98)
government information on the web via FirstGov (3/02)
government publications, using NTIS to find (12/00)
government reports, Congressional report on Y2K (5/99)
grants and funding information (7/01)
GrantsNet for funding information (7/01)

Return to Top


Harcourt Health Science ejournal backfiles added (12/04)
Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide online (8/01)
High Performance Computer Council--Library Director's talk (5/98)
high performance computing information (4/98)
high performance computing information via HPCwire (4/99)
HighWire Press visits Library (2/98)
Hispanic Heritage Month books (10/98)
History of nuclear weapons report (12/03)
history references sources (7/95)
holds on library materials
     how to place (1/97)
     how to place in online catalog (telnet version) (4/94)
     how to place in online catalog (web version) (9/97)
home page for Research Library debuts (1/95)
Homeland Defense documents available on DTIC website (10/01)
HotBot search engine (12/99)
how scientists use journals (1/99)
HPCWire (4/98)
HPCwire (4/99)
Hyperjournal discussion list (5/95)

Return to Top


IAC databases (9/94)
IAEA publications online (6/03)
IBM Patent Server database (10/97)
IEEE and IEE conferences available online (3/01)
IEEE and IEE journals available online (6/00)
IEEE backfiles (6/03)
IEEE standards available full-text (6/01)
IHS Specs and Standards
     full-text standards on the Web (11/00)
     International Code Council codes added (4/04)
     more full-text standards added (10/01)
     trial access (7/97)
IHS Worldwide Standards Service on CD available (2/95)
iLor search engine enhances Google search results (6/01)
Information Access Company (IAC) databases (9/94)
Information retrieval application service (Z39.50) (3/95)
information use study (2/04)
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database available (5/04)
Inspec, available through SearchPlus (3/04)
     database available (6/98)
     electronic-only journals included (9/98)
     new interface (8/99)
Institute of Physics electronic journals (5/96)
Institute of Physics electronic journals in Science Server (4/01)
intellectual property problems for deep linking (5/02)
Interactions website for particle physics (9/03)
International Astronomy Meetings list (12/98)
International Code Council codes added to IHS Specs & Standards (4/04)
International Critical Tables of Numerical Data, Physics, Chemistry and Technology online (4/03)
International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments (CD) (11/97)
Internet vs. the Library (9/95)
     finding information using (9/95)
     legislation on (9/98)
     quality criteria (8/97)
     resources announced in Scout Report (10/94)
     trademarks using the word Internet (8/94)
InvisibleWeb.com (5/00)
IOP, ejournals backfiles (11/03)
ISI chemistry databases trial (10/03)
ISI Proceedings® database added to SciSearch® Plus (9/03)

Return to Top


Jahrbuch Project changes (3/00)
Jane's Online, trial access (12/00)
Jane's publications in defence, transportation and security available online (11/01)
Jane's Sentinel Security Assessments available online (3/05)
Jane's Terrorism and Insurgency Center available online (3/05)
Jerez, Henry, presents at International Symposium on Digital Libraries (6/04)
Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, library staff presence (9/04)
journal browsing software for Elsevier electronic journals (10/98)
Journal Citation Reports for journal evaluation (3/03)
Journal Citation Reports, 2002 data available (7/03)
Journal de Physique and Zeitschrift fur Physik merge (2/98)
journal editors at LANL list (10/98)
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (4/94)
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry web edition available (1/99)
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry awareness service (7/95)
Journal of Environmental Regulation (7/94)
Journal of Immunology online availability restored (3/05)
Journal of Physical Chemistry electronic version trial (6/96)
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (10/97)
journal recommendations feature in MyLibrary (2/03)
     binding information (11/97)
     collection review (8/96)
     collection review project (4/96)
     collection shifted (9/96)
     collection shifting (4/94)
     computer/math new journals to review (2/98)
     consolidation and shifting (6/96)
     consolidation of Med and Main collections (7/96)
     copyright and LA-UR reports (7/96)
     cost-effectiveness (1/98)
     costs, "sticker-shock" and scholarly communication (1/03)
     display area reorganized (11/98)
     engineering new journals to review (2/98)
     finding in online catalog (1/98)
     Gordon & Breach journals under evaluation (1/95)
     holdings information in SciSearch� at LANL (12/96)
     how scientists use (1/99)
     impact factors (1/98)
     in online catalog (9/96)
     list of Research Library journals (11/96)
     Medical Library holdings (6/96)
     new chemistry journal (1/99)
     new environmental journals (7/94)
     new journals available via Business Periodicals database (7/94)
     new titles in Library (4/97)
     print cancellation program year 3 (12/01)
     print cancellations (1/00)
     shelving policy revised (8/94)
     subscriptions for LANL staff (9/94)
     top ranked journals survey (7/03)
     Arts and Sciences II collection available (8/02)
     available (9/00)
     Business Collection electronic journals available (8/02)

Return to Top


Kartoo visual metasearch engine (1/04)
kid's web page still available (5/97)
kid's web page successful (7/96)
Kilgour Award won by Herbert Van de Sompel (6/03)
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (3/96)
Kirk-Othmer Online now available (7/02)
Kluwer electronic journals
     available (9/00)
     free trial (11/99)
     full-text available (3/01)
     more added (6/01)
Knovel scientific and engineering resources free trial (6/02)
Knovel searchable online engineering and chemistry books (8/02)
     enhanced PDF titles (1/04)
     Knovel Reader technology for PDFs (2/04)
     new and updated titles (9/04)
     new interface with new search abilities (6/05)
     new resources and Knovel drawing (12/02)
     Plastics and Rubber ebook collection available (4/05)
     property values searching (7/04)
     training (9/03)
     Vapor Liquid Equilibria data added (12/03)
Knudson, Frances
     LWW talk at ACS (4/99)
     selected for INSPEC Library Advisor Committee (6/03)
     talk on electronic journals (11/98)
Knuth's Art of computer programming (7/99)
Knuth, Donald lecture series (10/99)

Return to Top


LA reports, web pages changed (2/97)
LA-LP reports, online (9/97)
LA-UR reports
     how the library obtains (2/03)
     journal copyright issues (7/96)
     library acquiring more LA-UR reports (7/01)
     needed to put online (9/99)
     online (9/97)
     sought for library collection (11/00)
     sought for library collection (11/96)
Lancet available online (6/04)
Landolt-Bornstein collection of scientific data available online (6/05)
Landolt-Bornstein free trial (4/00)
Landolt-Bornstein free trial extended (5/01)
LANL gopher (2/94)
LANL/UC contract competition web page (11/04)
laser safety standard available online (9/04)
laser safety standard now searchable (12/04)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Documents On-Line (2/96)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, classified technical reports added (9/98)
Leadership Directories available online (3/04)
Leadership Directory
     lists Department of Homeland Security (8/03)
     online trial (7/03)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science available online (6/98)
legislative information online beta-test (5/96)
Lexis/Nexis current awareness service (11/94)
liaison program
     to offices starts (1/00)
     visiting workplaces (3/00)
     databases added (11/94)
     electronic journals offered (10/94)
Library Advisory Board
     call for new members (12/00)
     description, looking for members (12/96)
     members for 1995 (4/95)
library customers of electronic products (9/96)
Library Director
     ALA Winter 1998 meeting activities (2/98)
     guest speaker in Campinas, Brazil (5/03)
     invited to Outsell Industry Executive Conference (5/03)
     re-elected to NISO Board of Directors (1/03)
     speaks to High Performance Computing Council (5/98)
     wins Laboratory's Distinguished Performance Award (11/96)
Library Electronic Product Development Survey (9/99)
Library of Congress grant for digital library research (11/04)
library online system name contest (6/96)
library online system named (9/96)
Library Services Alliance passport (12/94)
library services, on-site presentations (11/95)
library staff appointments
     Luce to California Digital Library advisory group (2/99)
     Stack to OSTI's STICG (2/99)
library staff presentations
     Knudson at ACS (4/99)
     Knudson at Online World Conference (11/98)
     Luce at DTIC conference (1/99)
     Luce at Elsevier Global meeting (3/99)
     Luce at Max Planck and CERN (7/99)
     Luce in Campinas, Brazil 5/03)
     MARCXML at LITA Forum (11/04)
library staff visits to LANL groups (3/96)
library staff, new
     Carol Hoover (8/98)
     LWW students (12/00)
     Susan Heckethorn (8/98)
Library Without Walls Project
     databases coming (11/95)
     electronic documents being collected (12/94)
     electronic journals project underway (2/96)
     initiatives in 1996 (11/96)
     overview (4/99)
     presented internationally (1/00)
     selected by Elsevier Science for partnership (1/99)
     student staff (12/00)
     vision and goals (11/94)
     available (12/00)
     Computing Reviews added (8/04)
     enhanced with more services (7/01)
     improves access to electronic journal articles (5/02)
     Journal Citation Reports added (6/03)
     PubMed now has LinkSeeker (7/02)
     Ulrich's added (6/03)
LLNL documents database (2/96)
LookSmart directory selected by AltaVista (8/00)
Los Alamos authors, coverage in SciSearch at LANL (3/01)
Los Alamos declassified reports available electronically (9/96)
Los Alamos patents available (6/99)
Los Alamos Publications web page changes (11/96)
Los Alamos reports
     collecting in electronic form (12/94)
     environmental reports online (1/97)
     finding (10/96)
     finding electronic versions in the catalog (11/95)
     Report Collection seeking (10/94)
Los Alamos Science magazine scanned (12/95)
Los Alamos Series on Dynamic Material Properties available online (2/00)
Los Alamos Unclassified Publications database
     expanded (2/96)
     launched (12/95)
Luce, Rick
     gives keynote at Tucson conference (5/04)
     appointed to California Digital Library advisory group (2/99)
     speaks at International Symposium on Digital Libraries (6/04)
     speaks at Max Planck and CERN (7/99)
     wins Laboratory's Distinguished Performance Award (11/96)

Return to Top


map of library (7/97)
MapMachine on the web (11/01)
maps from USGS available online (3/00)
maps online (7/01)
MARCXML metadata presentation by library staff (11/04)
market research sources at the Research Library (3/99)
marketing contributions recognized by library (12/98)
Marquis Who's Who, available (10/03)
Materials Business File via CSA (10/02)
Materials Science and Engineering Council, Luce speaks on library services and portal (4/04)
materials science database from CSA (6/04)
materials science databases from CSA available (8/02)
materials science, Chemistry/Materials Science Research Committee formed (11/02)
Mathematica/Wolfram Notebook offers desktop searchability (4/05)
Mathematical and Theoretical Methods in Physics table of contents service (1/95)
Mathematical Reviews on CD-ROM (7/95)
Mathematical Reviews on the web (4/96)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute conferences via RealVideo (5/00)
mathematicians family tree (11/99)
Mathematics Abstracts/Zentralblatt MATH
     extended back to 1868 (6/04)
     trial access (2/98)
     web version available (5/98)
Mathematics Genealogy Project (7/00)
Mathematics resources at About.com (10/00)
     electronic books (5/01)
     web site for American Mathematical Society electronic books (9/02)
     web sites (8/00)
MathSci on CD-ROM available (7/95)
     added to FlashPoint search tool (12/01)
     article links and other enhancements (10/02)
     available (4/96)
     coverage growing (5/98)
     description of (4/00)
     enhancements (12/00)
     offers full text back to 1940 (5/99)
     version 2 (1/97)
Max Planck visitors discuss digital libraries (10/04)
McGraw-Hill's Federal Technology Report (4/94)
Mechanical Engineering database via CSA (2/03)
Medical Library journals (6/96)
Medical Library moves to Research Library (9/95)
     alert services (5/94)
     BIOSIS� available (1/97)
     description (3/94)
Merck Index of chemicals available online (8/03)
meta search engines (4/99)
meta search engines (6/00)
METADEX: Metals Abstracts via CSA (10/02)
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions available online (5/03)
Meyer, Tom speaks at Open House (8/00)
microfiche technical reports (10/96)
microfiche technical reports discontinued by OSTI (3/97)
MIR re-entry footage on the Web (4/01)
MIT Computers and God lecture series with Knuth (10/99)
mod_oai project collaboration between Old Dominion Univ. and Library (5/04)
Morning Routine web site (6/97)
Mossbauer reminiscences (10/00)
multimedia CD on atomic bomb history (7/96)
MyLibrary @ LANL
     bookmarklets (5/01)
     debuts (4/01)
     electronic journal recommendations added (2/03)
     enhanced with alert links and more (6/01)
     how shared libraries are used (5/02)
     new interface tryouts (11/03)
     subject areas added (1/02)
     version 2.0 with shared libraries, link checking (9/01)
     version 2.2 enhancements (7/03)
     version 3 enhancements (1/04)

Return to Top


Nanos volume added (2/03)
Napster technology (11/00)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (12/98)
National Academies Press electronic books (4/03)
National Geographic Atlas of the World also available on the Web (11/01)
National Library Week (4/01)
National Science Policy Study (10/98)
Nature article surveys search engines (6/00)
Nature Chemical Biology new ejournal (6/05)
Nature Materials available online (2/04)
Nature Methods, new journal (10/04)
     announces self-archiving policy (2/05)
     available online (5/99)
     backfiles to 1980 added (12/04)
     electronic backfiles added (10/04)
     electronic backfiles available (4/04)
     online access cancelled (3/01)
     online access restored (10/01)
     publishes Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (1/03)
Nature, site license policy (10/00)
NEAR spacecraft landing images on the web (4/01)
NECA (National Electrical Contractors Association) standards available (7/05)
NEIS (National Electrical Installation Standards) available (7/05)
new books list
     electronic books added (2/98)
     enhanced (5/01)
New Journal of Physics (NJOP) (5/98)
New Mexico Library Alliance
     membership expanded (1/99)
     Passport program (12/94)
     Morning Routine news web site (6/97)
     search engines (4/03)
     sources online (3/02)
     stories delivered by e-mail, free trial (2/95)
news@nature available (7/05)
NIH decision on public access to papers (3/05)
NIH proposal for open access archive (11/04)
NIH proposes archive based on Ginsparg Model (7/99)
NISO, Library Director re-elected to NISO Board of Directors (1/03)
NIST E-Book Conference (11/00)
Northern Light availability (3/02)
NTIS database
     available at the desktop (4/96)
     available via CSA (12/02)
     different versions of (12/00)
     evaluating Chinese technical reports (2/95)
     ordering reports from (7/97)
nuclear power plant information on the web (5/95)
Nuclear Science Abstracts at LANL, debuts (5/00)
Nuclear Science Series: Monographs on Radiochemistry and Radiochemical Techniques online (8/00)
Nuclear Structure References on CD (7/95)
nuclear weapons history report (12/03)
nuclear weapons production and the environment, DOE report (5/95)
Nucleic Acids Research moving to Open Access publishing (8/04)
Numerical Recipes online (2/00)

Return to Top


O'Reilly computer book discounts (11/02)
OCLC FirstSearch databases trial access (4/96)
Oklahoma Geological Society Observatory gopher (3/94)
Old Dominion University and Research Library collaboration on mod_oai (5/04)
on-site presentations on library services (11/95)
online catalog
     abstracts (3/96)
     DEMO location code added (2/95)
     electronic documents in (4/97)
     electronic resources referenced (3/96)
     email function added (12/95)
     holds (1/97)
     holds in telnet version (4/94)
     holds in web version (9/97)
     journals in (1/98)
     linked information (11/97)
     locations for electronic resources (2/95)
     Los Alamos formal reports added (8/94)
     placing holds on books (6/98)
     print/email option (8/96)
     renewing books via the catalog (6/02)
     reports from DOE laboratories (12/98)
     Sandia electronic reports linked (9/98)
online catalog searching
     adjacency and proximity searching (10/96)
     author searches (12/97)
     browse vs. word search (3/97)
     conferences (4/94)
     conferences (9/97)
     journal titles (9/95)
     limiting searches by location/collection (7/95)
     note word searching (9/95)
     subject searching (6/97)
     technical report numbers (1/01)
     technical reports (10/96)
     technical reports (5/97)
online catalog
     tables of contents (3/98)
     technical report number index, new (1/01)
     technical reports access (3/99)
     technical reports added (8/98)
     URLs (3/96)
     web software version 2 (9/97)
     web version released (2/97)
     word search vs. browse (3/97)
     word searches (12/96)
     WWW location code added (2/95)
Online magazine features Research Library (4/99)
online news, charging, access through Google (3/02)
Open Access
     AIP announces Open Access initiative (12/04)
     American Chemical Society policy (3/05)
     Elsevier to allow author self-archiving (6/04)
     NIH policy on public access (3/05)
     NIH proposal for open access archive (11/04)
     relation to scholarly publishing (7/04)
     what and why and links to more information (5/04)
Open Archive Initiative releases software (2/01)
Open Archives Forum workshop on networking electronic resources (5/03)
Open Archives Workshop, Van de Sompel leads workshop at CERN (1/03)
Open House on ebooks (5/05)
Open House
     with John Browne (11/98)
     with Marty Blume (4/00)
     with Tom Meyer (8/00)
OpenURL, NISO standard development at the library (4/03)
Oppenheimer, J. Robert 100th birthday celebration (4/04)
Optical Materials (new journal) (4/94)
     article photocopies with purchase card (4/02)
     article-ordering service (10/02)
     books for personal use (6/94)
     direct orders for article photocopies begins (8/02)
     journals for personal use (9/94)
     self-service photocopy ordering (7/02)
     technical reports (11/96)
     technical reports from NTIS (7/97)
Organic Syntheses available online (2/05)
orientations for new hires and summer students (5/02)
OSTI, microfiche report distribution (3/97)
other libraries using library products (2/00)
outreach presentations (1/01)
outreach program
     group presentations offered (3/96)
     on-site presentations (11/95)
     to offices starts (1/00)
     visiting workplaces (3/00)
     visits for training, updates and feedback (11/01)
Outsell information industry conference, Library Director speaks (5/03)
overdue notices via email (12/97)
Oxford English Dictionary
     again available online (11/01)
     available online (3/01)
     new terms added (2/04)
     online trial (5/00)

Return to Top


page charge ordering (4/98)
Pandango search engine (3/01)
Parallax Project for astronomical research online (10/02)
particle physics website (9/03)
PASA: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia free trial (8/04)
passwords for electronic access (11/96)
passwords web page (11/96)
     BIOSIS database adds (2/02)
     databases for searching patents (7/01)
     Delphion database (3/03)
     European patent databases available (4/99)
     European patents (5/98)
     IBM Patent Server database (10/97)
     Los Alamos patent counts by decade (6/99)
     Los Alamos patents available (6/99)
     news service via e-mail (6/94)
     QPAT-US web site trial (4/96)
     research (5/95)
     stats and trends from U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (6/02)
     top 10 U.S. patent recipients in 2003 (2/04)
     U.S. Patent and Trademark office database (12/95)
     what every chemist should know (6/02)
peer review and publication of scholarly research (7/98)
periodic table, featured in Chemical & Engineering News (10/03)
Perseid shower (8/99)
personal bibliographic software, Endnote (8/99)
personalization service MyLibrary 4/01)
personalization service MyLibrary 4/01)
personalization with web apps (8/00)
personalized Web pages (10/97)
Phillips Laboratory, reciprocal library use agreement
Phone Books and Addresses web page (5/96)
photocopy machines, new machines (1/01)
photocopy ordering (4/02)
photocopy service becomes PDF article delivery service (6/03)
photocopy service begins (12/94)
Physical Review electronic coverage expanded (8/98)
Physical Review Letters available online (9/95)
Physical Review Letters online (5/96)
physics journals, electronic-only journal to be published (5/98)
physics table of contents service (1/95)
Physics World Electronic News (4/95)
Polymer Library via CSA (12/02)
portal for materials science presented (4/04)
Power Reactor Information System database (11/97)
Practice Periodical of Hazardous Toxic & Radioactive Waste Management (10/97)
     e-Print arXiv new interface (9/99)
     Universal Preprint Service initiated (11/99)
presentations on library resources (1/01)
press releases, APS and LANL sign agreement on content hosting (11/03)
Press releases, mod_oai project collaboration between Old Dominion Univ. and Library (5/04)
Print/email option in online catalog (8/96)
printing at the desktop, tips (1/99)
PRIS-PC power reactor database available (11/97)
PROLA electronic journal archive from APS extended (6/01)
PROLA, older journals added (2/01)
proximity searching in the online catalog (10/96)
PTO (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office) database (12/95)
public workstations in the Research Library (9/97)
publishers' guidelines web page (1/98)
publishing and peer review plan (7/98)
PubMed for MEDLINE (11/01)
PubMed, available via FlashPoint (9/02)
Pubmed, links to full-text via LinkSeeker (7/02)
PubMed, links to journals from the Library (4/02)
purchase suggestions welcome (7/04)
purchasing specifications and standards via the Internet (4/95)

Return to Top


Quality New Mexico Award won by Research Library (3/98)
Quality New Mexico Roadrunner Award (2/01)
Questel/Orbit patents web site trial (4/96)

Return to Top


Radiation Hydrodynamics, Foundations of (electronic version) (4/97)
radiochemistry series available online (8/00)
reference linking (6/99)
reference linking in LinkSeeker (12/00)
reference resources at xrefer.com (7/01)
reference service via the Web (10/01)
reference sources in history, geography, and business (7/95)
     available for personal databases and bibliographies (3/04)
     enhancements (4/05)
     RefShare feature added (6/05)
related works searching in online catalog (11/97)
remote access to library products (5/01)
renewing your books online (6/02)
renovations in progress (9/94)
renovations planned (8/94)
Report Library
     access through badge/palm reader (9/94)
     changes (12/94)
     class offered (9/97)
     classification guides (1/95)
     classified collection moving (7/04)
     classified database debuts (2/00)
     classified reports access (2/94)
     contacting by phone (6/94)
     customer feedback solicited (2/95)
     delivery to main library (3/94)
     phone/voice mail access (6/94)
     seeks Los Alamos reports (10/94)
report numbers, searching in catalog (1/01)
     access through online catalog and DOE Energy (3/99)
     added to online catalog (8/98)
     available in Los Alamos Unclassified Publications database (12/95)
     Chinese reports evaluated by NTIS (2/95)
     classified reports web page (8/96)
     current awareness service (4/94)
     declassified (9/96)
     DOD reports (10/95)
     environmental Los Alamos reports online (1/97)
     LA-UR requests from the Research Library to authors (2/03)
     LA-URs (11/00)
     LA-URs (11/96)
     Library collections and services (10/04)
     LLNL classified reports added (9/98)
     LLNL reports database (2/96)
     Los Alamos formal reports added to online catalog (8/94)
     microfiche distribution discontinued by OSTI (3/97)
     microfiche reports now circulate (7/94)
     microfiche reports, use of (10/96)
     need for Sigma authorization for classified reports (12/96)
     new Los Alamos unclassified reports displayed (7/94)
     NTIS database for report literature via CSA (12/02)
     ordering from NTIS (7/97)
     ordering personal copies (11/96)
     requesting using gopher form (12/94)
     restrictions on public access (12/01)
     Sandia electronic reports linked in online catalog (9/98)
     searching for in online catalog (5/97)
     unclassified (8/96)
     web page (6/96)
     web pages changed (2/97)
     What's New in Unclassified Microfiche Reports web version (8/96)
     What's New in Unclassified Microfiche Reports web version discontinued (12/96)
     What's New publications (10/94)
reprint ordering (4/98)
request form for library materials (8/96)
request form for technical reports on gopher (12/94)
requesting electronic Los Alamos reports (6/96)
Research Library Databases chart available (2/96)
Research Library Newsletter
     e-mail subscription service offered (11/94)
     index available (2/99)
Research Library
     agreement with Elsevier (11/98)
     agreement with University of New Mexico (6/01)
     becomes part of STB (10/00)
     changes in FY96 (9/95)
     featured in Online magazine (4/99)
     floor plan (7/97)
     joins Digital Library Federation (8/02)
     other libraries' use of (2/00)
     recognized by External Advisory Board (3/05)
     reopening to the public (2/02)
     roofing project (10/02)
     roofing project and other construction (11/02)
     seeks visionaries (4/03)
     services to summer staff (5/94)
     web site redesigned (10/00)
     workstation for disabled users (7/03)
research on the Internet (9/95)
research papers online at the Research Library (9/97)
researching "Swords to Plowshares" (9/94)
Restart resources web page (8/04)
Resumption resources page, new (8/04)
retiree eligibility for library card (2/05)
retirees, library services for (5/05)
RSS feeds, for ejournal tables of contents (5/05)
RSS news and information feeds (4/04)

Return to Top


Safari Tech Books Online
     available (6/02)
     whole collection license available (10/02)
Safety and security resources web page added (8/04)
Safety topics searching tips (9/04)
safety, researching safety topics (10/04)
Sandia National Laboratory
     electronic reports linked in online catalog (9/98)
     reciprocal library use agreement (12/94)
SARS information online (5/03)
scholarly communication and journal costs (1/03)
scholarly communication concerns of scientific authors (5/00)
scholarly publishing (7/04)
scholarly publishing and peer review (7/98)
sci/tech information predictions (8/00)
Science (journal), e-journal access (10/97)
Science Express available (5/04)
Science of Tsunami Hazards journal available online (1/05)
Science Research Connection database from DOE (7/05)
Science Server. See also E Science Server
Science Server� at LANL
     ACS journal data added (4/02)
     Institute of Physics e-journals added (4/01)
     upgraded (11/99)
     version 4.3 with alerts, improved searching and more (9/01)
     version 5.2 with improved navigation and more content (11/03)
ScienceWise Alert Service for funding information (7/01)
Scientific American available online (5/03)
     coming (4/95)
     trial (10/95)
     version 4.0 session (12/98)
Scirus search engine for science (2/02)
SciSearch® Plus
     alerts to stay informed (5/03)
     author search tips (4/03)
     beta release (1/03)
     call for testers (11/02)
     Cited Browse use (2/04)
     downloading into EndNote (6/03)
     downloading options added (9/03)
     goes live (3/03)
     ISI Proceedings® database added (9/03)
     setting search preferences (3/03)
     tutorial (8/03)
     version 1.2 released (7/03)
     version 1.4 released (10/03)
SciSearch� at LANL Tip of the Month, words containing umlauts (11/98)
SciSearch� at LANL
     1974-1976 added (8/97)
     alert service improvements (8/97)
     changes (2/99)
     coverage of Los Alamos authors in full-text (3/01)
     customers added (9/96)
     debuts (10/95)
     library holdings for journals (12/96)
     new version available (2/00)
     search tips collected (1/99)
     tips on searching for abstracts (2/01)
     tips on searching for LANL as an institution (4/01)
     version 3.0 (11/97)
     version 3.0 beta testing (10/97)
     Weekly Alerting Service (10/96)
SciSearch� at LANL Tip of the Month
     alerting service (7/97)
     alerting service providing URLs (5/97)
     automatic stemming and truncation (6/98)
     cited reference searching for non-journal articles (9/98)
     downloading files with a .txt extension (12/97)
     efficient searching (3/98)
     focusing your search (7/98)
     institutional contacts (8/97)
     journal tables of contents (7/97)
     LANL holdings information (4/97)
     limiting alerts by language or limiting general searches to several languages (12/98)
     looking for an issue (11/97)
     looking for top-cited papers (1/98)
     potpouri of hints (10/97)
     reviewing recent journal issues (8/98)
     SciSearch and BIOSIS (10/98)
     searching for authors in 1974 (9/97)
     searching for chemicals (6/97)
     searching for compound or hyphenated names and words (5/98)
     using browse for cited reference searching (2/98)
     why can't I find a paper? (4/98)
Scout Report (10/94)
search cost reduction on DIALOG (9/95)
search engines
     AllTheWeb new features (12/01)
     Alphasearch.org (4/00)
     AltaVista Prisma debuts (7/02)
     AltaVista's new features (12/02)
     Amazon offers word searching capability (11/03)
     article in Nature (6/00)
     AskJeeves (11/99)
     BabelFish translation service on AltaVista (4/01)
     Blinkx "concept" search tool (8/04)
     Daypop indexes news sources and weblogs (10/01)
     FAST (1/00)
     FindSame (11/00)
     FirstGov (10/00)
     FirstGov revamped (3/02)
     Google. See Google
     Google (10/99)
     Google sticks to their knitting (1/03)
     Google's new services (1/02)
     Google's new tools (6/02)
     Google-whacking game (2/02)
     HotBot (12/99)
     InvisibleWeb.com (5/00)
Search engines, Kartoo visual metasearch engine (1/04)
search engines
     LookSmart directory selected by AltaVista (8/00)
     meta search engines (10/02)
     meta search engines (6/00)
     new search engines (2/03)
     new search engines (9/99)
     news engines (4/03)
     Oingo (2/00)
     old favorites (1/01)
     Project Pandango (3/01)
     Researchville (7/01)
     Search Engine Watch award-winners for 2001 (3/02)
     searching the deep Web (2/01)
     searching tips (3/03)
     subject specific (2/02)
     subject-specific search engines (9/00)
     Teoma (4/02)
     Teoma (8/01)
     Teoma introduces advanced search syntax and larger database (11/02)
     TerraFly for satellite images (8/02)
     Turbo 10 (7/03)
     Vivisimo clusters search results (5/01)
     Voila (3/00)
     Wayback Machine web archive (11/01)
     WebFountain using natural language analysis (5/04)
     what people are using (9/02)
     WiseNut (9/01)
     Yahoo to use Google's search engine (7/00)
search techniques
     accessing electronic documents via the online catalog (4/97)
     adjacency and proximity searching in the online catalog (10/96)
     author searching in SciSearch® Plus (4/03)
     browse vs. word search (6/98)
     finding an author in the online catalog (12/97)
     finding journals in the online catalog (1/98)
     how to find conferences (9/97)
     journals in the online catalog (9/96)
     limiting searches in the Library Catalog (7/02)
     multi-index searching (4/98)
     search vs. browse in the web online catalog (3/97)
     searching for authors(6/00)
     searching for LANL as an institution in SciSearch® at LANL (4/01)
     searching for technical reports in the online catalog (5/97)
     subject searching in the online catalog (6/97)
     tables of contents in the online catalog (3/98)
     Title/Subject/Abstract index (7/00)
     using links in the online catalog (11/97)
     word searching in the online catalog (12/96)
     word vs. browse search (6/98)
     adds Engineering Index back to 1884 (12/04)
     alerts, how to use (11/04)
     BIOSIS added in version 2.2 (9/04)
     Cited searching (6/04)
     corrections underway for SciSearch and Social SciSearch records (3/05)
     Inspec added and enhancements (3/04)
     version 2.1 released (5/04)
SEC EDGAR via Gopher (10/94)
September 11, news and computers (10/01)
service desk
     consolidation (10/95)
     construction underway (3/00)
     redesigned (4/00)
     renovation to begin (2/00)
SFX linking project (6/99)
shared libraries in MyLibrary (5/02)
     book shelving expanded (5/99)
     changes (4/97)
     changes (7/97)
     compact shelving project (7/05)
     plan for book shifting (6/99)
Short Messaging System abbreviations resources (8/01)
SIAM ejournal archive available (1/05)
Sigma authorization for classified information (12/96)
Sigma authorization using SAS system (2/94)
Signature Authority System to be used for Report Collection access (2/94)
SLA, Library wins SLA marketing award (7/98)
SLAC eConf for electronic publishing of high-energy physics conferences (8/01)
SNAP search engine beta (1/05)
Social SciSearch� at LANL
     available (2/99)
     new version available (2/00)
solar eclipses Web site (8/97)
SparkNotes Math web site (11/00)
Special Libraries Association, award to Ginsparg (8/98)
specifications, purchasing via the Internet
spectroscopyNOW.com web portal (10/01)
SPIE Digital Library
     available (5/04)
     trial access (10/03)
Springer electronic journals available (1/03)
SpringerLink book series online (8/03)
     Jackie, assigned to OSTI's STICG (2/99)
     Jacqueline appointed to IEEE Library Advisory Council (6/03)
staff directory (1/00)
     access to copyrighted society standards (4/05)
     ANSI Z136.1on laser safety available online (9/04)
     available full-text on the Web (11/00)
     database trial access (7/97)
     IEEE standards available online (6/01)
     IHS Worldwide Standards Service on CD (2/95)
     IHS's new search features (8/03)
     more full-text standards online via IHS (10/01)
     NECA's NEIS (National Electrical Installation Standards) available (7/05)
     purchasing via the Internet (4/95)
StandardView (new journal) (4/94)
standing order review (9/95)
Stanford and LANL libraries collaboration discussed (10/03)
Stanford/HighWire Press visits Library (2/98)
State Librarian Ackeroyd visits the Research library (3/04)
statistical highlights
     50 million database records (5/00)
     electronic journal articles (10/98)
     electronic journals top 2000 (3/99)
     electronic resource additions (2/99)
     electronic resources (9/98)
     for 2001 (1/02)
     web site usage (8/99)
     alert service (10/94)
     chemistry searching seminar (2/97)
     database summary sheets (5/94)
     end-user accounts being reviewed (11/94)
     searching cost cutting tips (4/95)
student breakfast (7/04)
Student Breakfast held at the Library (7/03)
Student Breakfast June 19th (6/03)
students, upcoming activities (4/05)
Study Center, badge/palm reader installed (2/94)
style manuals web page (1/98)
subject resources web pages
     Business Resource Page additions (2/96)
     environmental resources page revised (1/97)
     nuclear power plants (5/95)
     Phone Books and Addresses page (5/96)
subject resources, earth sciences (1/98)
subject searching in the online catalog (6/97)
     future information tools survey (7/98)
     Library Electronic Product Development Survey (9/99)
     library of the future input requested (7/03)
     library of the future survey (4/01)
     library of the future survey results (8/03)
     Research Library customer survey results (3/96)
     Research Library customer survey results (6/96)
     Research Library customer survey results summary (11/98)
     Research Library customer survey, library response (5/96)
     visionaries sought (4/03)
     voice of the customer participants sought (3/01)
SWEIS Yearbook: Wildfire 2000 available (12/00)
Synthesis e-journal backfiles added (8/03)
Synthetic Metals awareness service (7/95)

Return to Top


tables of contents in the online catalog (3/98)
Take Our Children to Work Day, kid's web page (5/97)
taxi service to and from the Research Library (7/95)
Technical Intelligence Branch Library to close (9/95)
Technical Report Resources web page (6/96)
technical reports. See reports
technology industry news reduced (9/01)
     advanced search syntax and larger database (11/02)
     beta search engine that groups results (8/01)
     search engine features (4/02)
terminals in the library, access changes (3/04)
TerraFly for satellite images (8/02)
terrorism in Russia conference papers (7/02)
thermodynamic tables online trial (5/02)
Thomas Register expanded (4/98)
Tibetan-English Dictionary of Modern Tibetan (8/01)
Title/Subject/Abstract index search tips (7/00)
top ten algorithms of the 20th century (9/00)
Toth, library seeking classic volume by (3/99)
tours of the library for summer (6/97)
tours of the library for summer 1997 (5/97)
tours of the Research Library (6/01)
tours of the Research Library (6/03)
trademarks using the word Internet (8/94)
trademarks, definition and use (8/94)
     available at your office (5/97)
     available from the Library (8/98)
     classes to focus on subject areas (6/94)
     expanded offerings at Library (4/96)
     for summer students (3/95)
     for summer students (5/94)
     library tours (6/01)
     new classes at Library (9/97)
     orientations for new hires and summer students (5/02)
Training, student breakfast with product demos June 6th (6/02)
Trinity explosion 50th anniversary information on web (1/96)
Turbo 10 search engine (7/03)
tutorials, SciSearch® Plus tutorial (8/03)

Return to Top


U.S. Patent and Trademark Office database (12/95)
U.S. patents web site trial (4/96)
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (12/03)
Universal Preprint Service initiated (11/99)
University of Chicago e-journals available (1/99)
University of Chicago Press electronic journals (10/00)
University of New Mexico, agreement with Research Library (6/01)
US government-sponsored research database (4/96)
Usenet as a reference tool (9/95)
USGS maps available online (3/00)

Return to Top


Van de Sompel, Herbert
     gives keynote at Olybris Conference (5/05)
     gives keynote at VALA 2004 conference (4/04)
     joins xrefer Advisory Board (7/04)
     leads at Open Archives Workshop at CERN (1/03)
     provides keynote at CRIS 2004 conference (6/04)
     receives 2003 Tony Kent Strix Award (12/03)
     receives Charleston Advisor Five Star Award (11/04)
     receives Kilgour Award (6/03)
     speaks with Kilgour at UNC (1/04)
video, annual classification awareness talks on videotape (5/95)
virtual science and technology journals debut (3/00)
visitors to library
     from CSIRO (5/00)
     from FIZ Karlsruhe (5/05)
     from Malaysia (8/01)
     from Max Planck regarding digital libraries (10/04)
     from Max Plank (9/99)
     from Max Plank and University of Buenos Aires (12/99)
     from Stanford/HighWire Press (2/98)
     Max Planck chemist visits to discuss e-print initiatives (1/04)
     State Librarian Ackeroyd visits the Research library (3/04)
visits by library staff (11/01)
Vivisimo search engine clusters results (5/01)
VOA Pronunciation Guide
voice of the customer survey participants sought (3/01)
Voila! European search engine (3/00)

Return to Top


Washington Alert database beta-test (5/96)
water information from American Water Works Association (9/01)
Wayback machine web archive (11/01)
Weathertalk.net (8/01)
web apps for personalization (8/00)
web blogs as a collaboration tool (3/02)
web favorite site lists (9/94)
web pages, customized (10/97)
web resource guides, eBLAST (9/98)
web site at library
     electronic database pages added (3/98)
     home page debuts (1/95)
     journals web page (11/96)
     Los Alamos Publications page changes (11/96)
     new website design preview (5/04)
     redesigned (10/00)
     redesigned (10/04)
     redesigned (8/02)
     reports pages changed (2/97)
     revised (11/95)
     usage stats (8/99)
web site quality criteria (8/97)
web sites on mathematics (8/00)
WebFountain search engine using natural language analysis (5/04)
Weldasearch via CSA (11/02)
What Every Chemist Should Know about Patents (6/02)
What's New book list planned (7/94)
What's New in reports (10/94)
What's New in Unclassified Microfiche Reports
     no longer mailed (11/95)
     web version (8/96)
     web version discontinued (12/96)
What's New in Unclassified Reports, available soon (4/98)
"What's New" section of the Research Library (6/98)
Who's Who on the Web free trial (5/03)
Wiley electronic journals
     available (2/99)
     available (6/02)
     backfiles in chemistry (5/05)
     backfiles in materials science and neuroscience (6/05)
     backfiles on biotechnology, biochemistry and biophysics (5/05)
     IP access available (10/99)
Wiley reference books available online (3/04)
WiseNut search engine (9/01)
workstation for disabled users (7/03)
workstations in the Research Library (9/97)
World Factbook online for country information (10/01)
World Mathematical Year 2000 (1/00)
WWW location code added to online catalog (2/95)

Return to Top


xrefer Advisory Board joined by Van de Sompel (7/04)
xrefer.com for online reference tools (7/01)
xxx.lanl.gov new interface (9/99)

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Yahoo!, new features (7/05)
Yahoo, using Google's search engine (7/00)

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Z39.50 gateway to library databases
     online catalog web version released (2/97)
     version 2 (9/97)
     version 2.1 (4/98)
Z39.50 protocol, description and resources (3/95)
Zeitschrift fur Physik and Journal de Physique merge (2/98)
Zentralblatt fur mathematik/Mathematics Abstracts web version available (5/98)
Zentralblatt MATH changes (3/00)
Zentralblatt MATH, extended back to 1868 (6/04)

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Los Alamos National Laboratory