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Examples of Selected Nurse Intern Projects

Researched and wrote options paper on alternatives for hand-washing at construction sites where plumbing is not available including pros and cons of each alternative.
1) Revised the Model Exposure Control Plan for employer covered by the proposed Tuberculosis Standard, section 1910.2003.
2) Evaluated the use of Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZZP) analysis as a screening tool for early detection of adverse effects from lead exposure.
Created a reference database to organize reference material on adverse health effects from exposure to silica. Reviewed and evaluated literature on silicotuberculosis related to health effects.
Researched and analyzed workers compensation systems related to compensation for silicosis, by state.
Workplace Violence
Worked on an educational outreach conference on Workplace Violence sponsored by OSHA Reg. IV, e.g. researched and analyzed literature and data related to workplace violence and developed bibliography.
Health Hazards in Logging
Researched and developed section on selected health hazards for Logging eTool and Safety and Health Topics page.
Critiqued and synthesized articles on silicotuberculosis, focusing on the relationship of silica exposure, silicosis and tuberculosis.
Researched, analyzed and synthesized information to try and determine prevalence of silicosis by age.
Health Hazards in Woodworking
Researched and developed section on selected health hazards for the Woodworking eTool.

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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
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Washington, DC 20210