Solidarity Center

The Solidarity Center depends on the generosity and support of concerned individuals and organizations. Please make a tax-deductible contribution to the Solidarity Center Education Fund.
Where We Work

"By Organizing, We Are Not Alone"

As a college student and union leader in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Sayuti may not be a typical domestic worker, but she is passionate about domestic worker rights. Working part-time to pay for her and her sister’s educations, she hopes to start her own business one day, but she says she will keep working with the union forever.  

Mexican Mine Disaster Kills Seven, Underscores Abysmal Working Conditions
May 6, 2011—Another explosion in another Mexican coal mine has injured, trapped, and killed workers, some of them teenagers, leaving behind impoverished widows and orphaned children, and raising serious questions about lax safety enforcement and dangerous working conditions in the country’s coal industry. Mexican Labor Minister Javier Lozano Alarcón has said that it is unlikely that any of the 14 miners trapped nearly 200 feet below the surface will be found alive.

Who Killed Chea Vichea?
Chea Vichea was president of the Cambodian garment workers' union. His assassination in 2004 is chronicled in a new documentary, "Who Killed Chea Vichea?" which will run on PBS stations in the United States this month. See the movie trailer and a companion video, in which the Solidarity Center's Alonzo Suson appears, at: Watch your local listings for show times.

Workers Worldwide Celebrate International Labor Day
May 6, 2011—Around the word, workers gathered on May 1 to commemorate their long struggle to promote respect for worker rights and dignity. In Swaziland, a newly united labor movement is on the march. In Morocco, workers hailed a new "social dialogue" settlement. In Mexico, union protests helped stall detrimental labor law reform. Egypt celebrated its first true Labor Day in 50 years.

May Day: Arab Workers' Demands for Jobs and Rights Echo Across Region
May 2, 2011—Tens of thousands of people across the Arab world demonstrated on May Day to demand decent jobs, social justice, and an end to repression. At trade union rallies across the region, from Iraq in the east to Mauritania in the west, workers from all walks of life added new momentum to the groundswell for democracy and worker rights following the fall of the dictatorships in Egypt and Tunisia.View photos of May Day rallies around the world.

Worker Organizations Remain Vigilant as Mexico Labor Law Reform Stalls
May 2, 2011—A controversial reform of labor law in Mexico, which would strip workers of rights long enshrined by Mexico’s constitution, has lost some momentum but still remains a threat. Lawmakers stepped back from forcing quick passage of the reform after unions and workers took to the streets in protest. Deemed in the press “a labor law bosses would love,” the reform would make it easier for employers to hire temporary workers and fire them without penalties.

"Winds of Change for Social Justice and Democracy"
May 1, 2011—Today as trade unionists around the world celebrate the role of workers in the fight for democracy and social justice, the international union movement takes inspiration from winds of change sweeping across Arab countries. Our proud traditions of solidarity are the foundations of social progress, democracy, and peace, and they give us the strength to make real the dream of a global economy based upon justice, equality, humanity, and sustainability.

Côte d'Ivoire: Getting Citizens a Seat at the Table
April 28, 2011—These are exciting but challenging times for the people of Côte d'Ivoire. As the nation struggles through political transition and an economic crisis, labor organizations and other civil society groups must act immediately to secure a spot for ordinary citizens at the new government’s table, according to experts at a recent panel discussion on Côte d'Ivoire’s transition. “For workers, the battle has only begun,” says the Solidarity Center's Marc Bayard.

Workers Memorial Day
April 28, 2011—Every day, more than 2.3 million people die from work-related accidents and illnesses--an avoidable tragedy as many occupational injuries are preventable. Today, on Workers Memorial Day, the Solidarity Center joins the global labor movement in calling for better protection of all workers.

Egyptian Workers Call for Democracy, Social Justice, and Jobs
Since January 25, the Egyptian people have bravely taken to the streets by the hundreds of thousands to call for an end to decades of authoritarian rule and to demand democracy and social justice. This is a major grassroots movement of historic significance in Egypt and the region, and workers' issues are front and center. We will post unfolding events on this page, so please check back regularly for updates.

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