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Point of View

Check out recent guest columnists on Point of View.

 Wage Theft in America: A Crisis We Can Solve
By Kim Bobo
Founder and Executive Director of Interfaith Worker Justice
 'Battle in Seattle'
By Stuart Townsend
Actor/Director, 'Battle in Seattle'
 Workers: Backbone and Brains of Our Economy
By Thomas A. Kochan
Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management
 A Week in the Tobacco Fields
By Baldemar Velásquez
Founder and President of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC)
 We Can't Afford Another Train Wreck
By Bill Press
Author, Train Wreck, and Host, 'The Bill Press Show'
 The Big Squeeze
By Steven Greenhouse
Reporter, The New York Times
 Unions and the Public Interest
By David Brody
Professor Emeritus, University of California-Davis
 Unions: Ensuring Social Justice for African Americans
By John Schmitt, Senior Economist with the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), and Dean Baker, Co-Director of the CEPR
 Unemployment Benefits Need to be Extended NOW
By Christine Owens
Executive Director, National Employment Law Project
 Is Inequality Making Us Sick?
By Larry Adelman
Creator/Executive Producer, 'Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?'
 The Recession and the Freedom to Organize
By Dean Baker
Co-Director, Center for Economic and Policy Research
 Forty Years Since King: Labor Rights Are Human Rights
By Michael Honey
History Professor, University of Washington, Tacoma
 Rx for Recession: An Economic Strategy that Works
By Lawrence Mishel
President, Economic Policy Institute
 Race and Labor in America
By Robert Zieger
Professor of History, University of Florida
 Right to Organize, Right to Strike
By Julius Getman
Professor, University of Texas
 Level the Playing Field for Public Safety Employees
By Paul Clark
Professor, Penn State University
 Why More Women Don’t Hold Office
By Jennifer Lawless
Political Science Professor, Brown University
 We Must Close the Wealth Gap. We Must Vote
By Allan Ornstein
Professor of Education, St. John's University
 Reflections on Hip Hop
By Michael Eric Dyson
University Professor, Georgetown University
undefined 'The Myth of the Greedy Founders'
By Thom Hartmann
Host, Air America Radio 
 'Diversity Is Our Strength'
By UAW Secretary-Treasurer Elizabeth Bunn and AFT Secretary-Treasurer Nat LaCour
 Real Flextime—Union Made
By Netsy Firestein
Executive Director, Labor Project for Working Families
 What if John Edwards Worked at Wal-Mart?
By Ellen Bravo
Former Director, 9to5, National Association of Working Women
 The Real Political Purpose of the ICE Raids
By David Bacon
Photojournalist and Trade Unionist
 The Under 34, Underpaid Underdogs
By Tamara Draut
Director, Economic Opportunity Program at Demos
 Economic Democracy Works
By John August
Executive Director, Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions
 Congress Should Reverse Recent Labor Board Decisions
By Dmitri Iglitzin, Labor Law Attorney in Seattle, and
Steven Hill, Political Reform Director at the New America Foundation
 Needed: A New Wave of Energy for Justice
By Joseph Lowery
President Emeritus, SCLC
 The Latino Vote
By Dr. Gabriela D. Lemus
Executive Director, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA)
 Investigate the NLRB
By Andrew Kersten
Associate Professor of American History and Chair of the Department of Social Change and Development at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
 The Economy Mattered Nov. 7
By Geoff Garin
President, Peter D. Hart Research Associates
 Labor Board Leaves Workers in Twilight Zone
By Harley Shaiken
Director of the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley
Recruiting Nurses from Abroad Is Not the Answer to the U.S. Nursing Shortage
By Paul Clark, James Stewart and Darlene Clark
Faculty Members at Penn State University
 Old Problems, New Solutions
By Jared Bernstein
Senior Economist, Economic Policy Institute
 Unions Built the Middle Class and Must Save It
By Richard A. Levins
Professor Emeritus of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota
 U.S. Labor Law Is Broken
By Mary Beth Maxwell
Executive Director, American Rights at Work
 No Red or Blue States, Working Family States
By Brian Schweitzer
Governor of Montana

Finding a Place for Immigrant Workers in Today’s Labor Movement
[Spanish version]

By Janice Fine
Assistant Professor, Labor Studies and Employment Relations, Rutgers University

 Can You Afford to Retire?
By Hedrick Smith
FRONTLINE Correspondent
 The Rollback of Immigrant Workers' Civil Rights
By Ana Avendaño, Laywer in the AFL-CIO Office of the General Counsel, and
Marielena Hincapié, Labor Lawyer with the National Immigration Law Center
 Jobs: Now You See Them, Now You Don’t
By Greg LeRoy
Executive Director, Good Jobs First
 The Global Class System
By Jeff Faux
Founder and Former President, Economic Policy Institute
 Organizing Against the Odds
By Immanuel Ness
Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
 This MLK Day, Remember Katrina's Real Victims
By Michael Eric Dyson
Avalon Professor in the Humanities, University of Pennsylvania
 American Workers Need to Bring About Change
By Clyde Rucker
Former Senior Customer Representative, Verizon Wireless
 Current Labor Law Betrays Our Democratic Values
By David Bonior
Chairman, American Rights at Work
 Tax Cuts for the Wealthy—The Wrong Priority
By Joel Friedman, Senior Fellow, and
John Springer, Senior Writer, CBPP
 The Truth About Drug Companies
By Marcia Angell, M.D.
 Reclaiming Thomas Paine, Reviving Democracy and American Labor
By Harvey J. Kaye
Professor, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
 Labor Rights Are Civil Rights
By Julian Bond
Chairman, NAACP
 Hurricane Katrina: What Would FDR Do?
By Thomas A. Kochan
Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management
 This Labor Day, Are You Afraid?
By Robert Heustess
Parts Assembler, Freightliner, Gastonia, N.C.
 Don’t Gut Family and Medical Leave
By Ellen Bravo
Coordinator, Multi-State Working Families Consortium
 What My Daddy Did
By James C. Moore
Author, Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential
 Find Labor’s Soul
By Michael Kazin
Professor, Georgetown University
 America Needs to Remember Workers' Role
By Studs Terkel
Author, Working
By Greg Spotts
Author, CAFTA and Free Trade: What Every American Should Know
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